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《no return》 Episode 1 plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

The latest broadcast of 《no return》 has received unanimous praise from everyone. I believe that everyone must have some doubts about the plot introduction of the first episode of 《no return》. The following content is carefully compiled by the editor for the audience.analysis.

《no return》 Episode 1 plot introduction

《no return》Episode 1 plot introduction

In Shanghai in the 1920s, Chai Shiqi (played by Li Yaoxiang) owed debt to Yongye Bank. Deng Guichan (played by Wu Dingxin), the principal of Yongye Bank known as “Qiye”, admired Shiqi's eloquence and proposedI want to take him to Hangzhou to discuss business.During the trip, Shiqi negotiated a business with his eloquence, and was appreciated by the wealthy businessman San Ye%. Shiqi also saw another side of Gui Chan... Gui Huaxiang (played by Chen Xiaohua) and Shiqi have been friends since childhood., a group of uninvited guests came to the Guixiang Building run by the Gui family. These people were cruel and ruthless, and they didn't know what they wanted.At this time, Wei Hao (played by Luo Tianyu) and Lin Maocai (played by Xiao Zhengnan), who also have mysterious identities, also came to Guixiang Tower. The three parties gathered together, and the crisis was imminent...

The above content is all the information related to 《no return》 the plot introduction of the first episode.If you want to learn more about the plot of the play and the background, development, and relationships of the characters, we highly recommend you pay attention to our line lessons.We will provide you with a more detailed and rich plot introduction, analysis, and in-depth analysis of the main characters, so that you can more fully understand and experience the charm of the play.

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