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《Darkside of The Moon》What is the truth behind Jiang Kijun’s persecution of Yu Manyue eighteen years ago?

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 23, 2024 Source:Network

《Darkside of The Moon》 has finally been aired recently. It has attracted much attention before it was aired. It has a strong cast, the leading actors are all powerful actors, their acting skills are online, and the plot design is also very good.Today, the editor will talk to you about the truth about Jiang Kijun's persecution of Yu Manyue eighteen years ago - Darkside of The Moon.

《Darkside of The Moon》What is the truth behind Jiang Kijun’s persecution of Yu Manyue eighteen years ago

《Darkside of The Moon》What is the truth behind Jiang Kijun’s persecution of Yu Manyue eighteen years ago?

In that dark and humid coffee shop, the air was filled with the strong aroma of coffee, but everyone's heart hid emotions that contrasted strongly with this sweetness.Zhuo Huiyun nestled in the corner, secretly observing Yu Manyue. The jealousy in her heart was like a lurking snake, ready to attack at any time.Yu Manyue, the girl who always had a gentle smile, not only had excellent appearance and outstanding talent, but what Zhuo Huiyun couldn't bear was that she also attracted Jiang Jijun's attention.

Jiang Jijun, the young man who showed off his grace in the store, often paid attention to Yu Manyue, but when faced with Zhuo Huiyun, who also liked him, he always showed a look of disgust.Once, when she actively sold him a cup of her carefully brewed coffee, Jiang Jijun knocked it over mercilessly, causing Zhuo Huiyun to scream in pain.At that moment, the hatred and jealousy in her heart became deeper and deeper.As a woman who only knows how to use dark means to fight for love, she did not realize that this vicious idea was pushing her into the abyss step by step.

It was at this time that Zhuo Huiyun decided to take action.She found Zheng Youdong and Wang Yizheng and asked them for help in a sinister way.On that gloomy night, Yu Manyue ignorantly walked into the planned trap.She drank the cup of drugged coffee credulously, her consciousness blurred for a moment, and her body fell involuntarily, as if she had lost all her strength.Zheng Youdong and Wang Yizheng, on the other hand, took her away like hunting wolves, showing proud smiles.

Yu Xichen, who happened to be passing by at this time, accidentally noticed something unusual, but she was immediately involved in the vortex and was taken to Jiang's house together.That day, it was just an ordinary gathering, but it became a turning point of fate.Everything seems natural, yet heartbreaking.Zhuo Huiyun's insidious plot against Yu Manyue not only led her life to darkness, but also ultimately pushed herself to a more desperate ending.

Family, friendship, love, anger and jealousy intertwine into a tragic symphony, in which everyone is lost.Perhaps, in this world, the most terrifying thing is not being defeated by the enemy, but the innocence swallowed up by one's own jealousy.The choice shrouded in shadow is destined to pay a heavy price.

The above is all the information about - Darkside of The Moon - what is the truth about Jiang Kijun's persecution of Yu Manyue eighteen years ago.If you want to learn more about this film and television work, we sincerely invite you to continue paying attention to the line class.Next, we will provide you with more detailed and rich content, including plot analysis, character introduction, filming locations and other aspects.

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