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《Battle of Shangganling》 Episode 7 plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

In order to let the audience better understand - Battle of Shangganling -, the editor has compiled the relevant content of the plot introduction of the seventh episode of - Battle of Shangganling -. I believe this detailed introduction can help the audience understand more.Learn more about the TV series and learn more about it.

《Battle of Shangganling》 Episode 7 plot introduction

《Battle of Shangganling》 Episode 7 plot introduction

The instructor came back and told Duan Xianfeng that Laba was not found, but a wounded person was rescued.Duan Xianfeng said that there were more than 140 people outside waiting for their command, and he hoped to find Laba during the counterattack at night.Laba was found by the US military. The US military hoped that he could tell how many people there were and when he wanted to launch an attack.Laba said that he was just a trumpet player and he didn’t know anything.The US military killed Laba.Wang Jinshan called Qin Jiwei and said that Zhisi had decided to send three additional artillery battalions, a cannon artillery battalion, and a Katyusha rocket regiment to Qin Jiwei.

Qin Jiwei said that they must have the momentum of the volunteer army.The chief of staff asked Qin Jiwei why he didn't tell Zhisi that their troops would be very tight after this counterattack, especially the 45th Division.Qin Jiwei said that which unit did not bite the bullet and persevere and let the 29th Division come over to change defenses.Cui Jiangong called Qin Jiwei and said that the six companies had arrived at the designated location and guaranteed to complete the mission.Duan Xianfeng called everyone over and talked about the counterattack in the evening.Fan Yuanbao said that he lost a few grenades when he arrived and didn't know where to go to replace them. The platoon leader was also very depressed.Duan Xianfeng asked each platoon leader to lead each squad of soldiers to check the equipment again.

Duan Xianfeng told the instructor about Shuangxi. He felt that Shuangxi was unorganized and undisciplined, and something would happen sooner or later. It was better to let Shuangxi take care of people and make him responsible for other lives, so that he would know how to protect his own life. The instructor thought it was pretty good..Duan Xianfeng called Shuangxi and Fang Yuanbao over and asked them to form a team to investigate.Shuangxi didn't want to act with others. Duan Xianfeng said he would go back to the guard company if he didn't want to, so Shuangxi had no choice but to agree.Fan Yuanbao couldn't do what the team leader did, so he asked Shuangxi to be the team leader.Duan Xianfeng called everyone back and said that it was easy to sacrifice but difficult to complete the task. He hoped that everyone could complete the task well and come back alive.

The battle started, and the people on Duan Xianfeng's side also rushed forward.On the evening of October 19, 1952, the 45th Division of the Volunteer Army organized six companies, and with the support of the 209th Rocket Artillery Regiment and other artillery fire of our army, launched a counterattack against the United Nations forces occupying the 597.9 Highland and the North Mountain of the 537.7 Highland.The U.S. military has organized support, and the volunteers have captured several positions, but Position Zero has not yet been captured.Qin Jiwei said that Position Zero is very important. If Position Zero cannot be taken, it will also have a great impact on Position 9 and other positions, and the sacrifices of the soldiers will be in vain.

The company commander originally wanted to let the fourth platoon go around from the side, but it was a bit embarrassing to remove this, but the fourth platoon lost a communicator, and the others were sacrificed.The company commander rushed up with a squad of people.Huang Jiguang, the correspondent of the Second Battalion, arrived here with several people. Under the enemy's firepower, Huang Jiguang blocked the hole of the gun with his body and blew up the firepower point.Huang Jiguang died heroically at the age of 21.

Duan Xianfeng saw this scene with a telescope and burst into tears.Duan Xianfeng kept thinking about the scene of Huang Jiguang's sacrifice, and his mental state was not very good.The instructor saw it and said that he had never fought such a fierce battle, and he could completely understand Duan Xianfeng's mood.Duan Xianfeng said that if their assault battle could be faster, if they could bring more grenades, that would mean more time, and the soldier would not need to use his body to block the hole of the gun.The instructor said they had no other choice but to use their bodies as weapons.

The above is all about the plot introduction of Episode 7 of Battle of Shangganling. If you want to know more about the film and television drama, you can follow us.

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