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《Indifferent Wind Chant》Is Ruowen's true identity An'er?

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

The recently released movie "Indifferent Wind Chant" has caused a sensation. It attracted a large number of viewers' attention as soon as it was aired. Those who have watched the show cannot stop and are immersed in the plot.Today the editor will discuss with you - Indifferent Wind Chant - Ruo Wen's true identity is An'er.

《Indifferent Wind Chant》Is Ruowen's true identity An'er?

《Indifferent Wind Chant》Is Ruowen's true identity An'er?

In this silent desert, among the whispers in the wind, there is an inextricable connection between Ruowen and An'er.Who would have thought that Ruowen, with a faint smile on his lips, was actually An'er.At this time, Huo Qingyun returned to the camp, but was enveloped by a feeling of loneliness as he drank to relieve his sorrow.He couldn't understand why Huang Beishang hated him so much, as if the promises in the past were like smoke and dreams, disappearing without a trace.

In the dead of night, Huang Beishuang sat alone in the tent, thinking a lot.The past between the two of them, those common vows and sweet memories, came to her mind, but now they became bitter and distant.The sadness in her heart kept welling up, and she tried to force herself to forget all this, but the unwillingness and mistakes in her heart made it difficult for her to let go.

At the same time, Rong Lao was observing Huo Qingyun. He knew the young man's inner struggle.Rong Lao said softly: “Don't force anything, fate is sometimes as elusive as sand dunes.” After hearing this, Huo Qingyun understood that the fate between the two had come to an end, but as a general, he shouldered heavy responsibilities and could not focus on his personal emotions.

“Remember not to let the enemy know your weakness.” Mr. Rong warned, a simple sentence contains extremely important information.Huo Qingyun thought of that past event. In the past, if the civet cat was replaced by the prince, the child An'er who would rather die for him had been reduced to ashes.At this moment, a figure flashed in Huo Qingyun's mind, An'er.He suddenly remembered the plum blossom mark on An'er's left shoulder. Was there any hope for her to survive?

He eagerly asked Rong Lao what the plum blossom mark looked like, and Rong Lao quickly drew the mark.Huo Qingyun stared at the painting in his hand and thought to himself that it was An'er's mark, and he had seen the same mark on Ruowen's left shoulder.At this moment, a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart: An'er might not have left.

However, this hope did not last long.At this time, Huang Beishang was in trouble in the battle and was besieged and held hostage by Huang Tian Kuang's army.Liu Qi looked anxious because of losing the military power in Tiandu, while the eunuch added fuel to the fire and suggested that Huo Qingyun be lured to Yunciquan to attack.With his keen insight, Huo Qingyun realized the sneaky collusion between the eunuch and Liu Qi and Nazhan, and thought to himself: There is no need to take the initiative to reveal all this, let Shaqu act carefully, so as not to alert the enemy.%

In this chess game intertwined with intrigue and love, everyone is playing their own role, but they don't know that their fate has already been quietly determined in the dark world.People are in panic and the wind is blowing. Can they find their true destination?Perhaps, it is during this unknown journey that people can get a glimpse of the deepest emotions and past memories buried in their hearts.

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