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《the rise of ning》Luo Shenyuan's biological mother?

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《the rise of ning》 has aroused heated discussions among many people since it was broadcast. Who is the biological mother of the male protagonist in the play? This is also what many viewers want to know. Today the editor has brought you the detailsContent introduction, if you are interested, you can take a look.

《the rise of ning》Luo Shenyuan's biological mother?

1. 《The rise of ning》The male protagonist Luo Shenyuan's mother was a maid who poured chamber pots for Luo Mansion. Luo Chengzhang got drunk and favored her, so he had Luo Shenyuan.

2. Luo Shenyuan’s mother was of low status. She was a black history that Luo Chengzhang regarded as a shame. Luo Chengzhang also hated Luo Shenyuan’s son.

3. Luo Chengzhang looked down on people of low status like Luo Shenyuan's biological mother. The drunken experience made him feel regretful and disgusting. This is why Luo Shenyuan was not taken seriously in Luo Mansion.

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