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《People's police》Episode 20 plot introduction

Auth:Overlord Time:Oct 17, 2024 Source:Network

The recently released "People's Police" has caused a sensation. It attracted a large number of viewers' attention as soon as it was aired. Those who have watched the show cannot stop and are immersed in the plot.Today, the editor will introduce the plot of the 20th episode of "People's police" and discuss it with everyone.

《People's police》Episode 20 plot introduction

《People's police》Episode 20 plot introduction

The Dongzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau appointed An Ping as the deputy director of the Lanhui Police Station because of her outstanding performance in the extremely large online gun sales case.“One Belt, One Road” International Cooperation Forum Service Guarantee Mobilization and Oath-taking Ceremony mobilized all police officers in Dongzhou City to carry out detailed and thorough work according to responsibilities and regions to ensure the smooth progress of the International Cooperation Service Forum.​

Mabei Town is located in a deep mountain with inconvenient transportation, making it difficult for the villagers' output to be transported out of the country.Cao Hui used the e-commerce platform to showcase the mountain's specialties to the outside world, solving the village's problems and increasing the villagers' income.An Ping rushed to the hospital after receiving a call that her father was critically ill.An Limin talked with Zhao Haiyang on the phone at the last moment of his life and said goodbye with a smile.Zhao Haiyang went home with the gift promised to An Limin, but saw An Limin's portrait and was unable to see him for the last time.

I hope the above content will be helpful to you while watching the drama. In order to better understand the plot and characters in the drama in the future, it is highly recommended that you pay attention to the line lessons, so that you can enjoy the excitement of the drama even more.

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