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《the rise of ning》Episode 11 plot introduction

Auth:Little Butterfly Time:Oct 14, 2024 Source:Network

《the rise of ning》 is a very excellent film and television drama, and the plot in the drama is also very good. Next, the editor and my friends will review the plot introduction of episode 11 of 《the rise of ning》Let’s discuss it. I hope friends who read it will like this article.

《the rise of ning》Episode 11 plot introduction

《the rise of ning》Episode 11 plot introduction

Mrs. Luo asked Luo Chengzhang to make a decision in the presence of his ancestors, and Luo Chengzhang announced that he would give Qiao Yuechan fifty sticks and ordered him to work in the farm.

Luo Shenyuan's injuries have not healed since the last assassination in Yuanjing Pavilion. After the fierce battle with the gangsters in Xin Pavilion, the old injuries relapsed and he almost died.Fortunately, Lin Mao was proficient in pharmacology and was secretly invited by Luo Shenyuan's men.Lin Mao took out the golden sore medicine he carefully prepared, and Luo Shenyuan slowly woke up.

Although Luo Yining defeated Xiao Niang this time, he also experienced the edge of life and death.His grandmother punished him to examine himself in the ancestral hall and asked him if he knew his mistake.Faced with her mother's quibbling and counterattack, Luo Yining relied on thorough preparations to save the day.Although she witnessed the crisis, she still firmly expressed that she had no regrets.

After his grandmother left, Luo Shenyuan visited Luo Yining and saw that he was pale but determined, and vowed to clear his mother's wrongdoing.Luo Shenyuan expressed admiration for his tenacity. When he was about to leave, he suddenly heard the sound of Luo Yining falling to the ground.Luo Shenyuan found that her fever persisted and immediately took her back to the house.My grandmother came after hearing the news and urgently summoned famous doctors in the city.Luo Shen was about to leave, but Luo Yining held her tightly. Seeing this, her grandmother persuaded him to leave first.

The doctor diagnosed it as wind-cold, and my grandmother ordered someone to put blankets on her to keep her warm.However, Luo Shenyuan recalled Dr. Du's words and knew that Luo Yining was weak and sick and needed to dissipate heat first, so he advocated reducing the bedding and swore to his grandmother that if he could not cool down, he would be punished.After a night of careful care by Luo Shenyuan, Luo Yining's fever finally subsided and her condition improved.

When Cheng Lang reported back to his uncle Lu Jiaxue, he mentioned that the seventh girl from Luofu had superb paper-cutting skills and was suspected to be the girl his uncle was looking for.Lu Jiaxue was very interested in this woman and planned to meet in person.

After Qiao Yuechan was punished, Lin Hairu went to his old residence to check the accounts and found a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry and a deeded shop, and suspected that he had embezzled the belongings of Luo Yining's late mother.

At Luo Shenyuan's request, Lin Mao not only prepared wound medicine for him, but also secretly prepared health-preserving soup for Luo Yining.Luo Shenyuan paid the full cost of the medicine and begged Lin Mao to keep it secret.When Lin Mao was delivering medicine, he saw Luo Yining's maid bringing astragalus and peony soup, so he poured the medicine into potted plants on the pretext that the medicine was mild and beneficial to vegetation.

The next day, when Luo Yining dined with her grandmother, Lin Hairu ordered someone to serve astragalus and peony soup again.Luo Yining playfully poured the medicinal soup into the potted plants. Her grandmother laughed and said that her mother did not like this soup back then and poured it into begonias to make them wither.Luo Yining was surprised when he heard this, wondering how the mild medicine could harm the vegetation.

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