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《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 11, 2024 Source:Network

The recent hit - It will be sunny tomorrow - is very popular. Many viewers not only follow episode after episode, but are also deeply curious about its plot and characters.There is no doubt that 《It will be sunny tomorrow》the complete plot and episode introduction has become a topic of great concern to everyone.Therefore, in order to let the audience have a more comprehensive understanding of this TV series, the editor has compiled the following relevant content for your reference.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 1 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Cheng Hui, a senior class student of No. 6 Middle School, basketball captain and skateboard enthusiast, has a free and easy personality and refuses to admit defeat. Unless he encounters an opponent who cheats during the game, he will simply rely on others and influence his opponent to lose points by diving. The result is unexpectedHe was sent to the hospital by accident.After his parents and teachers left, Cheng Hui couldn't wait to have a video call with his teammates. He was proud of his acting skills and prepared to continue pretending to be sick to avoid going to school.

Since there are no beds in the orthopedic ward, Cheng Hui was assigned to the general ward, and accidentally bumped into the monitor, Lu Yuqing, who was not only a nosy female academic, but also a well-known online article author.Lu Yuqing threatened Cheng Hui not to reveal what happened to him in the hospital, so he went to the hemodialysis room and took the initiative to apply for changing the time of hemodialysis.

However, her friend Peng Ran told Lu Yuqing that the school lecture would be tomorrow morning. Lu Yuqing was depressed that she could not change the hemodialysis time, let alone let her classmates know that she was sick, and planned to find a way to sneak out.Her mother, Zhao Shu, knew what Lu Yuqing meant and did not agree to her request, and arranged for her to stay in the general ward temporarily.

Lu Yuqing came to the ward with daily necessities and saw Cheng Hui and his parents at a glance. She deliberately found an excuse to add Cheng's mother's WeChat account to threaten Cheng Hui to conceal her hospitalization.Cheng Hui found someone to pretend to be his parents and joined the parents group. He was worried that Lu Yuqing would be cheated, so he had to bite the bullet and agree. The two hit it off and kept each other's little secrets.

On the other side, Tie Yi, who is also a patient in the hospital, is sitting in a wheelchair, doing ideological work in each ward. With his sharp tongue, he tricks the patients into hacking him on the APP.Although Tie Yi left campus early, he was still among his classmates. When he saw photos of everyone admitted to college and organizing group activities, he was sincerely happy for them and took the initiative to send blessings. However, no one responded to the message.

Lu Yuqing felt unwell and vomited again, which caught Cheng Hui's attention. He found the words “Kidney Disease Stage 5” posted on the end of her bed. He took out his phone and searched and found out that it was uremia in the late stage. He was shocked.When Cheng Hui was undergoing an examination, he saw a man crying bitterly not far away. He felt very uncomfortable. For the first time, he intuitively felt the despair that illness brings to people.

On the other hand, Tie Yi had been busy all morning, but not many people were willing to help him chop the knife. When he was depressed, he met doctor Sa Dong in the elevator.Just when Tie Yi was about to speak, Sadong decisively rejected him, saying that he and his family had helped him chop nearly two hundred times, and even his blind date had become famous because of this incident. There was really nothing he could do, so he recommended him to go to the general wardA man chops him with a knife.

Cheng Hui bought chocolates for Lu Yuqing after the examination, but Lu Yuqing was unable to eat them due to her condition.Tie Yi came to the general ward in a wheelchair and unexpectedly met Cheng Hui and Lu Yuqing, and had a great time chatting with Cheng Hui.At this time, Cheng Hui received news that the basketball players had come to the hospital to see him, so he quickly covered Lu Yuqing and asked her to hide in the bathroom without being discovered. Tie Yi also enthusiastically helped.The team members found Lu Yuqing's meal card and suspected that Cheng Hui and Lu Yuqing were in love. Upon seeing this, Cheng Hui quickly made excuses until the team members left the hospital.

In the afternoon, his father Cheng Zhibin and his mother Jiang Jing came to the hospital to visit Cheng Hui and brought him an electronic examination report, confirming that he only had a soft tissue contusion and nothing serious.That night, Cheng Hui was sitting on the stairs video chatting with the team members. He was very happy to learn that his opponent had been canceled from the game. Unexpectedly, the head nurse Chang Juan confiscated the phone and even Tie Yi's phone was taken away.

The two planned to go from a secret passage to the nurse's station to steal a mobile phone. During the process, they came to a room where items were stored and saw Yang Yang, a little boy who had been in a coma for two years.According to Tie Yi's story, Yang Yang became a vegetative state due to a spinal fall. Later, Yang Yang's father abandoned his wife and son. Only his mother, Mei Nanshan, stayed in the hospital to take care of the child, took the social work certificate test, and asked for a room to take care of Yang Yang. Tie YiThe nickname for Yang Yang was "Lai Lie", and over time it became “Tangtang”, which naturally became his nickname.

The passage leading to the nurse station was dark and scary, which frightened Cheng Hui and Tie Yi. Unexpectedly, they met Lu Yuqing at the corner and had a false alarm.Lu Yuqing planned to attend a lecture tomorrow and wanted to sneak out of the hospital with a abdominal dialysis box in the middle of the night. As a result, she got lost in the passage. The three of them walked together and almost made a scary joke.In the end, Lu Yuqing helped Cheng Hui and Lu Yi enter the nurse station, but Lu Yuqing accidentally saw Cheng Hui's examination report, which clearly read the shocking words “bone sarcoma”, which is a type of bone cancer.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 2 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

As early as a few days ago, Cheng Zhibin and Jiang Jing received their son's examination report. Although there is no such thing as bone cancer in medicine, it is indeed the case in a popular sense, and there is no possibility of diagnostic error.Sa Dong told the couple that Ge Huaying would be responsible for Cheng Hui's treatment next. Cheng Zhibin did not want his son to know about this, so he modified the report and lied that it only had an electronic version. Unfortunately, Cheng Hui accidentally found out about it.Until this moment, Cheng Hui felt that death was so close to him, but he had to face his fear bravely.

Early in the morning, Tie Yi couldn't wait to check his phone, but there was no reply to the WeChat message he sent to Cheng Hui last night.There is a very famous psychological theory among the patient group: the five stages after a patient is diagnosed. According to the analysis, Cheng Hui is currently in the first stage: the denial stage. The specific symptoms are frantically searching the name of the disease on the Internet, and then the more he searches, the more he becomes afraid and begins to feel anxious.Read some in-depth articles, put the sentences into your own words, and finally read some photo albums to look back on the past and completely deny that you are sick.

Just as Tie Yi expected, Cheng Hui went through a difficult night and started writing his will in the morning, writing down his online account number and preparing to give it to the destined person.Tie Yi comforted Cheng Hui not to be sad, but Cheng Hui pretended not to care at all, and even planned to buy a cemetery and take him to a custom-made luxurious ghost house.The salesperson saw Cheng Hui and Tie Yi wearing bracelets at such young ages and advised them not to be too anxious now and to go back and think carefully before making a decision.

Upon hearing this, Tie Yi quickly pulled Cheng Hui away to prevent him from actually buying a cemetery on impulse.Cheng Hui asked Tie Yi to go back first, and he was going to school to see his teammates. It happened that Lu Yuqing felt unwell while discussing a speech with her classmates. Her heartbeat rose rapidly, and she realized that she had to go to the lounge for a abdominal dialysis.

But before Lu Yuqing finished the abdominal X-ray, a classmate came to tell her that there was a problem with the speech. Lu Yuqing had to pause and put the X-ray box next to her.While waiting, Lu Yuqing's heart rate became higher and higher, so she discussed with the teacher to postpone the lecture. Unexpectedly, the abdominal dialysis box was taken away. As time went by, she felt severe discomfort and almost comatose.

Zhao Shu did not see his daughter in the hospital, so he guessed that Lu Yuqing had gone to school and immediately drove there. At the critical moment, he helped out Lu Yuqing, who was about to fall into coma, and took her back to the hospital.Soon Lu Yuqing regained consciousness. Director Gong reminded Lu Yuqing that her situation was very dangerous and emergency hemodialysis had to be arranged. Lu Yuqing felt guilty and blamed herself and took the initiative to apologize to her mother.Zhao Shu felt that he should tell the school earlier, but Lu Yuqing didn't want her classmates to know about her illness.

Cheng Hui was discussing basketball with his teammates and suddenly wanted to engrave his great achievements on the tombstone.Then Cheng Hui went home to get something and found that his parents were eating takeout and there were passbooks and bank cards on the table.Although her parents tacitly kept the secret secret, after only a few words of conversation, Jiang Jing couldn't help but rush into the bathroom and cry bitterly.His mother's reaction made Cheng Hui realize that his family's acting skills were all poor, but as a son, he should face it with his parents now.

On the other side, Zhao Shu was accompanying her daughter in the hospital when she suddenly received a call from the teacher.Lu Yuqing was worried that her mother would tell the teacher about her illness, but Zhao Shu still respected her daughter's thoughts and found an excuse to hide it, which moved Lu Yuqing deeply.In the evening, Cheng Hui returned to the hospital from home. He endured the pain in his legs and sat under the overpass. He entered the hospital after feeling slightly better. Looking at the joys and sorrows in the hospital, he felt complicated and heavy.

Cheng Hui brought the abdominal dialysis box to Lu Yuqing and said that he happened to see the box when he went to school and brought it back for her.Tie Yi took the initiative to message Cheng Hui and Lu Yuqing, and sent an encouraging message in the group.Cheng Hui was lying on the bed, continuing to endure the pain in his legs. Every attack of leg pain was like reminding him that life is so fragile and whether they will have a future shrouded in the haze of disease.

From this moment on, Cheng Hui entered the second stage: the despair stage, that is, he sighed all day long, had no love in life, and had no interest in anything.Tie Yi and Lu Yuqing tried to make Cheng Hui feel better, but to no avail, so Tie Yi decided to take him out for a walk. Dr. Sadong helped them cover up, but Director Ge Huaying gave him a scolding and told himAs a doctor, you need to have excellent skills, rather than just being empathetic and indulgent to your patients.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 3 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

After Lu Yuqing returned to school, she racked her brains to explain to Peng Ran why she disappeared on the day of the performance. Fortunately, Peng Ran didn't bother to dig deeper and just asked her to treat her to two hot pot meals.The 33rd Autumn Sports Meet is coming as scheduled, and the teachers and students of the school have entered the hot registration preparation stage. There are students signing up for all competitions, but there is no one for the Lake Tour Bicycle.

As a result, Lu Yuqing decided to hold an impromptu class meeting to persuade everyone to sign up. However, the students complained that Lu Yuqing had messed up the report meeting before, and as the class monitor, he should take responsibility.Seeing the quarrel in class, Lu Yuqing was silent for a long time and directly stated that she would sign up to participate in the city bicycle race.

On the other side, Tie Yi took Cheng Hui to bungee jumping to vent his emotions. Cheng Hui looked down from a high place without any fear. He felt that he was about to die. He was not even afraid of death. How could he be afraid?Bungee jumping.But when Cheng Hui was about to jump down, he suddenly felt fear and finally overcame the second stage. Thanks to Tie Yi for his good intentions, the two shouted their wishes to the sky.

During another re-examination, Director Gong thought that Lu Yuqing's recovery was pretty good. Lu Yuqing couldn't wait to ask if she could exercise to prepare for the next sports meeting.Cheng Hui's examination was also pretty good. At least the tumor didn't seem to have spread so far. Sadong announced that Cheng Hui would be transferred to the orthopedic ward and he would try to use a wheelchair to protect his legs during this period.

In order to better take care of their son, Cheng Hui's parents tried their best to adjust their working hours.The classmates gathered around and asked about Cheng Hui's examination status. Cheng Hui reassured them not to worry, everything was fine, and unexpectedly learned that Lu Yuqing had signed up for a bicycle.Cheng Hui and Tie Yi took the initiative to find Lu Yuqing, but it rained heavily. Lu Yuqing found a boy wearing glasses holding a parasol on the rooftop. He was about to be blown away by the strong wind, so he rushed to help.

Just when everyone was almost unable to hold on any longer, a long-haired girl appeared and solved the problem. Lu Yuqing and others discovered that the boy was holding an umbrella to protect the birds building nests under the umbrella.After this incident, the three of them met a boy named Dong Tianran, who suffered from Asperger's syndrome. His mother, Song Nan, told the head nurse that the child's situation was special and she asked them to pay more attention to it.

Lu Yuqing checked information and planned a route for the city bicycle race. Cheng Hui was curious as to why Lu Yuqing forced herself so hard when she could tell everyone about her condition.Listening to Cheng Hui's words, Lu Yuqing fell into painful memories, saying that she once had a sister who died of leukemia three years ago. Before that, she made her condition public, but was regarded as different and out of place.Therefore, Lu Yuqing hoped that she could integrate into the group and not suffer loneliness and cold eyes before her life passed away.

Not long after, Lu Yuqing participated in a city bicycle race. During the ride, her heart rate became higher and higher. When she fell, Cheng Hui appeared in time to help her.Cheng Hui then chatted with Lu Yuqing and persuaded her not to focus on what she had lost, but to look at new scenery. Even if it was dark, at least the lights were still on.

Under Cheng Hui's persuasion, Lu Yuqing finally plucked up the courage to walk into the classroom, announced to everyone her resignation as monitor, and revealed that she had uremia as an explanation for what had happened before.Just as Cheng Hui said, people are bound to lose something in life. If you insist on forcing it, you will lose more than you gain. Lu Yuqing does not want to lie and misunderstand everyone in the future. Her words received applause from her classmates.

Soon, Cheng Hui was told by the doctor that he needed chemotherapy, while Sa Dong informed Tie Yi that he had to go to Director Ge Huaying urgently.The eldest sister Tie Xinlan came to the hospital to visit Tie Yi. Both she and her younger brother Tie Yi are eloquent, so she is the most promising salesperson in the company.However, Tie Yi's treatment status was not good. The last round of chemotherapy was relatively poor. Ge Huaying arranged the chemotherapy as soon as possible, but Tie Xinlan had to go on a business trip and had to leave soon after coming to the hospital. Tie Yi pretended not to care., urging the eldest sister to hurry up and do her own thing.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 4 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

In the middle of the night, Cheng Hui and Tie Yi were in the same ward, both taking medicine due to pain attacks.Lu Yuqing transferred to a new ward and accidentally discovered that the patient next door was the long-haired girl who appeared before. Her name was Ji Hongli, nicknamed “Mr.Lu Yuqing felt very uncomfortable and had no intention of continuing to write.

Lu Yuqing was carrying her computer and was about to find a quiet place when she happened to meet Dr. Sa Dong and learned through Sa Dong that Cheng Hui had been asking Sa Dong questions every now and then since he was undergoing chemotherapy, making him tireless.Sadong suggested that Lu Yuqing, as Cheng Hui's friend, needed to do some psychological counseling.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Yuqing couldn't help but complain to Tie Yi and Cheng Hui about the patient next door. It turned out that Cheng Hui seemed to have a deep fear of chemotherapy, and she immediately thought of what Dr. Sadong said.At the same time, Ji Hongli accidentally touched Lu Yuqing's notebook, and unexpectedly Lu Yuqing turned out to be Yan Wu, the novel author she was chasing.

Similarly, when Lu Yuqing learned that Ji Hongli could draw, she came up with a plan. She was willing to tell the plot of Chapter 20 in advance and asked her to help her draw a painting. The content of the painting was about a group of friends in the ward defeating a wolf-headed man.Because of Tie Yi's company and Lu Yuqing's paintings, Cheng Hui worked hard to overcome his fear of chemotherapy.

At this time, Lu Yuqing walked in from the outside and told Cheng Hui about her idea of ​​planning this painting. Dong Tianran also participated, which moved Cheng Hui very much.Tie Yi heard that this painting was painted by Ji Hongli herself and felt it was necessary to drag her into the ”Chop-a-Knife% group. Cheng Hui was speechless and found it funny.

On the other side, Ji Hongli's father, Ji Guangyao, runs a canteen. There is a man named Brother Gou who often takes credit. In the past three years, he owed more than 6,000 from credit to borrowing money. Ji Hongli couldn't stand it and asked for the money for her father.However, Ji Guangyao has a weak character and only thinks about the importance of peace and harmony in neighborly relations. He neglects his daughter's illness. Little did he know that Ji Hongli was diagnosed with malignant tumors such as dysgerminoma, and subsequent treatment and expenses became a big problem.

Cheng Hui and Tie Yi underwent chemotherapy and endured nausea throughout the process. Lu Yuqing and Dong Tianran took turns accompanying them.Dong Tianran put on headphones and played songs for the two of them to divert their attention.Cheng Zhibin brought rice porridge to the hospital. Tie Yi saw that Cheng Hui had the care and love of his parents, and his heart was full of envy. His sister only sent a few messages to inquire, but he always reported good news but not bad news.

The next morning, Ji Hongli returned to the hospital and happened to see Dong Tianran buying water. Considering his difficulty in moving, she took the initiative to help and sent him to the ward.Lu Yuqing saw this scene and couldn't help laughing, thinking that Ji Hongli looked cold on the surface, but was actually a very warm-hearted girl.

At the end of the chemotherapy, Cheng Hui and Tie Yi couldn't bear it anymore and vomited. Lu Yuqing took good care of them.Cheng Hui's parents also came to the hospital frequently, and they felt very uncomfortable seeing their son being tortured like this.Since Ji Hongli had to have a gastrointestinal examination, she needed someone to accompany her, so Lu Yuqing knew that Ji Hongli had no relatives to accompany her, so he simply signed as her escort.

Lu Yuqing was curious about how Ji Hongli, who was so beautiful and should be praised by all the stars, had a tomboyish personality. Ji Hongli laughed at herself and could only do this because no one else could count on her. The image of her mother leaving home appeared in her mind.Cheng Hui taught everyone to daydream to relieve their discomfort. Under Cheng Hui's guidance, everyone seemed to be on a beach. Tie Yi was pleasantly surprised to find that he had complete legs.

In the daydream, five friends gathered at the beach, laughing and joking. It was very lively and felt very good.Lu Yuqing felt that there was something in her daydream, and the others all mentioned the sunset. They ran under the sunset, danced around the bonfire and set off fireworks under the night sky, and quickly got through the chemotherapy.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 5 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Cheng Hui was bored after finishing chemotherapy. He originally wanted to play basketball in the playground to relieve his boredom, but he didn't know that his hands were too weak to shoot the basket. He tried again and again, and his self-confidence was almost exhausted.Because Cheng Hui and the others had agreed to play a game in three days, but their current condition was not satisfactory, so the patient Lao Ding became a coach and trained them how to shoot from a wheelchair.

However, after three days, Cheng Hui did not feel that he had made any progress. Moreover, his opponents were all physically strong and had electric wheelchairs. He soon took the lead with a crushing score.Dong Tianran suffered from leg pain and was not suitable for playing anymore. Lu Yuqing wanted to come on as a substitute, but her body could not exercise strenuously. Fortunately, Ji Hongli appeared in time and single-handedly turned the situation around and won the game.

At this time, Dr. Sadong came over and reminded everyone that the head nurse would be coming soon, which scared everyone and ran away.Cheng Hui and Tie Yi were proud of themselves, but Lu Yuqing and others felt that it was only because of Ji Hongli that they achieved such good results, and they admired her even more.Lao Ding came down from the rooftop and took the initiative to say hello, but he called someone else's name, which made everyone present confused. Later they learned that Lao Ding had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, which is commonly known as the elderly.Dementia sometimes makes it difficult to recognize people.

Everyone learned that Lao Ding played in a band and formed a club when he was young. He suddenly thought of forming a club together, and the event took place in Tangtang's room.Ji Hongli didn't want to get involved, so the other four people gathered to discuss the name of the club. Cheng Hui was inspired by the wristband and named it “Red Wristband Reversal Society”. Lu Yuqing registered an account online to share daily life and photos.

Because the content in his account was too boring, Cheng Hui broadcast live adventures to netizens and gained 2,000 followers overnight, which made him very happy.On the other hand, in the following days, club activities were dull and boring. No one was interested, except Tie Yi who was immersed in it and never tired of it.

Ji Guangyao received a call from the doctor and found out that his daughter Ji Hongli was sick and hospitalized. However, he stayed with her in the hospital for only two days before receiving various reminders from the phone.The doctor suggested giving Ji Hongli a nutritional injection. Ji Hongli promised to wait until Ji Guangyao had time, and immediately arranged for a separate injection after he left. Fortunately, Lu Yuqing and Cheng Hui came to visit with a large bag of snacks and made thoughtful preparations.Ji Hongli was moved by the fruits and comic books.

Ji Guangyao then came to the hospital to explain his daughter's condition to Teacher Zhang Yang. As a result, their conversation was overheard by female classmates Zhang En and Yu Hui, who deliberately spread the news among their classmates that Ji Hongli had contracted ovarian cancer due to social chaos.spread the word.Ji Hongli went back to school to get the question bank, and found that everyone looked at her strangely, and her classmates even avoided her, even wearing a mask and spraying disinfectant, as if she had become a walking virus reservoir.

At this time, the female classmate at the next table looked at her phone and couldn't help laughing. Ji Hongli was so angry that she stood up and questioned her. He took her phone and looked through the chat history in the group. The content was vulgar and mentioned that Ji Hongli's mother had eloped with someone.Full of malice and ridicule.Ji Hongli investigated who the rumor came from and personally went to settle accounts with Zhang En and Yu Hui. But instead of being afraid, the two of them actually used their mobile phones to record videos with all kinds of verbal insults, and were surrounded by people.

Deeply stimulated, Ji Hongli dropped her broom and ran away. She met Ji Guangyao at the school gate. She collapsed and accused him of not telling him about her illness. Now she has become the target of slander and jokes in the whole school.Ji Guangyao was riding his bike back when he heard some local gangsters criticizing his daughter. He was so angry that he rushed forward and punched the opponent. In the end, he was unable to fight with four fists and was surrounded by several people and was beaten wildly.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》 Episode 6 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Ji Hongli walked back in a low mood, but was told by Tie Yi and others that she had become a member of the Red Wristband Reverse Reform Society. She returned to Tangtang's ward at night, sat by the bed and poured out her grievances. She couldn't understand why those classmatesHe wants to make pornographic rumors and enjoys hurting others for fun.

At this moment, there was a slight movement behind her. Ji Hongli opened the curtain and saw Cheng Hui, Tie Yi, Lu Yuqing and Dong Tianran inside. What she just said was heard.Ji Hongli learned that her father was fighting with someone and hurried home. At the door, she heard that Ji Guangyao, who always valued peace, would actually teach a gangster a lesson for her daughter.

Lu Yuqing took the initiative to send a message to Ji Hongli, persuading her not to carry it alone. Everyone helped make suggestions and sought help from netizens. She felt that these ideas were repaying evil with kindness.Cheng Hui thought of a way to clear Ji Hongli's grievances and punish the rumor mongers.

Then Cheng Hui, Lu Yuqing, Tie Yi, and Dong Tianran helped Ji Hongli make a plan and went to Ji Hongli's school to act according to the plan.Cheng Hui and Lu Yuqing pretended to be students and passed by Zhang En and Yu Hui, deliberately revealing the news that Ji Hongli had been drugged. As expected, the two rumors spread everywhere, claiming that they had witnessed Ji Hongli being raped and contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Seeing that the plan was almost in progress, Ji Hongli immediately called the police with the recording and called the police to the school. Witnessed by teachers and others, she accused Zhang En and Yu Hui of making pornographic rumors.The two people denied that their excuses were fruitless, but because they were afraid, they had to admit that they were jealous of Ji Hongli's good looks and good grades, so they wanted to do such a thing.

Ji Guangyao rushed to the school in a hurry and angrily demanded that the school should deal with it seriously. Teacher Zhang Yang decided to inform the whole school, write a demerit and ask two people to write a review.Through this incident, the relationship between Ji Hongli and her father has eased. Especially when she heard her father's true thoughts, she was moved to tears.

That night, Ji Hongli took the initiative to treat everyone to dinner and thanked them for helping her.While Mei Nanshan was working, she had to take care of her son Tangtang, and sometimes bought snacks for her children. Seeing that Mei Nanshan's back injury was serious, Sa Dong found her some plaster to show concern.

Netizens are currently paying attention to Ji Hongli's follow-up, and some even suspected that Cheng Hui was making it up. Ji Hongli decided to go live to explain clearly. She explained in front of the camera that ovarian malignant tumors and sexually transmitted diseases are completely different things. She didn't want everyone's rumors to cause confusion for others.times of damage.

After the live broadcast, Cheng Hui was curious about how Dong Tianran always stared at Ji Hongli, and then he realized that Ji Hongli looked very similar to the cartoon girl he liked to eat as a snack.Tie Yi organized club activities for everyone and planned a werewolf killing. Everyone became interested in this and signed up enthusiastically, which made Tie Yi feel a sense of accomplishment.On the other side, Lu Yuqing felt stressed during her review and tried to eat chocolate after hesitating for a long time. As expected, she was full of energy.

The next day, Tie Yi came to Dong Tianran to discuss the logic of werewolf killing. Dong Tianran had a high IQ and could understand it at a glance, and even explained it to Tie Yi in detail.Tie Yi drew a card for the Werewolf himself and bought snacks and fruits out of his own pocket. On the other hand, Ji Hongli was resting in the hospital bed after the operation, and turned on the do not disturb mode on her mobile phone.

Cheng Hui and Lu Yuqing were preparing to return to the hospital after taking the exam. It happened that Peng Ran had her birthday today, and their classmates took them to KTV to sing.The two had no choice but to try their best to return to the hospital before five o'clock. Unexpectedly, everyone got more and more excited as they sang, prepared a birthday cake, and extended the private room for another two hours for free. Cheng Hui knew that he would not be able to participate in the team building tonight, so he had to give TieYi sent a message, but as a result, the message was not sent.

At the same time, Tie Yi, Dong Tianran and Lao Ding prepared snack cards in Tangtang's ward and waited for more than two hours, but neither Cheng Hui nor Lu Yuqing arrived.No one answered Tie Yi's call, and he couldn't hide his disappointment until Mei Nanshan returned to the ward, packed up her things in a hurry and left.Cheng Hui walked out of the private room and found that the message failed to be sent and all the calls were missed. Seeing this, Lu Yuqing quickly pulled him and ran back to the hospital.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 7 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Late at night, Cheng Hui hurried back to the hospital to explain the reason to Tie Yi, but unexpectedly found a card drawn by Tie Yi on the bedside table.Although Tie Yi did not show anger on the surface, his inner disappointment could not be concealed, and Cheng Hui also felt guilty.Going downstairs to the lobby, he met Lu Yuqing and Ji Hongli unexpectedly. The three of them gathered together because they failed to keep their appointment, and jointly speculated whether Tie Yi's mood was disturbed by this.

Early the next morning, Cheng Hui walked into the campus with his schoolbag on his shoulder. He noticed that Dong Tianran was different from usual and did not greet him. Tie Yi also pretended to be asleep.All day long, Tie Yi was alone. Even in social groups, his information was lost in the sea. Only the stray cats outside the hospital occasionally provided comfort with gentle meows.

Later, Tie Yi walked into Tangtang's ward and poured out his heart. He admitted that he was not upset because he missed the appointment, but actually because apart from treatment, his life seemed to have lost its direction and he felt empty in his heart.Although he foresees that everyone will eventually leave the hospital, he still regards discharge as a blessing.

At this time, Mei Nanshan returned and was chatting happily with Tie Yi. Sadong took the opportunity to move into a sofa, on the pretext of replacing it with a new one, but in fact he wanted to use it to relieve Mei Nanshan's back pain.Tie Yi watched this scene with a gossipy smile on his lips. He patted Sadong gently before leaving, understanding his feelings for Mei Nanshan.

While Tie Yi and Lao Ding were reminiscing about old times, Hawthorn Hotel called to inform him of the free bill event for collecting likes.While Tie Yi was hesitating, friends in the group Cheng Hui, Lu Yuqing, Ji Hongli and Dong Tianran all helped to give likes, and gathered at the Hawthorn Hotel before the deadline.Everyone was wearing red wristband T-shirts from the Society for Defying Heaven and Changing Destiny, laughing and reviving the warmth of the past.On the way home, Cheng Hui took the initiative to apologize to Tie Yi, reflecting that he often ignored the feelings of others. Tie Yi felt relieved after hearing this.

After that, Cheng Hui was busy shooting video materials and asking people about their dreams. However, the edited product was rejected because of its single content.Lu Yuqing talks to Cheng Hui and admits that it is difficult to have both health and studies, and a choice needs to be made.

On the other side, Mei Nanshan inquired about Sadong's emotional status. Sadong mistakenly thought that Mei Nanshan was interested and agreed before he finished speaking.Unexpectedly, Mei Nanshan was actually the matchmaker, and Sa Dong was quick to wit, and declined on the grounds of work.After Sadong left, Mei Nanshan found the price tag on the sofa and suddenly realized Sadong's intentions, but she didn't know how to respond.

Tie Yi and his friends prepared for his future brother-in-law to propose to his eldest sister. Everyone brainstormed and made elaborate arrangements.My brother-in-law even spent a lot of money to buy a one-carat diamond ring.Everything was ready, waiting for nightfall, but Dong Tianran accidentally discovered Cheng Hui's video, learned about the family change, and broke down emotionally and rushed out of the ward.Fortunately, Ji Hongli comforted her in time and stabilized her mood.

Dong Tianran originally had Asperger's syndrome, but his condition relapsed under this stimulation, and his parents felt deeply guilty.In view of the need for daily companionship and intervention, Cheng Hui and Lu Yuqing volunteered to accompany Dong Tianran in his recovery, and his parents were extremely grateful.

As night falls, the proposal ceremony is about to begin, and the brother-in-law and Tie Xinlan step into the carefully arranged scene.Just as he was proposing, his brother-in-law received a call from his mother and was accused of concealing Tie Yi's illness and was dissuaded.When Tie Xinlan learned the truth, she was angry and disappointed. She said she would always take care of her younger brother and accused him of being a burden.Her brother-in-law's hesitation finally made Tie Xinlan heartbroken and she proposed breaking up.Tie Yi wanted to pursue him, but fell down due to lack of strength. He blamed himself for dragging down his sister's marriage, and was deeply saddened.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 8 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

On the occasion of Tangtang's birthday, Cheng Hui and others gathered together to celebrate him. This warmth deeply touched Mei Nanshan.During the dinner, Lu Yuqing, out of curiosity about Tangtang's current situation, asked about the reason why he became a vegetative state.Mei Nanshan recounted with remorse that on that birthday three years ago, she was addicted to her mobile phone and neglected to accompany Tangtang. As a result, he suffered an accident and fell from a high platform into a pool, leading to tragedy.After that, she took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of Tangtang on her own, day after day, to make up for the guilt in her heart.

After hearing this story, everyone felt overwhelmed and came up with the idea of ​​helping Tangtang realize her dream of whale watching.However, faced with the high cost and the hardship of traveling long distances, they once believed that this dream was out of reach.

At this moment, Ji Hongli took good care of Dong Tianran, who was in mood swings, while Cheng Hui got inspiration from TV news when buying water - to create a special whale watching experience for Tangtang through the museum.It happened that Tie Yi's brother-in-law worked in a museum, which seemed to open the way for their plan.

Just when Cheng Hui was about to discuss the matter with his brother-in-law, Tie Yi hesitated because he was worried about becoming a burden to his family.Fortunately, the brother-in-law took the initiative to clarify the misunderstanding and expressed his willingness to help. He also asked Tie Yi to help resolve the misunderstanding with Tie Xinlan.

At the same time, Mei Nanshan's mood became increasingly heavy when she met family members on her way home and discussed the unfortunate death of the comatose girl Xiao Yu.Director Han's condition report was like a bolt from the blue, pointing out that Tangtang's hope of recovering was gradually fading.Faced with this double blow, Mei Nanshan firmly opposed the whale watching plan.

But Lu Yuqing's affectionate persuasion changed her mind.She firmly believes that even in a virtual environment, the experience of whale watching can bring hope and strength to Tangtang and inspire his will to survive.Finally, Mei Nanshan was convinced, and everyone started preparations in full swing.

With the help of her brother-in-law, the museum presented Tangtang with a realistic whale watching experience.When Tangtang felt the shock of the jumping whale on the “sea surface”, his eyes sparkled like never before.Mei Nanshan was so excited that she burst into tears when she witnessed this scene.She knew that this was not only a visual shock, but also a new dawn in her son's life.

After watching the movie, Tie Yi successfully facilitated the reconciliation between his brother-in-law and his eldest sister, and everything was moving in the right direction.Mei Nanshan expressed her gratitude to Sadong with glutinous rice balls and faced her feelings bravely.Ji Hongli also decided to change her professional direction with Dong Tianran's encouragement.The results of Lu Yuqing's health examination are even more gratifying, indicating that the future is full of unlimited possibilities.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 9 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Lu Yuqing was about to be discharged from the hospital. The farewell words she had rehearsed repeatedly in her heart failed to come into use due to the sudden farewell party in the ward.Later, Cheng Hui accompanied her as she waited for the bus on the side of the road, and a subtle feeling of affection quietly emerged between the two.After returning to school, they communicated more frequently, exchanging messages and emoticons through WeChat, which led Peng Ran to joke that only lovers use emoticons so frequently.

Soon, Cheng Hui was facing chemotherapy, and Lu Yuqing promised to accompany him. Unexpectedly, she was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment because she accidentally took the medicine the night before.Cheng Hui and others waited anxiously outside the rescue room until they were sure she was out of danger, then they breathed a sigh of relief.After Lu Yuqing regained consciousness, she immediately replied to Cheng Hui on WeChat, but was immediately told that a puncture examination was required, which made her heart heavy again.

In order to better take care of her daughter, Zhao Shu considered resigning, but was opposed by her husband Lu Zhiyuan. Lu Yuqing also knew her mother's love for work and did not want her to sacrifice too much.Although Zhao Shu has not officially resigned, he has devoted himself to taking care of her. Lu Yuqing accidentally discovered her mother's resignation letter and quickly dissuaded her, fearing that this would make her lose herself.

On the day of the puncture, Cheng Hui and four others came to visit and tried to ease Lu Yuqing's nervousness with cold jokes.Cheng Hui was heartbroken when he witnessed the puncture process, and Tie Yi advised him to stay away temporarily.In order to relieve Lu Yuqing's pain, Cheng Hui recorded a guitar playing video and sent it to her, and then received an invitation to go for a walk in the small garden together.

Zhao Shu's idea of ​​resigning put great pressure on Lu Yuqing. She felt her mother's overprotection due to worry. At the same time, Cheng Hui also deeply understood Zhao Shu's inner struggle and pain.During lunch, two fathers, Lu Zhiyuan and Cheng Zhibin, communicated outside the ward. They were both family members of patients. They comforted each other. Cheng Zhibin mentioned the mutual aid meeting for patients’ families and suggested that Lu Zhiyuan and his wife join.

At the mutual aid meeting, Mei Nanshan encouraged family members to share their experiences, and Lu Zhiyuan was the first to express their confusion.Cheng Zhibin shared his experience, emphasized the importance of family support, and pointed out that resignation may bring additional pressure to children.However, Zhao Shu still insists on his opinion and believes that every family's situation is different.Lu Zhiyuan later revealed family changes, including the death of his eldest daughter and the illness of his second daughter, which touched people's hearts.Cheng Hui's mother was moved and revealed that this sharing meeting was actually carefully planned by Lu Yuqing and other children for Zhao Shu, hoping that she could continue to pursue her own life.Zhao Shu burst into tears upon hearing this.

Lu Yuqing was nervous about the call from the head of the law firm, but she was relieved when her mother agreed to continue working.At this time, Cheng Hui also realized his feelings for Lu Yuqing and tested it in the name of a friend. Lu Yuqing encouraged him to express his love bravely. These words inspired Cheng Hui.

Due to her illness, Lu Yuqing was unable to attend the school's New Year's Day party, but Cheng Hui held a special performance for her on the rooftop, playing and singing for her via video, and the two were immersed in shared memories.However, facing the blood vessels on her body, Lu Yuqing couldn't help but worry about her future, knowing that in the face of life, any emotion seemed so small and luxurious.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 10 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Just when Cheng Hui was about to muster up the courage to confess to Lu Yuqing, Lu Yuqing suddenly made an excuse and hurriedly hung up the video call, interrupting his thoughts.Tie Yi understood the reason behind Lu Yuqing's move - diseases often deprive people of all their hopes for the future. He himself often imagined that if he had not contracted the disease, he might not have become a burden to his sister Tie Xinlan.

Lu Yuqing and Ji Hongli were drying clothes on the rooftop. They were feeling heavy and full of pessimism about the future.Day after day of treatment and medication make their lives seem to have lost color and hope.Cheng Hui knew that although he and Lu Yuqing had a good understanding, they were unable to cross that step because of the shadow of the disease.Although they are close to each other, the cruelty of reality forces them to consider carefully, not wanting to let the uncertain future bring more harm to each other.

In the days that followed, in order to avoid embarrassment, Cheng Hui intentionally or unintentionally avoided Lu Yuqing, which made him look even more embarrassed.When Lu Yuqing handed him a wedding invitation, he almost mistakenly thought it was her wedding invitation, but upon closer inspection, he discovered that it was Tie Xinlan's wedding invitation.Tie Yi sincerely invited Lu Yuqing and Ji Hongli to be her sister's bridesmaids, while Ji Hongli was keenly aware of the unusual affection between Lu Yuqing and Cheng Hui.

Dr. Sa Dong reported the positive progress of the treatment to Tie Yi and said that he could attend his sister's wedding as long as he was equipped with a prosthetic limb.After getting off work, Sadong deliberately caused an encounter with Mei Nanshan, intending to have dinner together, but Mei Nanshan was busy with work and failed to do so.On the other side, Tie Xinlan was busy preparing for the wedding. She introduced the wedding planner Nana to Cheng Hui and others. Nana elaborated on the wedding process in detail, and especially considering Tie Yi's special situation, she suggested that he accompany Tie XinlanEntering the marriage hall.

As night fell, Tie Yi opened his heart to Cheng Hui and told his family's misfortunes: his father disappeared during the mission, his mother passed away soon after, and the siblings were forced to live in a welfare home.The next day, Cheng Hui accompanied Tie Yi to choose a prosthetic limb. Although he had a soft spot for a high-end prosthetic limb, Tie Yi was put off by the high price.After weighing the situation, Cheng Hui suggested that Tie Yi could borrow a wheelchair to enter the ceremony, but Tie Yi insisted on walking down the steps in person and handing his sister over to his brother-in-law to ensure a flawless wedding.

In order to raise funds to purchase mechanical prostheses, Cheng Hui launched an initiative calling on everyone to work together.However, although Lu Yuqing proposed the idea of ​​being a tutor, considering the actual situation of the team members and time constraints, the plan seemed difficult to implement.Tie Yi didn't want to drag everyone down, so he decided to practice hard on basic prosthetics and saved 6,000 yuan as a wedding gift for his sister.At this time, Cheng Hui received an unexpected private message. Someone was willing to customize high-end prosthetics for Tie Yi for free, on the condition that Red Wristband Reverse Reform Society would enter into a one-year business cooperation with the merchant.Cheng Hui agreed to this condition without hesitation, which moved Tie Yi deeply.

With the support and companionship of everyone, Tie Yi finally successfully mastered the skill of walking up the steps.On the eve of the wedding, Lu Yuqing and Ji Hongli tried on the bridesmaid dresses, while Tie Yi tossed and turned because of nervousness and had trouble sleeping.Although Cheng Hui felt helpless, he sternly warned him to keep quiet.Sadong and Mei Nanshan will also appear at the wedding. The two met unexpectedly in the elevator, but were interrupted by an emergency and went to deal with the patient infection together.

On the wedding day, Tie Yi mustered up the courage to slowly walk down the forty steps and hand over his sister to his brother-in-law.Tie Xinlan expressed her deep gratitude to her brother on stage and promised that her brother-in-law and her family would be Tie Yi's solid backing.Cheng Hui drew strength and inspiration from this scene.After the wedding, the four people gathered on the rooftop to look forward to the future together and regained their confidence and hope in life.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 11 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

After experiencing that wedding, Dong Tianran suddenly understood. He resolutely confessed the truth to his parents, convinced that even if his parents lived separately in the future, the family love that is thicker than water is still irreplaceable and cannot be let go.Later, Cheng Hui accompanied Lu Yuqing back to the hospital. He tried to express his feelings again, but when he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the head nurse Chang Juan, who urged him to go back to the ward to rest.

Without telling the medical staff, Cheng Hui resolutely signed up for the finger skateboard competition. However, due to strict supervision, he could only go out secretly with the help of Lu Yuqing.The two came to the competition site in Pingfang Mountain. It was so lively that Lu Yuqing was dizzy.However, Cheng Hui's real interest lies in longboard downhill racing, not finger skateboarding. He always carries his love and yearning for longboards in his heart.

After learning about Cheng Hui's plan, Lu Yuqing was worried because Dr. Sadong had sternly warned him that with his current health condition, participating in extreme sports was tantamount to taking risks.Although Cheng Hui tried to persuade Lu Yuqing with the extremely low fatality rate of skateboarding, she countered with the equally rare probability of contracting cancer at the age of 18, and Cheng Hui finally had to give up the idea of ​​competing.

In order to appease Cheng Hui's mood, Lu Yuqing took the initiative to buy him ice cream and promised to go to the competition field together after he recovered.However, Cheng Hui suddenly revealed the cruel reality that he was about to face amputation, which shocked Lu Yuqing. She could not believe the sudden bad news.

It turned out that Director Ge Huaying had already communicated with Cheng Hui's parents and pointed out that the chemotherapy was not effective and the tumor was still raging and had invaded blood vessels and nerves.The expert team recommended amputation as soon as possible to prevent the condition from getting worse.Cheng Hui overheard all this, and after some struggle, he accepted this cruel fact.

On the way home, Lu Yuqing comforted Cheng Hui with warm words and bravely expressed her feelings to him, hoping that the two of them could face the storm in the future together.At the same time, Cheng Hui's parents were also anxiously looking for him, and were relieved until he returned safely.They encouraged Cheng Hui to stay optimistic and that even if an amputation was performed, he could regain his freedom through prosthetic limbs.

In the garden downstairs, Cheng Hui met Tang Tingting, who suffered from anorexia nervosa.Her negative attitude made Cheng Hui feel even heavier.In the evening, Lu Yuqing came to visit. Although she quoted many inspirational quotes to try to motivate Cheng Hui, it seemed that she could not completely dispel the haze in his heart.

On the other side, Tie Yi's condition is also deteriorating. The tumor has spread to the back of his eye, which means he will lose one eye.In order not to make his sister Tie Xinlan too sad, he forced her to go home and prepare dumplings with a forced smile.Alone in the bathroom, Tie Yi finally couldn't suppress the pain and despair in his heart and broke down crying.

Cheng Zhibin did not fully understand Tie Yi's condition and mistakenly thought that he was recovering well after his amputation.He asked Tie Yi to help persuade Cheng Hui to undergo surgery.Although Tie Yi was full of contradictions and uneasiness in his heart, he still tried his best to convey optimism and hope to Cheng Hui.However, when Cheng Hui raised the uncertainty and worries about the future after amputation, Tie Yi finally could no longer hide his vulnerability and despair.He tearfully told Cheng Hui that he was about to lose an eye and undergo surgery.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 12 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Tie Yi frankly expressed his powerlessness to Cheng Hui and admitted that he lacked enough confidence to convince him to face the reality - the condition after recurrence is still unresolved, and no one can say that surgery is the ultimate solution.This helplessness prompted Cheng Hui to make the difficult decision to give up amputation. Out of control, he accidentally spoke fiercely, accusing Tie Yi of becoming a burden to Tie Xinlan, but he did not want to be such a burden. These words were profound.It deeply hurt Tie Yi's heart.

The news spread like wildfire, and the community changed its name to “tieyichenghuijiang” as a way of encouragement.Zhao Shu was well aware of his daughter's concern for her friends, so she entrusted Lu Yuqing to accompany and educate Cheng Hui and Tie Yi.Lu Yuqing found Cheng Hui and found that he was in deep contradiction and struggle, so she encouraged him to take a brave step and experience the challenges of life firsthand.

At Lu Yuqing's suggestion, Cheng Hui tried to live in a wheelchair for a day and experienced firsthand the hardships of life for disabled people. Even the daily uphill journey became extremely difficult.When he met Tang Tingting in the hospital, he heard the painful description of the relapse of anorexia and realized that all patients were going through similar reincarnations, and every relapse was another blow to hope.

At the same time, in Tangtang's ward, Lu Yuqing, Ji Hongli, Tie Yi, and Dong Tianran gathered together. Lu Yuqing and Ji Hongli tried their best to comfort Tie Yi and asked him not to be too concerned about Cheng Hui's words.Although Tie Yi was calm on the surface, ripples were inevitable in his heart.Later, when Lu Yuqing was visiting Cheng Hui, she accidentally heard Cheng's mother Jiang Jing arguing in the ward and hurried to check. Cheng Zhibin also followed and asked Lu Yuqing to help take care of her.

Cheng Hui revealed to Lu Yuqing his determination to give up surgery and chose to cherish his short but wonderful life.Although Lu Yuqing was shocked and puzzled, Cheng Hui had made up his mind and returned home that night, only to hear his mother's complaints and his father's severe reprimand at home.Cheng Zhibin finally decided to send Cheng Hui back to the hospital. There was no one in the ward, and the other four people were discussing countermeasures in the garden downstairs. Ji Hongli emphasized that even friends had no right to make decisions for Cheng Hui.

The next day, Cheng Hui explained his thoughts to his parents via video. He refused the operation not out of rebellion or escape, but because he did not want his parents to see the pain after the operation. He hoped that they would always remember him as sunny and cheerful.of.Cheng Hui expressed his love and expectation for life. Even if life is short, it should be full of happiness and hope.

Cheng Zhibin had an in-depth conversation with Cheng Hui, respected his choice, and reminded him to think carefully.Cheng Hui returned to the ward and informed Tie Yi and Dong Tianran about the matter, but Tie Yi still objected.During lunch, Tang Tingting once again tried to influence Cheng Hui and provoke a relationship between him and his friends. Lu Yuqing was furious when she saw this and had a dispute with Cheng Hui.

Cheng Hui's parents were anxious and believed the illegal advertisement. Fortunately, Lu Zhiyuan discovered it in time and called the police, thus avoiding greater losses.Lu Yuqing and Tie Yi found Cheng Hui and gradually helped him get rid of his negative emotions through patient guidance and encouragement.In the end, with the help of the police, the liar was brought to justice, and Cheng Hui's parents also gave their son support and comfort through video calls.Faced with the topic of life and death, Cheng Hui asked his parents a profound question, which caused the whole family to think deeply.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 13 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Faced with Cheng Hui's predicament, his parents suppressed their grief and said that if they look back on the past with a clear conscience, they will live an optimistic life.When Cheng Hui, Lu Yuqing, and Tie Yi returned, they found that the road ahead was closed and they were unable to participate in the consultation.Lu Yuqing had an idea and borrowed a skateboard to let Cheng Hui experience the fun of skating without any regrets.

Returning to the hospital, Cheng Hui announced the decision to have surgery to his parents and would perform the surgery on the same day as Tie Yi.Although Tie Yi looks strong on the outside, he finds it hard to accept a future where he may lose one of his eyes.A week later, the two entered the operating room one after another. Cheng Hui ran around the hospital before the operation, cherishing every moment with his legs.After the operation, Cheng Hui lost his right leg and Tie Yi lost his right eye. They toasted to celebrate and overcome the difficulties together.

Two weeks later, Lu Yuqing, Ji Hongli and Dong Tianran visited and brought prosthetic eyes as a gift to Tie Yi, symbolizing his progress towards a technological life.However, the pain after Cheng Hui's amputation was unbearable. Tie Yi and Dong Tianran were by his side to provide comfort.

To help Cheng Hui adapt to his new life, Tie Yi used a mirror to help him practice standing on one leg.During chemotherapy, Lu Yuqing was by her side and witnessed Cheng Hui's severe hair loss.With the support of family and friends, Cheng Hui shaved his head and took photos, facing the difficulties with a smile.Lu Yuqing was full of praise for the two people's bald photos.

The New Year is approaching, and the hospital is filled with a festive atmosphere.Cheng Hui's parents accompanied him and invited Mei Nanshan to spend the festival together, and Sa Dong also joined them.Friends welcomed the New Year together via video connection and sent blessings to each other.

Cheng Hui returned to school in his dream. He was very successful on his skateboard, but he was suddenly rejected and awakened to the cruelty of reality.Encountering Tang Tingting in the cafeteria, Cheng Hui tried to encourage her, but found that she was suffering from anorexia.Tang Tingting's experience is sympathizing. She was ridiculed for her obesity and relied on inducing vomiting to lose weight, but she fell into deeper trouble.

Lu Yuqing witnessed Tang Tingting's pain and decided to give more care.At the same time, Tang Tingting's words touched Lu Yuqing, and she realized that only Lu Yuqing could convince Cheng Hui to face reality and return to school.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 14 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

The teacher took the initiative to contact Cheng Hui and informed him that there would be enrollment promotion activities at several universities the next day, and sincerely invited him to return to school to participate.At this moment, Lu Yuqing found Cheng Hui, gently held his hand and placed it on her abdomen. She affectionately shared that she was once afraid of being regarded as an alien by others, but with Cheng Hui's encouragement,, she bravely walked out of the haze and emphasized that no matter what Cheng Hui's health was like, he was always the favorite being in the hearts of his classmates.

Afterwards, Cheng Hui quietly returned to campus, taking advantage of the lack of people, and slowly entered in a wheelchair. Unexpectedly, he was surrounded and ridiculed by a group of male classmates.At the moment of embarrassment, Lu Yuqing led the members of the basketball team and pushed a wheelchair to save the situation heroically. The team members showed their support by shaving their heads one after another. This move deeply touched Cheng Hui's heart.At this moment, all the worries and inferiority in his heart disappeared, because he knew that he was so needed and supported. He immediately released a video to encourage netizens. Tang Tingting who watched it was moved to tears.

In the ward, there was constant laughter and laughter. Tang Tingting looked at all this with envy in her heart.Lu Yuqing led her to the studio, pointed to the paintings on the wall, and encouraged her to face her fears and move forward bravely.However, Tang Tingting complained with tears, thinking that they only talked about encouragement but actually did nothing.

The next day, Lu Yuqing went to the ward to visit Tang Tingting, but found that she had been picked up by her parents.But a new painting on the wall attracted her attention. The painting showed Tang Tingting overcoming gluttony. This indicated that she had implicitly accepted the concept of the Red Wristband Reverse Reform Society and began to face it with a more positive attitude.future.

On the other side, Ji Hongli's father, Ji Guangyao, came to the hospital to accompany her and revealed a plan to freeze ovarian tissue during the operation to protect her possibility of having children in the future.Despite the high cost of the surgery, Ji Guangyao still insisted on shouldering the cost so that his daughter would have no regrets.

However, not long after, Ji Hongli learned that her father had lost money by stock trading and was even considering selling the house. She firmly opposed it and returned to the hospital with the house capital to confide her anguish to her friends.

As night fell, Lu Yuqing and Ji Hongli had a long chat on the rooftop.It turned out that Ji Hongli had always been resistant to ovarian surgery, but once she accepted it and then canceled it for some reason, she was inevitably disappointed.Lu Yuqing used the metaphor of many choices in life and gave her the ending of the novel as a consolation.

After learning about Ji Hongli's plight, Dong Tianran decided to participate in the TV Rubik's Cube competition to win bonuses to help with her surgery.Despite his unfavorable physical condition, he continued to practice, and finally, with the support of his friends, he successfully won the championship and won the prize money.Ji Hongli witnessed all this and was moved to kiss Dong Tianran. The operation went smoothly. Ji Guangyao was grateful for everyone's help.

After that, although Ji Hongli deliberately avoided everyone's excessive concern, the determination and efforts of Dong Tianran and others did not weaken.They continued to accompany Dong Tianran in Rubik's Cube training until the competition day arrived.Despite the setbacks in the process, Dong Tianran finally won the competition with his perseverance and raised funds for Ji Hongli's surgery.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 15 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

All members of the Red Wristband Reverse Reform Society started a live broadcast, and many netizens rushed into the live broadcast room and rushed to speak and ask questions.Some people were curious about what the most interesting joke about the Red Wristband Reversal Society was, and everyone unanimously answered that it was Brother Tie’s father.Because Tie Yi has always said that his father is a hero, either a firefighter, an armed policeman, or researching nuclear bombs. In short, the identity of Tie Yi's father is a mystery.

While everyone was talking and laughing, Tie Yi suddenly fell into a coma, as if he had returned to his childhood home and saw the father he missed so much.The doctor informed everyone that Tie Yi's cancer cells had metastasized to the brain and he fainted due to cerebral hemorrhage. After consultation with experts, it was confirmed that Tie Yi had a tumor in the temporal lobe of his brain. It was recommended that a transfer operation be performed as soon as possible. Everyone was waiting anxiously outside the operating room.

After a long wait, Tie Yi finally woke up.Lying on the hospital bed, Tie Yi weakly told Cheng Hui that he had always imagined his father to be a great hero, but now that he had this group of friends, he had become brave and no longer had to rely on imagination.Tie Yi comforted Cheng Hui not to be afraid. He was a wall and he had not fallen down yet.

Because of this, everyone decided to find Tie Yi's father, but Tie Yi only had a bottle cap in his hand, which was the only thing he missed about his father.Tie Xinlan also doesn’t have much memory of her father, because his father ran away from home when the siblings were very young and never came back.To this end, we searched for clues based on the soda bottle caps and found that it was produced in Fujin Town, Fujin City, Heilongjiang Province.

Sa Dong pushed Tie Yi back to the ward and announced that he would have an operation in a few days. However, Tie Yi was worried about the success rate of the operation. The director and Sa Dong comforted him and told him to prepare for the operation.Cheng Hui and Lu Yuqing received the news and had clues about finding Tie Yi. They wanted to surprise Tie Yi but did not tell each other the news.

The night before the operation, Tie Yi and Tie Xinlan talked about their memories of the past, which made Tie Xinlan burst into tears.Before entering the operating room, Tie Yi had a message for everyone. He always wanted to explain something, so he lay in the operating room with an uneasy mood.At this time, Cheng Hui found Tie's father's information, and Tie Yi also had a successful operation and returned to the ward.

Later, in the company of everyone, Tie Yi met several police comrades and saw his father's information, which confirmed that his father was indeed a hero.It turns out that Tie Yi's father, Tie Zhigang, was a forest ranger. Several hunters broke into the Northeast Forest Farm and tried to surround the nationally protected animals with fire. Fortunately, Tie Zhigang stopped their atrocities and sacrificed himself to save the forest farm., to prevent the fire from spreading to three nearby villages.

After the case occurred, due to the extremely difficult identification of the accident at the time, it took the police many years to confirm Tie Zhigang's identity. They have been searching for the whereabouts of his family until the 90 Forest Farm incident was completely over, and they were able to release this file.Reappear.Tie Yi looked at his father's photos and information and cried with joy. His father never abandoned his siblings. He held his father's files and thanked everyone.

Cheng Hui was about to arrange a live broadcast for Tie Yi to realize his dream, but received news that Tie Yi was in the operating room for rescue, and everyone was waiting anxiously outside the operating room.Tie Xinlan recalled the difficult life she lived with her younger brother and the pain his younger brother endured every day. She squatted on the ground and remained silent.

When Tie Yi was dying, he seemed to have regained his sight and legs. He saw Tangtang in the ward, and suddenly heard the sound of rescuing people. His red eyes expressed that he would never go back. He believed that he would never be forgotten.Because only forgetfulness is the real death.Finally, under Tangtang's gaze, Tie Yi opened a door and walked towards the unknown space.Outside the rescue room, everyone cried sadly when they heard the bad news that Tie Yi's rescue efforts were ineffective.

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Episode 16 plot introduction

《It will be sunny tomorrow》Full episode plot introduction

Tie Yi still did not wait for the day when the cyber era came, and ended his life prematurely, leaving a trace of regret.Because of Tie Yi's death, the group of them suddenly felt like they were living in a pretend world. The beauty Tie Yi created with his optimistic smile turned into a cruel fact after he left.

After attending Tie Yi's funeral, everyone was in a low mood. Although they tried to pretend to be happy or strong, they could still feel a huge force pulling everyone into the abyss.Cheng Hui looked at Tie Yi's hospital bed in a daze until a new patient came to the hospital bed and finally realized that he would never come back.

Tie Yi once told Cheng Hui that he was the wall between Cheng Hui and the God of Death, but even if Tie Yi was not around, the Red Wristband Reversal Society's account replaced Tie Yi and became that wall.The five members of the Red Wristband Reversal Society became four. They never stopped missing Tie Yi and decided to dress up as pirates and go to the cemetery to pay homage to Tie Yi.

When they returned, everyone met Tie Xinlan and unexpectedly learned that Tie Yi had prepared gifts for them before his death.Everyone hurried back to the hospital to search, searching every corner but nothing was found. Finally, they found an extra whale on the wall mural, and sure enough, they found a USB flash drive from Tangtang's ward.

Tie Yi recorded a video in the passage and told how Cheng Hui had just written a suicide note when he got sick, so he followed Cheng Hui's example and wrote a suicide note.First, Cheng Hui put the first gift on the rooftop for Ji Hongli. Each page of the book contained coupons he had accumulated over the years. The second gift was a pen, which he decided to give to Lu Yuqing, so that she could understand knowledge and change her destiny.I hope she can see the broader sky, the more beautiful earth, and the world outside the hospital for the students.

The third gift was the lifetime VIP card for a fried chicken restaurant that Tie Yi had drawn for three months in a row and finally given to Dong Tianran. As long as Tie Yi wanted to eat fried chicken, he could go there; Tie Yi knew that Cheng Hui wanted fried chicken.card, but he deliberately refused to give it. Instead, he gave Cheng Hui a big hug, and even prepared a gift for Lao Ding, which he placed in Tangtang's ward.At the last moment, Tie Yi smiled and told everyone to take good care of the disease and live a good life, and change their lives against the odds. With tears in their eyes, everyone gave Tie Yi a knife, but in the end they cried.

Now Lao Ding's dementia is getting worse and he gradually forgets everyone, but Tie Yi's gift allows him to regain his memory.Lao Ding asked how Tie Yi was doing now, and Lu Yuqing lied that Tie Yi had been discharged from the hospital. Unexpectedly, the next second, Lao Ding suddenly looked up.Then everyone posted a video, welcoming all patients in the same situation as them to join the Red Wristband Reverse Reform Society, and shouted their slogans.

Sadong told Cheng Hui's parents that Cheng Hui's recovery was very good and handed over Tie Yi's prosthetic leg to him.After Cheng Hui was discharged from the hospital, he was sitting in the car and saw that the bird's nest that everyone saved last year had a new baby bird, and he quickly sent the good news to the group.Not long after, Lu Yuqing and Cheng Hui agreed at school to attend the same university.

Dong Tianran has the courage to face the crowd and has become a well-known local genius with the Rubik's Cube.Ji Hongli found a job in a motorcycle shop, and her father bought him a small electric donkey. After receiving the message from the group, she couldn't wait to ride the electric donkey to find the other three people. The four of them came to the hospital to visit everyone.

Mei Nanshan looked at the four young people and felt very pleased, and revealed that Tie Yi found the three children who bullied Tangtang back then.After such a long time, none of the three children came to apologize to Tangtang, so with the help of Cheng Hui, the parents of the three families came to the hospital with their children to apologize. Sa Dong and Mei Nanshan were also about to get married.

Just as everyone played the previously recorded video to Tangtang, Tangtang's body reacted, she moved her fingers, and then she regained consciousness.The four of them looked at the painting on the wall with mixed feelings, and decided to keep the painting as a tourist attraction.Not long after, Cheng Hui stood on the skateboard again with perseverance and opened his arms to embrace the front. Lu Yuqing went to meet the editor and decided to write everyone's story into a book called - It will be sunny tomorrow -.

The above is the editor’s explanation of the episode-by-episode introduction of the full episode of "It will be sunny tomorrow". If there are more film and television news you want to know, please pay attention to the follow-up updates of the line class.

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