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《Lie detective》 Episode 3 plot introduction

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

The audience's evaluation of 《Lie detective》 is also very high.Many viewers said that this drama not only did a good job in portraying the story, but also showed profound thoughts on human nature.Recently《Lie detective》the plot introduction of the third episode has attracted widespread attention and discussion. Today I will talk about it with you.

《Lie detective》 Episode 3 plot introduction

《Lie detective》Episode 3 plot introduction

Kanoko Urabe (Honoka Matsumoto) works as an assistant in the detective agency of Yosuma Suzuka (Eji Suzuka).Kanoko was cleaning the office, and the room was full of rags.Because the poor detective's right-hand man got everything he wanted from others.Then, Zuoma remembered something and took the tattered things in the cart to the street with Kanoko.

Came to the old props store.Zuoma wants to use Kanoko's “ability to detect lies” to prevent her from bargaining for tatters.After Kanoko saw through the lies of the shop owner (played by Maenoya Tomoya) about the purchase price, Soma successfully sold the rags at a good price.At this time, the shop owner told the two that he was drunk on “60th Street” and his wallet was stolen.

One day, Youma's friend, detective Kaoru Hazaki (played by Ryosuke Tomokata), comes to visit.Although Zuoma treats Xin rudely, he is envious of Shikanoko who has no friends.Zuoma asked about the main points of the interview, and Tazaki showed him the photos from the magazine report.In the photo of the newly opened restaurant in “Rokujuban Street”, Tasaki said that the beautiful waitress (played by Kurumi Nakata) in the photo may be “Matsuha Peony-kun”.

A few days ago, Taranzaki fell down due to food poisoning after eating the dish given by Yuuma.After the left and right horses left in an exaggerated manner, a woman took care of Tazaki.Although Tasaki had never seen the woman's face, he remembered that the kimono had a pine and peony pattern, so he wanted to express his gratitude.At that time, Zuoma, who saw the female appearance and compared it with the photo, denied that it was completely different.However, Kanoko knew that Roma was lying...

We've given you all the information you need to know about Lie detective Episode 3.If you are interested in this movie or TV series and want to learn more about it, we sincerely invite you to continue to pay attention to the line class.Next, we will provide you with more detailed and rich content, including plot analysis, character introduction and other aspects of information.

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