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《the rise of ning》How many wives does Luo Chengzhang have?

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《the rise of ning》Luo Chengzhang is the head of the Luo family. It is also because of him that there are intrigues everywhere in the Luo family. There are many relationships between the characters in the play, and some of them are related to Luo Chengzhang's wife. There are three wives in total., five children, let’s take a look at more introductions to the character Luo Chengzhang!

《the rise of ning》How many wives does Luo Chengzhang have?

《the rise of ning》Zhong Luo Chengzhang had three wives in total, namely the deceased Gu Minglan, the eldest wife Lin Hairu and Qiao Xiaoniang Qiao Yuechan.

Luo Chengzhang is the second eldest son of the Luo family. His two wives were married at the initiative of Mrs. Luo, but he did not love them and only doted on the scheming young lady.

Luo Chengzhang is not a qualified husband, let alone a good father. He prefers Qiao Xiaoniang and her children. He is particularly bad to the male and female protagonists and is a scumbag father.

Luo Yihui: The daughter of Luo Chengzhang and his late wife Gu Minglan has married into the Ningyuan Marquis Prince's Mansion.

Luo Yining: The daughter born to Luo Chengzhang and Gu Minglan was later considered not to be Luo Chengzhang's biological child, but was actually born to Luo Chengzhang's maid.

Luo Xuanyuan: The son of Luo Chengzhang's maid.

Luo Yilian: The daughter of Luo Chengzhang's maid.

Brother Nan: Luo Chengzhang is the son of Lin Hairu.

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