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《the rise of ning》The ending is he or be

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

The recent broadcast of "The Rise of Ning" has detonated the entire audience market. Many viewers have been talking about it, and even followed the plot to empathize with it. They were immersed in it and felt that they were immersed in it.There is no doubt that - the rise of ning - whether the ending is he or be is definitely something that the audience is very eager to know and want to know.Therefore, the editor has specially compiled the following content for everyone to have a deeper understanding of the audio-visual feast brought by the rise of ning.

《the rise of ning》The ending is he or be

《the rise of ning》The ending is he or be

In the work 《the rise of ning》, the ending of Luo Yining and Luo Shenyuan is very gratifying.Their love was accompanied by many hardships, but it became stronger.After experiencing the test of wind, frost, rain and snow, the two hearts are still closely connected, just like two ancient trees rooted in the soil, leaning on each other to meet the challenges of life together.

Luo Yining used her outstanding perseverance to seek justice for her mother and successfully realized her long-held dream of revenge.This road was not smooth. She experienced countless setbacks and hardships, but never gave up.Not only did she uncover the old grudges in history, but she also managed the store left behind by her family in a lively and impressive manner.She demonstrated extraordinary business talents and wisdom, which not only won respect for herself, but also brought glory to the family.

At the same time, Luo Shenyuan, with Luo Yining's encouragement and support, embarked on his road to the imperial examination, and in the process showed outstanding talents and stood out.When he entered the official career with excellent results, the glory of justice also followed.At a critical moment, he bravely stepped forward and exposed an unjust, false and wrong case that had been pending for many years, completely clearing his wronged mentor and restoring his reputation.At this time, he not only realized his self-worth, but also used his firm belief and the power of justice to bring the real culprit to justice, demonstrating the immortal truth that justice will eventually defeat evil.

The love story of Luo Yining and Luo Shenyuan, like a trickle of water, merged into a sea, and became a good story in the word of mouth of future generations.They used their own experiences to interpret the true meaning of love and courage, proving that as long as they have hope and work together, they can overcome all difficulties and create a brilliant future together.Their legend is not only a personal achievement, but also a positive attitude towards life and a kind of courage from the heart, which makes every reader feel excited and inspired.In the end, they cuddled up to each other, weaving a beautiful picture full of tranquility and hope, and jointly composed a soul-stirring love movement.

The above is a detailed analysis provided by the editor on whether the ending of - the rise of ning - is he or be. I hope it can solve your doubts.If you have other questions about film and television entertainment that you need to know, you are welcome to pay attention to the subsequent updates of the line course.

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