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《Bad Memory Eraser》Episode 13 plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 09, 2024 Source:Network

The current show - Bad Memory Eraser - is very popular with the audience. The plot of each episode is fascinating and the characters are very consistent with the development of the storyline, making the audience constantly curious while watching., the following is some content compiled by the editor based on the plot introduction of episode 13 of Bad Memory Eraser.

《Bad Memory Eraser》Episode 13 plot introduction

《Bad Memory Eraser》Episode 13 plot introduction

On the one hand, Xin is in deep crisis and encounters a voice threat from a mysterious stalker, forcing him to show up, otherwise his private videos will be made public.At the same time, through meticulous investigation, Jiang Jian used the car recorder video to go back to the night of the party, witnessed the moment when Xin jumped in despair, and desperately tried to save his life.Deep brotherly love is intertwined with misunderstandings: the memories of the party are like sharp knives, severing the already fragile relationship between the brothers.During the dispute, Xin showed his determination to bear all the hardships for Jiang Jian, but Jiang Jian severely stopped his imitation behavior.When Jiang Jian's leaving figure gradually faded away, Xin chose to jump off the bridge in despair. Fortunately, Jiang Jian came to the rescue in time. The emotional entanglement between the two reached a climax on the edge of life and death.Heavy family responsibilities: On the other hand, Mr. Li painfully admitted that it was the invisible pressure he exerted on Xin that led to the chain reaction of this tragedy.In order to make up for his mistakes, Xin had to devote himself to various activities to raise funds to alleviate the family's plight.

At the same time, Zhu Yan asked Dr. Han about Jiang Jian's current situation with concern, while Sai Yan was still walking alone on the road to find her biological father.Emotional entanglements and truth revelation: Zhu Yan tried to guide Sai Yan to meet Jiang Jian, but unexpectedly touched the doubts and dissatisfaction in Sai Yan's heart.After some twists and turns, Seyan finally met the man who claimed to be her father, but the truth was like a bolt from the blue - he was actually a hired fake father.And outside of all this, Se Yeon's mother and Joo Yeon are anxiously waiting for the results.Twist at the seaside: Xin encountered more misfortunes on the beach. First he lost his wallet in a conflict with a bad boy, and then he was in dire straits due to a stern warning from the Tennis Association.Fortunately, Jiang Jian promised to find him and help him overcome his difficulties.At the same time, after learning the truth, Se-yeon chose to face it firmly, while Joo-yeon stood by her side without hesitation.Warm redemption: At the most desperate moment, Shin sent a signal for help to Zhuyan. Although he hung up the phone out of embarrassment at first, Zhuyan's persistence finally found him.Faced with the pain and struggle in Shin's heart, Zhuyan gave him strength with her gentleness and wisdom.

Xin opened his heart and shared his experience of self-mutilation when he was young and Jiang Jian's salvation for him.With Zhu Yan's encouragement, Shin began to re-examine his life path and learned to cherish every moment in front of him.Jiang Jian's sudden arrival broke the tranquility of the seaside.Seeing the scene of Zhu Yan and Xin standing side by side, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and finally chose to leave silently, leaving a string of heavy footsteps echoing on the empty beach.Zhu Yan hurriedly caught up and tried to explain the sudden misunderstanding, but Jiang Jian's voice was full of exhaustion and helplessness:“ I'm tired of these complicated relationships. I just want to be freed from the shadow of the past.”Her retention seemed to be an entanglement in his eyes, and his words were like sharp blades, piercing Zhuyan's heart:“You are always like this, like a clingy person, maybe this is the reason why your father left you.” Anger and grievance intertwined, Zhu Yan raised her hand and gave him a slap in the face, followed by Jiang Jian's determined back and Xin's complicated and unreadable eyes in the distance.At the same time, there was an undercurrent in the medical community.After unremitting efforts, Dr. Han and Dr. Jin finally saw the dawn of solving the side effects of the trial.However, Dr. Taiwu used the results in his hand as a bargaining chip to threaten Dr. Han to agree to a reset experiment with unknown risks on Jiang Jian, otherwise the truth about the side effects would be made public.

Dr. Han was so worried that he contacted Zhu Yan immediately, hoping that she could prevent this possible disaster.Xin, this young man who has gone through countless twists and turns, has now become Zhu Yan’s strongest support.He used his familiarity with the city to help Zhu Yan quickly find Jiang Jian's whereabouts.When the two arrived at the edge of the city, Shin knew that his role had come to an end. He said goodbye to Zhu Yan with a smile, blessing and relief shining in his eyes.On the other side, Jiang Jian was running alone on the tennis court, sweat and tears intertwined, and his thoughts drifted back to the time he spent with Zhu Yan.Her encouragement, her smile, and her persistence were all replayed in my mind.At this moment, Joo-yeon's call interrupted his thoughts. Yeo told her about Dr. Tae-oh's movements, making her aware of the urgency of time.

She rushed to the hospital desperately and finally found the person she missed on the tennis court.“You can start your life again,” Zhuyan's words are like warm sunshine, penetrating the haze in Jiang Jian's heart.However, her blame and worry also made him realize the selfishness and impulsiveness of his behavior.At the end of episode 13, the emotions between the two reached an unprecedented climax.Jiang Jian no longer ran away, he hugged Zhu Yan tightly and proved his determination and love with his actions.Under the afterglow of the setting sun, they kissed passionately, and all misunderstandings and barriers disappeared at this moment.

The above is all the relevant content compiled by the editor about the plot introduction of the 13th episode of Bad Memory Eraser.In the subsequent plot and character relationships, there may be some things that the audience does not understand.Therefore, please pay attention to our line lessons. We will continue to update more rich and exciting content to help the audience better understand the development of the plot.

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