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《Jiao Jiao side concubine promotion》Ending

Auth:Core Water Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

《Jiao Jiao side concubine promotion》 is a popular short drama currently, starring Fang Lei and Chen Tianxiang. It tells a series of stories that happened after the heroine traveled to ancient times. If you are interested, you can check out Jiao JiaoWhat is the ending of side concubine promotion!

《Jiao Jiao side concubine promotion》Ending

The heroine finally succeeded in ascending to the throne and got together with the prince Rong Jingze

Xiao Yingran, a modern girl, was born in ancient times. She relied on her wisdom to become a peerless beauty and married into the prince's palace as a concubine.

Facing the fierce and violent Crown Prince Rong Jingze and the favored Crown Princess Han Yiyi, she outsmarted and gradually won Rong Jingze's heart.

After going through many conspiracies and struggles, Xiao Yingran was successfully promoted and finally became the first wife!

The above is the complete content about the ending of 《Jiao Jiao side concubine promotion》.If you want to learn more about the background, development, and character relationships of the plot and characters, you are more than welcome to pay attention to the line class.In the future, we will provide detailed and rich plot introduction, analysis and character analysis to allow the audience to more fully understand and experience the charm of the series.

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