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《Picked up a billionaire under the covered bridge》Plot introduction

Auth:Core Water Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

《Picked up a billionaire under the covered bridge》This is a short drama with a very exciting plot. Many friends are very interested in this short drama. The editor has brought you a synopsis of the plot for those who are interested.Friends, welcome to come here and have a look!

《Picked up a billionaire under the covered bridge》Plot introduction

Because Ji Xiaoyun caught her boyfriend cheating on her best friend, she accidentally time-traveled to Ji Xiaoyun who had the same name in the 1990s.Because he was fired by the troupe leader, he had to leave the troupe dormitory. By chance, he got married to the honest and honest Qiao Zhijie and lived under the same roof.

Relying on his modern thinking and Qiao Zhijie's rich family background, he finally acquired the theater troupe and passed on the puppet show skills.And Qiao Zhijie is also the strongest wife protector.His originally regular life took on a different color because of Ji Xiaoyun's appearance.

The main plot of the plot includes Ji Xiaoyun's life, work and relationship development with Qiao Zhijie in the 1990s.

Ji Xiaoyun used her modern knowledge to help Qiao Zhijie's family business develop, while also insisting on protecting and inheriting the puppet show culture.

The play also shows Ji Xiaoyun's firm stance in the face of major right and wrong, as well as her love and protection of traditional culture.

The above provides all the latest information related to the plot introduction of - Picking up a billionaire under the corridor bridge. This information will have an important impact on the subsequent development of the plot. You will not want to miss any details..If you are willing to pay attention to all kinds of film and television entertainment information, then please pay attention to the line class, and you will gain a richer plot experience.

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