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《Songshan Mountain in the World》Plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 23, 2024 Source:Network

《Songshan in the World》 is a newly launched short drama starring Han Yuxuan & Yuan Xia. It tells the story of Lin Tiansheng, a disciple of Shaolin Temple, who unlocks his own seal to protect the Shaolin Temple in order to protect the world. If you are interested in this short drama, you canCome and take a look!

《Songshan Mountain in the World》Plot introduction


Han Yuxuan&Yuanxia

Plot introduction

A hundred years ago, the God of Conferment descended from heaven to the Shaolin Temple.

Since then, there has been a list of gods in the world, and the top ten powerful people will be on the list.

As a result, Shaolin Temple has been eyeing by many forces.

Fu Wushuang used the pretext of breaking off the engagement to lead his troops to seize the order to become a god.

In order to protect the world, Lin Tiansheng, the most incompetent disciple of Shaolin Temple, unlocked his own seal and reappeared in the world.

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