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《onigiri》 Episode 11 plot introduction

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

《onigiri》 has received a lot of love from the audience and netizens as soon as it was broadcast. You can often see various discussion topics about it, and the popularity remains high. Today, the editor will bring you the 11th chapter of 《onigiri》This is a detailed introduction to the plot of each episode. Audiences who like this drama must not miss it.

《onigiri》 Episode 11 plot introduction

《onigiri》Episode 11 plot introduction

In order to dance the parapara dance with the girls from the Hakata Hot Girls Federation at a festival held on Itoshima, Yui Yoneda (Kanna Hashimoto) practiced repeatedly without telling her family and school people.

However, Yuta's practice appearance was discovered by her childhood playmate and classmate Yota (Sugao Araki), who followed her home quietly.At the train stop, he approached me and talked to me, pretending to be a chance encounter.

The above is the entire content of the plot introduction for episode 11 of 《onigiri》.If you want to know more about the detailed plot, the story behind the production, the character actors, etc. of this film and television series and want to explore, we will provide you with more information and intelligence.Please remember to follow us.

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