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《ICAC Investigators 2024》Full episode plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

The recently released 《ICAC Investigators 2024》 caused a stir after its broadcast and attracted the attention of a large number of viewers.Both the plot and the performance of the actors are quite outstanding, and it can be called a successful masterpiece.《ICAC Investigators 2024》The introduction of the full plot and episodes is a topic of great concern recently. We will talk about this topic today.

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Episode 1 plot introduction

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Full episode plot introduction

The Independent Commission Against Corruption received a complaint that the owner of Fu Xiang Building suspected corruption in the tendering process for repairs.After investigation, it was found that among the companies bidding for the Fuxiang Building project, in addition to Lin's Engineering, many other companies suddenly withdrew their bids due to different reasons, and it seemed that Peng Shao and Big K, who had gangland backgrounds, were involved.Situ Qiwen pieced together the entire corruption chain from various clues, and finally discovered that the mysterious operator behind it was Huo Wanlian (played by Zheng Zeshi), the boss of “Wannian Construction” who was hiding in the Chinese medicine clinic every day and directing everything.Jiang Jianqiu and the entire team of investigators were ready and carefully planned, hoping to collect evidence of Huo Wanlian's crime through Lin Qiang, the boss of “Lin Engineering”.However, unexpectedly, Lin Qiang was timid due to fear on the spot, putting the entire plan in jeopardy.

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Episode 2 plot introduction

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Full episode plot introduction

The Independent Commission Against Corruption received a complaint from the Correctional Services Department, which suspected that correctional officers were accepting benefits from prisoners and smuggling mobile phones into prisons.The ICAC dispatched investigators to the Correctional Services Department to investigate and found that two correctional officers Yang Zhilin (played by Luo Tianyu) and Li Jiwen had a close relationship with an inmate named Zhuhao.Yang Zhilin, who appears to be upright, has been performing well at work and seems to have nothing to do with the incident.On the contrary, ICAC officers discovered that Li Jiwen secretly solicited benefits from the visitor Zhang Xiaolan.The ICAC determined that Li Jiwen was a black sheep, but there was no further evidence that he assisted Zhu Hao in smuggling phones.While the case was reaching a stalemate, the Correctional Services Department decided to set a deadline for the warehouse search operation in order to prevent Zhu Hao from continuing to control outside crimes through the phone.Integrity officers have to race against time to find enough evidence before the warehouse search operation.At this time, Zhong Qiaoling and Ding Xin accidentally discovered the unknown side of Yang Zhilin...

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Episode 3 plot introduction

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Full episode plot introduction

The Independent Commission Against Corruption received a complaint that Xian Jiahong (played by Lai Chaoyun), the owner of the listed company Bravo Fitness, purchased a yacht in the name of the company for personal use and was suspected of embezzlement of public funds.The investigation found that Xian Jiahong had a close relationship with the banker, Uncle Cha, and it was suspected that the two conspired to control the company's stock price and even obtained ill-gotten gains through shell buying.Situ Qiwen and Anan listed all the relationships between Xian Jiahong and found that his personal assistant Chen Shuorong (played by Luo Ziyi) was Xian Jiahong's middle school classmate. He had been favored by Xian Jiahong many years ago and has been loyal to him ever since.Work for him with dignity.The ICAC took the initiative to seek Chen Shuorong's assistance.Will Chen Shuorong speak out for justice, or will he choose to turn a blind eye to Xian Jiahong's crimes out of gratitude to his benefactor?

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Episode 4 plot introduction

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Full episode plot introduction

The Independent Commission Against Corruption earlier received an anonymous complaint alleging that Zhou Wenzhe (played by Zhou Zhikang), a teacher at Dequn Middle School, has a close relationship with Pang Wenwei, the person in charge of the school contractor Zhiwang Engineering, and suspected that they were involved in corruption.ICAC officers immediately launched an investigation and followed Zhou Wenzhe to a tea restaurant and found him meeting Pang Wenwei.During the meeting, Pang Wenwei handed Zhou Wenzhe a paper bag containing cash with the intention of paying a bribe, but Zhou Wenzhe refused in person.However, the ICAC later discovered that Zhou Wenzhe had registered the business for his own company under the name “Yuetian Engineering”, and suspected that he had used a shadow account with the same name to steal the school's project expenses.What is Zhou Wenzhe's real purpose?Did he accept bribes?The truth of all this is still to be revealed.

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Episode 5 plot introduction

《ICAC Investigators 2024》Full episode plot introduction

The Independent Commission Against Corruption received an anonymous letter involving an insurance-related corruption complaint.The complainant alleged that a group of brokers organized and used improper methods to earn company commissions, and the mastermind was Le Qi (played by Xie Dongmin).After investigation, the ICAC found that Le Qi had a close relationship with a female guest, Huang Fengying (Cai Jie).Huang Fengying's husband Pan Decheng (played by Xu Rong) unfortunately fell down and died while hiking in the field. Not long before the accident, he purchased a huge life insurance policy for himself, and the beneficiary was Huang Fengying.After in-depth investigation, the ICAC decided to find Le Qi and Huang Fengying for investigation.During the questioning, Le Qi insisted that Huang Fengying took the initiative to give him 30“ of the compensation as a reward for accelerating the application for compensation.On the other side, Huang Fengying said that the other party asked her for 30” of the compensation.Just when the investigation was at a deadlock, the ICAC discovered that Pan Decheng had appeared in Hong Kong, making the entire case even more confusing.(finale)

The above is all the information related to 《ICAC Investigators 2024》the full episode plot introduction.If you want to learn more about the plot of the show, the backgrounds, development, and relationships of the characters, we highly recommend you pay attention to the line lessons.Through our website, you can learn about every detail of the play and observe the personality, characteristics and even emotional changes of each character.We will include as many elements and information as possible to meet your needs, allowing you to better understand and experience the beauty of the show.

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