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《chunnuanhuakai》 Episode 11 plot introduction

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 18, 2024 Source:Network

The broadcast of 《chunnuanhuakai》 has attracted more people's attention to outstanding actors, directors and screenwriters. At the same time, everyone is also very concerned about the plot introduction of the 11th episode of 《chunnuanhuakai》. Many netizens choose to search for answers online. I hope the followingThe content can answer your questions.

《chunnuanhuakai》 Episode 11 plot introduction

《chunnuanhuakai》Episode 11 plot introduction

Yaoyao was dropped off at the entrance of Erlonghu Village by car. She would spend the next month here. Her brother said that Zhang Hao was already waiting for her, but she saw no one.Lao Wei delivered meals to the people on the construction site. When Daquan saw that the food was getting worse and worse, he became very dissatisfied with Lao Wei. The two started to quarrel before they could say anything, and then they started pushing each other. Lao Wei was pushed to the ground.He lay down and pretended to be seriously injured. Daquan did not show any weakness and lay down on the ground.

When Zhang Hao was working as a security guard, he had three good brothers. When they saw Ma Bowen coming to Teacher Tang to investigate Zhang Hao, they knew that he would be detrimental to Zhang Hao, so they wanted to take revenge on Ma Bowen.The three of them covered each other and punctured the tires of Ma Bowen's BMW.Director Qu has already reported to the mayor that Zhang Hao and the villagers may have been deceived. The mayor had to leave first because he had to attend a meeting. Before leaving, he gave Director Qu a thousand instructions to stabilize the mood of the villagers and avoid any accidents.

Ma Bowen sent Li Minghan a photo of Zhang Hao wearing security uniform and told her that Zhang Hao was a liar.Knowing that there was a problem on the construction site, Zhang Hao and Qi Bing rushed over. Later, Da Quan's wife and Song Zi, who were dancing Yangko, received the call, and then the villagers rushed to the scene together.Director Qu was communicating with police officer Xiao Cao about the situation. He learned that someone was fighting on the construction site and hurriedly hung up the phone to deal with it.When Zhang Hao arrived, he saw at a glance that both of them were pretending, so he sternly ordered Da Quan to get up first, but Lao Wei crawled on the ground solemnly, making everyone laugh at him.

Suddenly, some villagers found that there were only a few workers on the construction site, and the equipment and most of the workers were missing. They loudly questioned Zhang Hao. After being reminded by him, everyone also realized that something was wrong and asked Zhang Hao to explain the situation. At this moment,Photos of Zhang Hao wearing security uniforms were also seen by everyone, and the villagers became even more excited.Zhang Hao didn't know how to explain it to everyone. The villagers realized that they had been cheated and blamed Zhang Hao.When Zhang Chenggong saw this scene, he fell to the ground in a rage.Zhang Hao became even more anxious when he saw his father fainted, but the villagers became more and more emotional and asked him for the investment money. When Director Qu arrived, he calmed down everyone's emotions and ordered Zhang Chenggong to be sent to the village health center quickly.Yaoyao finally walked on the suspension bridge with her suitcase, but was bumped into by the crowd and her mobile phone fell into the river.

A group of people gathered around and sent Zhang Chenggong to the health center. Aunt Fang nervously guarded Lao Zhang.Hearing that the villagers were still shouting for money outside, Zhang Hao had to go out.Director Qu was trying to persuade everyone not to get excited, but Zhang Hao was still besieged by everyone and even fainted on the ground.

Seeing the Zhang family's father and son lying in the health center, he dragged his daughter Duoduo out of here.Ma Bowen's tire was punctured. Teacher Tang asked the security captain to call the surveillance camera. Zhang Hao's three friends were clearly in sight. Fortunately, Ma Bowen did not argue with them. The security captain severely reprimanded several people and wanted them to bribe them.They packed their own cigarettes to smoke, but all three of them said they didn't know how to smoke. The captain angrily said they wouldn't have to come to work tomorrow.

After Zhang Chenggong woke up, he saw Aunt Fang sitting next to him. Zhang Chenggong didn't know what happened, and insisted that the construction site could not stop work. Zhang Hao could not be a liar, because if he was a liar, he would have run away long ago.After Zhang Hao woke up, he came to the office alone and heard Ma Bowen telling Li Minghan that he was just a small security guard and not a big boss at all. He asked Li Minghan to stay away from him in the future, and also found a job for Li Minghan.Go to a talent training institution as a lecturer, and go home to meet your mother to discuss their marriage.Thinking of everything that had happened recently, Zhang Haosheng felt helpless. He walked aimlessly alone until he reached the lake.Director Qu and Qi Bing suddenly disappeared from Zhang Hao. They were worried that Zhang Hao might not be able to predict an accident, so they ordered the villagers to go out and search for them.

The above is the detailed analysis provided by the editor about the plot introduction of the 11th episode of Chunnuanhuakai. I hope it can solve your doubts.If you have other questions about film and television entertainment that you need to know, you are welcome to pay attention to the subsequent updates of the line class.

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