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《Mistaken Love》Finale

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 23, 2024 Source:Network

《Mistaken Love》This TV series will be broadcast on the iQiyi platform on October 24th. The series tells a story of power and conspiracy. The ending of this series is also very happy. Let’s take a look at this series.The plot related to the finale!

《Mistaken Love》Finale

Li Conghuan's revenge plan was successful, and the misunderstanding between the male and female protagonists was solved. In the end, the two overcame difficulties and successfully got together.

A costume drama that combines elements of sadomasochism, revenge, intrigue, and suspense. It tells the story of an old love turning into an uncle and a sister-in-law, and a brother turning into a love rival.

The ninth princess of Zizhou, Li Conghuan, and the second prince of Qingshuo Kingdom, Mo Jin, were originally a loving couple. However, on the day Li Conghuan gave birth, she saw with her own eyes that her mother, concubine, and child were killed by Mo Jin's henchmen.Lost everything.After experiencing the betrayal of his lover, Li Conghuan embarked on a journey of revenge.

Li Daikun plays the sinister second prince Mo Jin, and Shao Yuqi plays the ninth princess Li Conghuan who is bent on revenge. Their former lovers reunited but became uncles and sisters-in-law. Betrayal and misunderstanding turned the two lovers into enemies, and staged a sadistic love affair.

Affectionate lovers bear the burden of family betrayal and misunderstanding, and their identities are reversed when they reunite. The infatuated prince and his vengeful sister-in-law begin a forbidden love, a game of hatred and love, and a hidden intention to kill, starting an ultimate pull of mismatched love and hate!

In Qingshuo's fifteenth year, Li Conghuan came back. She didn't come back to renew her relationship with Mo Jin, but she wanted to bring him and his entire family down from the altar!

Mo Jin was shocked: His former lover became his sister-in-law?

Our second prince, Mo Jin, originally thought that Li Conghuan had long since turned into the dust of history, and he was now enjoying great glory, becoming the most powerful prince in the Qingshuo Kingdom.Who would have thought that his former lover would reappear, and her identity would change drastically - she would become his sister-in-law!

You heard it right!Li Conghuan came back to marry Prince Mo Heng, which instantly made the atmosphere in Qingshuo Kingdom joyful. The festive atmosphere of the wedding filled the whole city, but Mo Jin was filled with panic.The “Little Huanhuan” he used to call is now the princess and his sister-in-law!This emotional entanglement is more exciting than any bloody drama.

Li Conghuan's return this time is not to find old love, but to take revenge.There was a knife hidden in her smile, and she looked submissive on the outside, but secretly she was thinking about how to destroy everything about Mo Jin.As for Mo Jin, he is no longer the second prince he was back then. He also harbors deep resentment towards Li Conghuan: Why?Why did she do this to him?Didn't it make her sad once?How did it evolve into today's life-and-death situation?It’s really a narrow road between enemies!

Brothers turn against each other: a drama of forbidden love between uncle and sister-in-law

Starting from this showdown between “grand sister-in-law” and “ex-lover”, the sadomasochistic atmosphere in the play continues to escalate.Although Mo Jin kept saying harsh words, it was clear that he still had lingering feelings for Li Conghuan in his heart.And what about Li Conghuan?She said "You are just a part of my revenge plan", but the old love in her heart still ached faintly.The two met again and again in the palace, and the exchanges between their eyes were full of gunpowder.

This period of sadomasochism is not just a simple emotional entanglement, but also intensifies the conflict between the two brothers.Mo Jin's brother Mo Heng seems to be gentle and elegant, but in fact he also hides a secret in his heart.He had doubts about this woman who suddenly broke into his life, suspecting that she had an ulterior motive.Li Conghuan, on the other hand, was able to move between the two brothers with ease. On the surface, she was the crown prince, but secretly she was planning how to turn the Qingshuo Dynasty upside down.

As for Mo Jin, seeing the woman he loved so much becoming his sister-in-law and even trying to kill him, the anger in his heart was burning brightly!The two people's assassinations and temptations in the palace were simply a good show. The audience was already obsessed with their grudges and hatred in front of the screen.

Emotional Outbreak: The Ultimate Battle of Sadomasochism

As the plot develops, Li Conghuan's revenge gradually advances, and Mo Jin's counterattack becomes more intense.This emotional entanglement becomes more and more intense, and every conversation and every encounter between the two seems to be walking on the tip of a knife.Every look in Mo Jin's eyes and every sneer in Li Conghuan's face were filled with unspoken emotional fluctuations.

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