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Taiwanese Drama《We Are Not Kind Enough》Finale

Auth:Core Water Time:Apr 26, 2024 Source:Network

Due to the recent popularity of "We Are Not Kind Enough", it has immediately become a topic of discussion among netizens. Many netizens commented on the plot of "We Are Not Kind Enough" on major social media.My own opinions, especially about the finale of the Taiwanese drama - We Are Not Kind Enough - I have compiled some for you today.

Taiwanese Drama《We Are Not Kind Enough》Finale

The ending of the Taiwanese drama - We Are Not Kind Enough - the plot left several foreshadowings in the sixth episode. The screenwriter and director also made a big twist and tie-up to the character's story line. Here I will roughly do it.Several - the ending of us who are not kind enough - the foreshadowing of the story line is unified:

《We are not kind enough》At the beginning of the fifth episode, Jian Qingfen monologues-Have you heard of it?In fact, the entire universe has no entity at all. Everything we see, touch, and hear are just fragments of vibrating consciousness. In other words, our love and hate are like fragments in a kaleidoscope.It constantly confuses us, so our stories are actually all illusions.“This paragraph is very profound, very artistic, somewhat scientific, and has a strong philosophy, but it also very accurately uses this scientific theory to explain ”human psychology. The one in front of it is not kind enough.Us - In four episodes, the screenwriter went through the story lines of the three characters completely. Then in the fifth episode, the characters began to intersect. This intersection was like returning to the starting point. Why?The scene where the mother is sent to the hospital brings the three of them together.

I really like that the screenwriter and director let Jian Qingfen hear Rebecca shouting on the phone - I have the key to Mom He's house -, this is a moment where Jian Qingfen - I lost -, in the past, Jian Qingfen was sent to the hospital because of He's mother's car accidentOnly then did we have the opportunity to step into the universe of Rebecca and He Ruizhi. In the fifth episode of "We Are Not Kind Enough", there are many scenes full of irony. The screenwriter and director also brought out Jian Qingfen's true love for He Ruizhi, and also- just to please - the state of mind (what I mean here is not that Jian Qingfen only wants to please in love, it should mean that she gets love in a pleasing way. She also really loves He Ruizhi, but Jian Qingfen loses herself in it).

From the past - those of us who were not kind enough - in the four-episode plot, the audience will actually find that Jian Qingfen just wants to be a winner in love. She always wants to beat Rebecca (because she beats Rebecca)That moment was Jian Qingfen’s joy and happiness in life, just like - we who are not kind enough - Jian Qingfen’s monologue in the first episode also said: - happiness is actually accumulated from pain -), so she is in He RuizhiIn order to get He Ruizhi in the universe, He Ruizhi did a lot of things that were basically to please him, such as bringing a lot of snacks to feed He Ruizhi when he went on a business trip, making He Ruizhi a lunch box, and why He Ruizhi made a lunch when He Ruizhi went on a business trip.Ruizhi takes care of He's mother, etc. - we are not kind enough - when the screenwriter and director portrayed the role of Jian Qingfen, they almost used Jian Qingfen's constant efforts and actions to make He Ruizhi or He's mother happy to gain this affection andmarriage.

So after more than ten years of this kind of marriage, has Jian Qingfen been brought back to her original shape?Are you starting to realize whether this choice is the result you want?Such details are hidden in the fifth episode - we are not kind enough - Jian Qingfen wanted to take care of her mother-in-law, but in the end she simply forgot that her mother-in-law did not eat fish soup, and the audience will also find that He Ruizhi has been with Jian Qingfen in the fifth episodeSaid - she is my mother -, this story line echoes the previous words of Jian Qingfen's refusal to take her mother home to live (He Ruizhi even said - although your sister-in-law has a motorcycle, she is only willing to bring your mother back to live with her.“sarcasm), but after her mother-in-law fell, Jian Qingfen chose to always want to give to her mother-in-law.

This actually echoes what the screenwriter wants to emphasize. If she wants to know whether her original choice in Jian Qingfen's story line is right, she must open Schrödinger's cat's box to decide whether the cat inside is dead or alive.Therefore, when Jian Qingfen faced this marriage, because she wanted to pursue more happiness in a life that was too ordinary, she used Rebecca as an imaginary enemy to open the box. As for whether the result inside was goodYes, this is an emotional and human journey. I think the result in the box is not a moment, but a process, because the whole drama emphasizes the complex interweaving of human nature, and there are good and bad in a person.It is combined with good and evil, so the result will also be mixed with good and bad.

I like - "We Are Not Kind Enough" - in which the screenwriter discusses the source of the results in the box: - Is it the choice that chooses us, or do we choose the choice?“No matter which character it is applied to, or even the audience's own life, this is worthy of our reflection and exploration.What Jian Qingfen concluded about her choices in the plot is that - her consciousness allowed her to choose these choices -, just like - the trembling of consciousness - many illusory temptations in front of her are affected by the trembling of consciousness.Jian Qingfen's decision to choose, and the imaginary enemy she created made her look like a loser. To be honest, this loser was created by Jian Qingfen for herself~

”It’s okay, it’s just a tremor of consciousness. It’s okay. All dharma is just a dream. Poached eggs that you forgot to add salt are just a bubble. None of this exists. These are just fragments of consciousness. “Jian Qingfen is here《We are not kind enough》In the fifth episode, I have been using this theory to hypnotize myself so that I can feel better. Perhaps at this time, Jian Qingfen discovered that the love from He Ruizhi that she longed for in the past did not seem to be reciprocated., for example, Jian Qingfen sneaked into the bathroom to have some fun with He Ruizhi but was rejected. Jian Qingfen seemed to have entered the role of He Ruizhi just to make He's mother happy. Even the sex between the two was just a routine in the morning when they were suddenly in a good mood, without passion., there is no love, only formula.

However, these emotions are actually all kinds of suspicions and imaginations that Jian Qingfen gave to herself. She imagined that the sex between Rebecca and Yu Xiangli was very passionate and proud (in the first two episodes of the broadcast, Rebecca and Yu XiangliThe sex scenes represent Jian Qingfen's belief that Rebecca's "not" marrying He Ruizhi is the winning choice). This is how Jian Qingfen has experienced some happy moments and most of the pain in the process of comparing herself with Rebecca for twelve years.”Consciousness“, where does it come from?Why is it always awake?Buddhism says, 'Everything comes from the heart. It is everything our hearts remember that gives birth to everything.'" To put it bluntly, Jian Qingfen is so unwilling and uneasy now. In fact, it is not Rebecca's intention at all, but Jian Qingfen's variousSuspicion and imaginary enemies knocked me down.

I like - we who are not kind enough - screenwriter Xu Yuting gives the audience speculation and uses Jian Qingfen's super-realistic and realistic married life to bring the audience closer, because this is the psychological state that many women may have!In fact, the closer the plot gets to the end of Jian Qingfen, the more I think she deserves pity, because although the screenwriter made the conclusion that she was tripped up by her imaginary enemy, I feel that Jian Qingfen gave me a very strong feeling.Realistically, she feels that she is not loved not because she thinks too much, because she actually understands that her marriage and relationship with He Ruizhi came suddenly. The relationship between the two does not feel like passion and love, but more like a family.Responsibility and mutual need - that's all ~ I think - we who are not kind enough - the screenwriter emphasizes that - real life is very skinny - the portrayal of the two is very romantic in love, but when it comes to lifeIn married life, there are always a lot of realities that are impacting us, such as raising children, working, taking care of mother-in-law, etc. Jian Qingfen will envy Rebecca in such an environment, and then let herself fall into the pursuit of happiness again.Motive, this is also the true instinct of human nature.

”Why do you have this attitude?Why do you think this is all my fault?What did I do wrong?Didn't you buy the house?If you didn't want to move out at that time, why would you buy a house?What if you had married Zhang Yijing?《》We are not kind enough《Jian Qingfen in the fifth episode began to explode at the critical point. Jian Qingfen's unwillingness》suspiciousness《accumulated to the limit!In the fifth episode, the screenwriter focused on the role of Jian Qingfen, which is really exciting!Especially Ariel Ariel’s acting skills are super strong!

Rebecca has been Qingfen's imaginary enemy for twelve years. It should be said that it is Jian Qingfen who fills her inner stubbornness and competitiveness with satisfaction. This reminds me of Jian Qingfen's mention in the opening credits of this drama - happiness - actually means -Pain - accumulated. This sentence implies that Jian Qingfen has used this method to pursue happiness in marriage in the past twelve years. It is her achievement and happiness to win all kinds of moments of Rebecca. Therefore, when Jian Qingfen is now inWhen she was drowning in this pain, she began to feel unwilling and felt that her original choice was wrong.

We will see the various strengths of Jian Qingfen's character. She used her own flattery to obtain her current marriage with He Ruizhi. Rebecca's happiness is Jian Qingfen's failure. When Rebecca writes - the smile in his heart... I like it so much.This character“, Jian Qingfen wanted to reply immediately after seeing it”Is he He Ruizhi?“Jian Qingfen stirred up a lot of jealousy in her heart through Rebecca's various words. She felt that she was just a substitute for Rebecca. Rebecca could make He Ruizhi happy, why couldn't she?I thought the scene with Jian Qingfen’s ring was great. Jian Qingfen still insisted on inserting the ring that was too small. This was a sign of her unwillingness to admit defeat. It was paired with Jian Qingfen’s words: But I know that I simplyDidn't win, all this was just because my enemy abstained - it is portrayed that Jian Qingfen's game was just because of Rebecca's withdrawal and she replaced Rebecca. Jian Qingfen has only wanted to beat Rebecca for the past 12 years.

At the end of the fifth episode - We Are Not Kind Enough - Jian Qingfen also had this question - because of the tremor of consciousness, I became He Ruizhi's wife. I have been a responsible daughter-in-law, but there is a question, who can answer me?In He Ruizhi's consciousness, am I, Jian Qingfen, his destiny or love?”Jian Qingfen is losing herself more and more in her role in family and marriage. She can no longer tell whether He Ruizhi is with her because of love or because she can share the burden of the family and be responsible?I really love this kind of realism, which is also a realistic aspect of modern people entering into marriage.

Jian Qingfen's questions and confusion lie in the last sentence He Ruizhi said - thank you -. Do you think this thank you is based on love or on Jian Qingfen's conscientiousness?This answer is hidden silently in the sixth episode - We are not kind enough. When He Ruizhi came back from a business trip before, he said to Jian Qingfen for taking care of her mother - thank you - and now what Jian Qingfen feels - thank you - has complete meaning.Different, - I remembered those efforts, I remembered those humiliations, and then gave birth to my consciousness. My consciousness told me that I was not his smile, just his 'thank you' -.

The reason why Jian Qingfen feels that He Ruizhi has a sense of distance must be matched by the Finnish distance between Jian Qingfen and He Ruizhi between the screenwriter and director!I really like the argument of "Finnish distance", because He Ruizhi's "thank you" will make Jian Qingfen angry, because He Ruizhi's kindness has been so excessive that people feel a sense of distance, even though "thank you"It's good, but when you hear the words in the eyes of couples and lovers, it makes people feel so distant!Especially when Jian Qingfen decided to resign to take care of her mother-in-law, He Ruizhi's cold violence towards Jian Qingfen made me feel the most hurtful to Jian Qingfen, because Jian Qingfen had nowhere to vent her anger, but the quarrel between the two only ushered in He Ruizhi's direct apology.It shows that He Ruizhi didn't even want to argue.

In the fifth episode of "We Are Not Kind Enough", what I find very heartbreaking is the scene of He Ruizhi in her mother's ward - I have done everything you want me to do, what else should I do??Can you tell me?“My own interpretation of why He Ruizhi is so helpless or so indifferent to Jian Qingfen's idea of ​​not resigning to take care of her elders is not because he feels that Jian Qingfen has not fulfilled her role as a wife, but because he seems to feel what Jian Qingfen's love for him was at the beginning.It’s not true love, it’s just to cater to the people in his universe (because he saw Jian Qingfen’s conflicting feelings about not wanting to take her biological mother home, as if seeing Jian Qingfen’s true face), such an answer, He Ruizhi is also searching, groping, and hesitating about his original choice, so He Ruizhi also has that question - everything seems to be my fault, what should I do? - appeared.Due to the differences in past choices, He Ruizhi wondered whether he had pulled Jian Qingfen into his universe and made Jian Qingfen suffer. That's why He Ruizhi would talk about himself - blaming himself - in the later stage.

In particular, the screenwriter and director barely portrayed how He Ruizhi fell in love with Jian Qingfen. In addition to the fact that He Ruizhi's original choice of such love and marriage may really be based on his mother's expectations, I feel that this choice was He Ruizhi's love for Rebecca.Another way to let go of heartache, because Rebecca said to He Ruizhi - you may not have been hated, you are her son, she will forgive you soon, but I may be hated for a lifetime, being hated is really painfulDisgusting, do you know that?So, please stop being selfish, okay?”, such words were full of heartache for He Ruizhi. In that scene, He Ruizhi didn’t have a line at all, but it was full of realism and the impact of reality—he really understood it. So I thinkOn the other hand, He Ruizhi is actually Jian Qingfen’s apology~

Taiwanese Drama《We Are Not Kind Enough》FinaleLin Jingzong: - I got married when I was 28 years old. She is a very good friend of mine, but now we quarrel every time we open our mouths. Maybe one day you will be grateful for this regret. - The general manager's words gave a good foundation for this drama.This is a foreshadowing, which begins to guide the audience to explore the various states of mind of the character He Ruizhi when faced with the decision he made 12 years ago. He Ruizhi said that part in front of his mother - it seems that no matter what, it is all my fault. If you are unhappy, it is me.It's my fault that Qingfen is unhappy, and it's also Zhang Yijing's fault... Do you know that she was the one who saved your life?“, will this choice be regretful or grateful?He Ruizhiyou said to Jian Qingfen - Actually, I am looking for an outlet for self-blame, thank you for waking me up -, what is this kind of self-blame?In the fifth episode - We Are Not Kind Enough - the screenwriter and director emphasized the various complexities in He Ruizhi's heart. He would blame himself. I think we can look back at He Ruizhi's choices in the past. His self-blame was apologetic to Rebecca. After all, he wasWhen Rebecca broke up and resigned, He Ruizhi left a good path for her. This was He Ruizhi's apology to Rebecca, and because of his acquiescence to Rebecca's departure and the pain he felt, He Ruizhi blamed himself for letting Rebecca nowSuch denial of self.

And will He Ruizhi feel guilty about Jian Qingfen?I think He Ruizhi himself is a responsible man. Although he is not a perfect husband to me, he is definitely a qualified husband because he still cares about Jian Qingfen’s feelings, helps in this family, and understandsJian Qingfen's mood, so did He Ruizhi blame himself on Jian Qingfen?《We who are not kind enough》I thought so in the fifth episode!His self-blame is probably because he shouldn't have let Jian Qingfen into his universe in the first place. Because of his breakup with Rebecca, He Ruizhi acquiesced to Jian Qingfen, making Jian Qingfen think that He Ruizhi was truly giving love.A man~ So He Ruizhi became indifferent to Jian Qingfen because of the incident of his mother being hospitalized. His regret may be that he felt that he had pulled Jian Qingfen into his universe and made Jian Qingfen suffer at this time. Maybe He Ruizhi blamed himself.This decision makes Jian Qingfen so painful now, just like what he said in the sixth episode - We are not kind enough - it seems that no matter what, it is all my fault -, so for Jian QingfenIn other words, he also blamed himself and apologized.

”I just don’t like sweet words or trying to please others. I have been hated since I was a child. From my home to school to the company, I was hated. Being hated is really annoying. Do you know?So, please stop being selfish, okay?"Rebecca has her own personality. To this world, such people usually think that she is a person who is out of tune with society, because she does not know how to 'sweet talk and please others' like Jian Qingfen, which makes her in this societyIt’s hard to find my own place and belonging. Now I finally understand why He Ruizhi was so important to Rebecca in the first place, because He Ruizhi gave her a lot of strength and companionship along the way, giving her the courage to face a world that hates her, soDuring the 12 years when she let go of He Ruizhi, she had to endure it very hard on her own. She forced herself to grow up and helped her brother who was released from prison to deal with the aftermath. She faced it all by herself.

The character Rebecca chooses to withdraw from He Ruizhi's universe because of - family affection -. She has been helping her brother deal with his crimes since she left society. Although she is very tired, her brother is a kind of family affection to her.Although her brother has always been criticized by Mother He, Rebecca chose her brother in the end. This implies that Rebecca cherishes and values ​​such family ties. She has great kindness and forbearance. When faced with Mother He’s desire to drive her away,In fact, she knew all of He's mother's complaints about her, but she didn't blame He's mother because she knew how important He Ruizhi was to He's mother!

So - we who are not kind enough - in the fifth episode, when Rebecca told He Ruizhi at the door, there was a lot of understanding in it. In addition to not wanting to be disliked, I think she also knew what He Ruizhi meant to him.What an important feeling it is for a mother (this is why when Rebecca was talking about this, the background was interspersed with the negative emotions that Mother He told Rebecca about losing He Ruizhi. From what we can see, these words of Mother He areEmotional blackmail, but for Rebecca, she understood such dependence on family ties, so she chose to quit), so Rebecca asked He Ruizhi not to be so selfish. I think she was reminding He Ruizhi not to make her mother sad and annoying because of her.

And after twelve years, how will Rebecca feel about the regrets of this relationship?I think the scene between her and Yu Xiangli in the fifth scene - no fish or shrimp - was great. He saw Rebecca's inferiority complex in defining herself as a - bad woman. In these 12 years, RebeccaWalking alone, Yu Xiangli reminded her that she didn't have to be someone else's regret, maybe she could also be someone else's smile.“He’s a good ‘prawn’ even if he doesn’t have a fish or a shrimp”His tears“His inner smile”I really like the flow and evolution of these three keywords!

Taiwanese Drama《We Are Not Kind Enough》FinaleI think in the past 12 years, Rebecca may now feel that she has grown and tempered along the way (so she has figured it out). Perhaps He Ruizhi is no longer a regret for Rebecca, but gives her an opportunity to grow.Because He Ruizhi was not by her side, she forced herself to digest and grow, and finally saw the light.I think that's how people grow. They don't realize it in one moment, but they slowly pick up the fragments along the way to fill themselves up, and finally piece together a complete self.

I really like - those of us who are not kind enough - Rebecca's growth in the fifth episode!She said that - I also want to thank Rebecca, the Rebecca of twelve years ago, because she made a decision that she cannot regret, so I want to hate her more than anyone who hates her, and I hate someone more than I love her.It’s much easier to be alone. Just when you are about to fade into a black hole, the ones reaching out are actually people you didn’t expect. It’s really hard to say what is cause and what is effect - it touches my heart very much!She has always been the one who hates herself. Now she sees at this moment that her sincerity can also bring good results to herself. It took her 12 years to finally realize that she has ignored that there are actually people in this world who do not hate her.She, and those who unexpectedly came to her aid.

Jian Qingfen's current life is - day after day -, she once said to He Ruizhi - But I don't want to be trapped in this room day after day. I also want to chat with my colleagues and gossip, and then dress very well. When Jian Qingfen goes to meet clients, I also look forward to the kind of happiness she feels before get off work on Friday - and the fifth episode - We are not kind enough - because Jian Qingfen's consciousness once again pushes her into her - day after day - —, taking care of her mother-in-law, taking care of her children, and being stuck in the house ~ But the sixth episode really surprised me. Just like Rebecca, she longs to be affirmed, loves, and cares. Could it be that the choice she made 12 years ago is Can't it bring some new dawn?

Episode 6 - We Are Not Kind Enough - Jian Qingfen has a new goal in the process of taking care of her mother-in-law, which is to collect praises from others. This little bit of strength is enough for her to face it bravely.Tomorrow's sun.However, according to Jian Qingfen's personality, she wants to win over Rebecca. She wants to prove that her choice 12 years ago can also be turned into a good choice.We have been looking at Jian Qingfen's heart. I think she has been working hard to correct her past inferiority complex after realizing that she lost. In the sixth episode - We are not kind enough - Dr. Li Lu appears inAround Jian Qingfen, He Ruizhi has been indifferent to Jian Qingfen since her mother's incident. It may be said that she is overly polite and has a Finnish distance. This excessive politeness is like He Ruizhi's gratitude is not based on love, but on the basis of love.It's simply a debt - a thank you.

Taiwanese Drama《We Are Not Kind Enough》Finale

In the sixth episode - We Are Not Kind Enough - is the appearance of the doctor - mental cheating - or - physical cheating -?From my own interpretation, it is very similar to Jian Qingfen's subconscious desire to resolve and vent some resentment. Dr. Lu is the only way Jian Qingfen can vent her unwillingness!I think the screenwriter and director gave the audience a relatively open imagination. Can Dr. Lu be the image imagined by Jian Qingfen, a character who understands himself, someone who can give him comfort, care and love, and become a spiritual derailment? Of courseIt could also be that it was really Jian Qingfen's physical infidelity with Dr. Lu.The screenwriter and director created an ambiguous uncertainty in this place. Jian Qingfen seems to be taking revenge on He Ruizhi. Jian Qingfen's words - "I slept with someone else" - - it feels better now - are all filled with - anger -—Wanting to retaliate, maybe the relationship between Jian Qingfen and the doctor was just her imagination, and she deliberately told He Ruizhi~

But I think no matter what, this scene highlights the emptiness in Jian Qingfen’s heart that needs to be filled. Dr. Lu is the only person who can understand her and give her comfort. I think He Ruizhi also understands this.This is why he told his son that maybe there was something wrong with his father, but He Ruizhi couldn't get out of his self-blame.

《We are not kind enough》In the sixth episode, the screenwriter and director gave Jian Qingfen a great change, that is, she found herself tripped up by her imaginary enemy and consciousness. The screenwriter silently gave the answer, hinting at He Ruizhi's love for Jian Qingfen.In fact, Jian Qingfen’s love is not bad at all. Jian Qingfen amplified this negative energy in her many grievances, making her life hard and miserable. As a result, many beautiful things were distorted by her own consciousness, and she missed those“The feeling of being loved.

Taiwanese Drama《We Are Not Kind Enough》FinaleThe red leaf cake is indeed not only liked by Rebecca, but also by Jian Qingfen. He Ruizhi bought the cake for Jian Qingfen because He Ruizhi knew that Jian Qingfen liked it, but it was amplified by Jian Qingfen that He Ruizhi only thought about Rebecca, - we are not kind enough - Episode 6I like the ending very much, because the screenwriter and director still portrayed and fermented the marriage story line between Jian Qingfen and He Ruizhi. The suspicion in Jian Qingfen's past destroyed her, and He Ruizhi's kindness to Jian Qingfen was indeed - love 《 and - delicate care -, but the romance is overshadowed by the reality (the writer and director gave a great twist to the story behind the cake and the ring)!And He Ruizhi also said to the child in the sixth episode that dad actually made mistakes, which implies that He Ruizhi knew that many of his acquiescence and indifference had hurt Jian Qingfen's heart, and Jian Qingfen was also shocked that she hadHe is the one who makes himself suffer and persevere. I really like the ending of the sixth episode. Jian Qingfen said - My consciousness made me focus on looking at the front of me on the runway, and I couldn't help but look at the enemy on the other side, so, I tripped over myself - it wasn't until the sixth episode - We Are Not Kind Enough - that the screenwriter and director revealed that Jian Qingfen had lived her life as if she was a victim of marriage, letting herself go day after day.It was himself who wanted to cheat, but in the end, ironically, it was Jian Qingfen himself who cheated on her, not He Ruizhi.”Do we choose to choose, or do we choose to choose us? We have to open the box to know whether the cat is dead or alive”, and Jian Qingfen opened the box like a Pandora's box, with many details in it.Only when she faces and understands now can she truly know the truth and understanding. What Jian Qingfen understands is not only the kindness of others, but also - seeing the truest self!This is very consistent with what the screenwriter said - we are all far away from our true selves - this sentence is simply the best portrayal of everyone's life!

》Among us who are not kind enough》, who is not kind?Who is kind?Is it because kindness makes us see unkindness?In the ending, I really liked the multi-faceted thinking that the screenwriter brought to the audience. Jian Qingfen discovered herself among her own unkindness, and saw the kindness of Rebecca and He Ruizhi. Is 100% kindness really called kindness?I like the screenwriter to do some review and thinking on the word kindness. What is kindness to us? If we are kind to others, what about ourselves?And if you are kind to yourself, what about being kind to others?I like that this drama brings out a lot of thinking about two sides, which is the complex interweaving of human nature. I like the argument that screenwriter Xu Yuting brings to the audience - kindness is not flawless - we should not use one person's current perspective.To decide whether a person is good or bad!Only by thinking and understanding from the other person's perspective can we see the many kindnesses inside.

Taiwanese Drama《We Are Not Kind Enough》FinaleIn "We Are Not Kind Enough", in fact, the audience can find that Jian Qingfen and Zhang Yijing were born on the same day in the same year, the same month, and their taste in dressing and choosing men is the same, and because of the relationship between - quantum mechanics -There are different results, but what I want to say is that the screenwriter has done a great job of laying out, interweaving, brewing, and fermenting the story line. It is because the two became love rivals that Jian Qingfen has been understanding the character of Zhang Yijing and exploring her life,Explore her life, but on the other hand, when Jian Qingfen looks at Zhang Yijing, she is also looking at her own concepts. Because Jian Qingfen is jealous, it means that Zhang Yijing has some things that Jian Qingfen cares about and is obsessed with. When Jian Qingfen sees Zhang Yijing has some because of her choiceWhen she is in a lonely and fragile situation, if she thinks about it from another perspective, Jian Qingfen will also feel some resonance from this.

Therefore, when the two of us in "We Are Not Kind Enough" were approaching the ending, the screenwriter finally arranged for the two characters to face each other face to face, which brought out a lot of the audience's views on likes and dislikes. How should I say this, because the screenwriter is designingIn terms of characters, the character Jian Qingfen deliberately makes the audience wonder whether they want to like her or not. In terms of the plot, the character Jian Qingfen makes the audience feel more and more angry in the first half of "We Are Not Kind Enough" and has a strong character.- the smell of tea -, but in the middle and later stages, Jian Qingfen will make the audience soften and even feel a little pity and sympathy for her. The screenwriter cleverly filled the role of Jian Qingfen with kindness and unkindness. I think the audienceI definitely like Zhang Yijing, but I really like the realism of Jian Qingfen’s character, because I am similar to her. I am also an Aquarius. I am obsessed with winning and comparing in many things, but I also slowly find that I alwaysYou are forcing yourself to go on a path that may not be what you want ~ and the people around you are the ones who pull us out and wake us up!Only then do we find ourselves in too deep!

Okay, this is all about the finale of the Taiwanese drama - We Are Not Kind Enough -. If you like to follow dramas and watch dramas, please continue to pay attention to the line class. We will bring more exciting content in the future.It can help you gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries in the plot and better appreciate film and television works.

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