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TV series《The story of pearl girl》Novel ending

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

《The story of pearl girl》 is a very excellent film and television drama, and the plot in the drama is also very good. Next, the editor and my friends will review the ending of the novel in the TV drama《The story of pearl girl》Let’s discuss it. I hope friends who read it will like this article.

Duanwu changed her name to Su Muzhe, bravely traveled to Yangzhou, became a generation of businesswomen, and finally got together with Yan Zijing.

TV series《The story of pearl girl》Novel ending

After experiencing various hardships and changes, Duanwu decided to change his name to Su Muzhe, leave Yan Zijing's side, and go to Yangzhou alone.In Yangzhou, she gradually emerged in the business world with her wisdom and courage, and eventually became a successful businesswoman.Yan Zijing, who originally planned to bear the stigma and hatred alone, finally relieved her knot and faced the storm with her.After the dust settled, Su Muzhe bravely reached the peak of jewelry art at the Saibao Fair, and many women who had originally succumbed to their fate also took on new life because of her.

The above is the explanation the editor brings to you about the ending of the novel of the TV series - The story of pearl girl. If there are more film and television news that you want to know, please pay attention to the follow-up updates of the line class.

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