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《Rebirth and the determination to run away》Plot introduction

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

《Determination to run away after rebirth》This short play is very exciting. It tells us the journey of rebirth of the heroine in the play. She is constantly reborn to complete her regrets. Various wonderful scenes in the play are waiting for you to watch. Use rebirth.Changing fate against fate, the plot is very interesting!

《Rebirth and the determination to run away》Plot introduction

Starring Peng Daidai and Xie Hongxin

The story focuses on the heroine's journey of rebirth. She regains life after death, embarks on a path of revenge and counterattack, and finds true love in the process.For those who are interested in this kind of subject matter, this drama is worth watching.

In the play, the protagonist Jiang Yue has lived in an orphanage since she was a child, longing for the warmth of a family.However, when she was taken back to the Jiang family, she was left out in the cold because her family favored other members. She even suffered from stomach problems due to long-term neglect.The adopted daughter of the Jiang family, Jiang Sinian, secretly changed her medicine to vitamins, and Jiang Yue's condition worsened to stomach cancer.Unfortunately, everyone in the family believed the adopted daughter's one-sided words and mistakenly thought that Jiang Yue was pretending to be sick to gain sympathy.In the end, Jiang Yue was framed by her adopted daughter, expelled from the house and killed.Before she died, only Gu Jinchao extended a helping hand to her.

After her rebirth, Jiang Yue decided to make a break with her past family relationships. She began to focus on personal growth and was determined to repay Gu Jinchao's life-saving grace.Taking advantage of the reborn prophetic advantage and personal talent, Jiang Yue, together with Gu Jinchao and his friend Li Xue, co-founded Yong'an Group, committed to the revitalization of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, and gradually annexed the Jiang family's industry.During this period, she carefully planned to let Jiang Sinian reap the consequences.While completing her revenge, Jiang Yue also built a happy life with Gu Jinzhao and achieved a magnificent turn in life.

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