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《kill me love me》Who is the mysterious beauty?Is it Shumo?

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 23, 2024 Source:Network

The plot of 《kill me love me》 is really exciting. Currently, Meilin is looking for who the mysterious Meiniang is. The key information is the peony flower on her neck. So who is Meiniang? Many evidences show thatShumo, the editor has brought you a detailed analysis, come and take a look!

《kill me love me》Who is the mysterious beauty?Is it Shumo?

The popular drama《kill me love me》has been caught up to episode 7.Who is the mysterious beauty?In fact, three details have exposed him.

In order to get close to Meilin, Yue Qin took her to Honglu Temple to study Dayan culture as a beauty of Xiyan.Meilin is also willing to look for women with peony flowers around their necks.

However, Mei Lin did not find the mysterious woman.After all, none of the women here have peony flowers tattooed on their necks.Murong Jing and He Meilin guessed that the peony flowers were painted temporarily.Meilin tried to recall what happened that day in Wenhua Pavilion. She remembered that there was a fire that day and the woman's wrist was burned.

Because Mei Lin didn't usually smile, Ah Dai thought she was homesick, so he made light fruit cakes for her to eat and gave her his own whitening pills.Meilin discovered the clues about the whitening pills, which was also one of the first details that revealed Mei Niang’s identity.

It turns out that although the whitening pill will turn white after taking it, a person's voice will become thinner within an hour after taking it.Therefore, Murong Jinghe concluded through Qingyan's state after taking the whitening pills that the so-called mysterious woman should be a man pretending to be a woman.

Furthermore, in order to cover up the Adam's apple that only men have, this person painted peonies on his neck.

So, who is this man pretending to be a woman?After all, most of the people in Honglu Temple are women.There are very few men here.

At this time, there was a key detail. Yue Qin said to Shumo, what has happened to you these days?Why is your face so white?From this sentence, we can know that Shumo is using whitening pills, but he didn't say it out loud, he just covered it up vaguely.

Then, there is the second detail, the burns on the wrists.

Because Ah Dai's wrists were burned while making light fruit cakes, she was poisoned to death as a mysterious woman.Aunt Shang only said that Ah Dai accidentally ate poisonous mushrooms.When Ah Dai was carried away, the scars on his arms were clearly visible.Shumo subconsciously held his right wrist with his left hand.

This detail further proves that Shu Mo is the so-called Meiniang.However, no one could discover his little tricks.After all, Shumo usually remained silent and was just a follower around Yue Qin.He has almost no presence.

It turns out that Murong Xuanlie was the one who ordered Aunt Shang to kill Ah Dai.In order to lure out the mastermind behind the scenes, Mei Lin deliberately burned her wrists. Therefore, she was treated as a target and sent to the embroidery room by Aunt Shang, who also wanted to kill her for destroying the late empress's embroidery.

Fortunately, Murong Jinghe arrived in time and saved Mei Lin.Because of the Meilin incident, Nanny Shang was assassinated by Wang Quan, a subordinate of Murong Xuanlie.

Although no one has discovered the secret of Shumo, the next step is the most critical detail.This detail completely revealed that the mysterious Meiniang was Shu Mo.

Meiniang not only had dealings with Zhang Yin, he also had secret deals with other people.Therefore, all their activities were seen by Qing Yan.She asked the visitor for two directions.But the hat she wore covered her veil, so she couldn't see clearly.

However, the face under the veil has exposed the ink.Although he put on makeup and powder, he still couldn't cover his eyebrows.Moreover, Shumo is not tall, so there is no sense of inconsistency in dressing up as a woman.

The above three details completely reveal that the mysterious woman Mei Niang is Shu Mo, the book boy and attendant of the Prince of Yue Qin.So why did Shumo secretly interact with the eldest prince and Zhang Yin?What is his purpose?

Yue Qin was left in Dayan Qingzhou as Xi Yan's hostage, and life would not be easy.Shumo must also suffer together.Although he was short and not good at speaking, he had his own ideas. He secretly pretended to be Meiniang and interacted with Zhang Yin, but Yue Qin had no idea.

From what the traders said, it can be seen that Mei Niang usually brings goods, but this time he wanted to guide people.It can be known from one sentence that Shumo usually has contacts with Zhang Yin and others just to make money.

However, Shu Mo didn't know that his behavior was clearly seen by Qing Yan.He can no longer escape, and Meiniang's identity can no longer be hidden.

《kill me love me》The production is well-made, the storyline is compact, and the picture presentation is exquisite and delicate, which brings us all an excellent viewing experience. I believe that through the editor's detailed explanation, everyone will be satisfied with《kill me love me》Who is the mysterious beauty?Is it Shumo?With a deeper understanding, if you want to know more related content, please pay attention to the line class.

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