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《The movie queen who tears up the script to take revenge is so sassy》Plot introduction

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

《The actress shreds the script to take revenge and is so sassy 》- is a short drama about rebirth and soul exchange, starring Xue Binhong & Wang Tingyu. It tells the story of a top female figure who takes revenge after exchanging souls with a past CEO. It is touching.If you are interested, you can come and take a look!

《The movie queen who tears up the script to take revenge is so sassy》Plot introduction


Xue Binhong&Wang Tingyu

Plot introduction:

One is a top female and the other is a past CEO.

They were all manipulated by their enemies, and their fate gave them a chance to start over again, back to a year ago, when all the stories began.

Two unrelated people exchange their souls and use strange bodies to start a "Jedi counterattack" on a journey of revenge.

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