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Who is the younger brother of Qiye Xue and Xue Ziye?

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 23, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, as long as you open the social app, you can see discussions about who is the younger brother of Qiye Xue and Xue Ziye%. This is definitely what fans are most concerned about. Today, the editor will discuss with you your opinions on who Qiye Xue Xue Ziye’s younger brother is.and ideas.

Who is the younger brother of Qiye Xue Xue Ziye

Who is the younger brother of Qiye Xue and Xue Ziye?

In the novel - Qiye Snow -, the relationship between Xue Ziye and her brother Mingjie is complex and profound.Although the two were not related by blood, Xue Ziye recognized the boy named Tong when he was young and regarded him as his own.The Mingsuke in front of her is not so much her brother as he is a part of the intertwined destiny.The emotion between them goes beyond simple family affection and becomes a bond of interdependence.

Mingsuke was originally a descendant of the Moga clan. He was born with the blood of demon eyes. Those deep and mysterious eyes once showed incredible power.However, God's will plays a trick on people.Since that inhumane tragedy, he lost all his memory, as well as his warmth and softness as a human being. He was forced to accept ruthless religious training and turned into a killer.During the training, Mingsuke was deprived of his inner emotions and developed cold killing skills, which was in sharp contrast to his former innocence.

And Xue Ziye always had a special concern for Tong.Although she knew that her brother's mind had been eroded by the dark past and had become ruthless and indifferent, she had no fear and even endured the poison in an attempt to awaken the deepest memories and emotions in his heart.At the critical moment, she used her life and courage to give Mingsuke support and belief, hoping to help him find his lost self and regain the long-lost warmth.

This story is not only about the search for family love, but also about the journey of redemption and hope.Although fate has given them many tests, the deep sisterhood between Xue Ziye and Ming Jie illuminates each other's dark hearts, allowing them to still feel a glimmer of warmth and hope in despair.It is under this close emotional bond that whether Xue Ziye and Ming Jie can finally overcome the cruelty of fate and find their true music has become the fascinating and important theme of this work - Qiye Xue.

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