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《Battle of Shangganling》 Episode 8 plot introduction

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, some of my short video software has been dominated by Battle of Shangganling. Whether it is appearance, acting skills, or plot, they can quickly and accurately attract the attention of the audience.Everyone has also had a lot of discussion about the plot introduction of the eighth episode of the play - Battle of Shangganling -. The editor has compiled the following relevant content for your reference.

《Battle of Shangganling》 Episode 8 plot introduction

《Battle of Shangganling》Episode 8 plot introduction

Duan Xianfeng's soul was deeply touched by witnessing the soldiers fighting to the death against the enemy's steel torrent using their flesh and blood as blades.Hu Mancang confessed to Duan Xianfeng that they had no choice but to sacrifice heroically. Only in this way could they gain a glimmer of hope of victory.However, Duan Xianfeng is not afraid of death, he is more worried about failing to complete the mission on his shoulders.

In view of the fact that the United States is focusing on the Blumen presidential election and the frontline battle situation, Van Fleet summoned reporter Ryan and asked him to keep what he saw on the battlefield and not leak it.Ryan staunchly objected, seeing it as a betrayal of his professional integrity, unless VanVleet allowed him to accompany him and help write his autobiography.

At the same time, Qin Jiwei was waiting anxiously in the rear and had no time to rest. He urgently ordered the communications company to race against time to repair communications and replenish ammunition, determined to rely on the tunnels to launch a counterattack.On the other hand, the US military is also mobilizing intensively, vowing to regain control of the tunnel.

The U.S. military launched another violent bombardment, and the number of wounded on the battlefield increased sharply, many of whom were buried in the rubble.Shuangxi leads a rescue team, but unexpectedly encounters a surprise attack by the US military, and a fierce battle breaks out between the two sides.Health worker Zheng Guodong died heroically, and the soldiers were also attacked by sneak attacks. Shuangxi witnessed the death of his comrades, and his heart was filled with grief and anger.

Communication was interrupted, and the entire communication squad was killed except for Xiaodouzi.Shuangxi and Xiaodouzi sneaked underground to repair the phone line.The two found what they needed in the cat's ear hole, and Xiaodouzi successfully connected the wires.On the way back, I ran into health worker Xiang Hong.

Du Wenjin discovered that many positions were lost at the observation post, but was unable to report them in time due to communication interruption.She insisted on reporting Yamashita immediately, while Liu Xiangyang, the reconnaissance section chief, was concerned that the information had not been verified and the 44th Division had not yet reported it.In the end, Du Wenjin's sense of urgency prompted Liu Xiangyang to report the severe situation directly to Qin Jiwei.

The United Nations launched a heavy counterattack. The volunteers suffered heavy casualties and were running low on ammunition.Except for holding some positions on Highland 597.9, the rest were captured by the enemy.Qin Jiwei personally visited the Forty-fifth Division's forward command post, and after listening to reports from Cui Jiangong and Feng Baisheng, he decisively ordered the remaining volunteers to move into the tunnels and continue fighting.

Wang Jinshan, deputy commander of the Third Corps, called Li Desheng, deputy commander of the 12th Army, requesting that a regiment be dispatched as a reserve force to support the Five Sacred Mountains due to the critical situation of the 15th Army.On the other side, Xiang Hong's health team was almost destroyed. She was alone, regardless of her personal safety, carrying medical supplies to support the tunnel. Unfortunately, Xiaodouzi died in the bombing of an enemy plane on the way.

The United Nations military medical station was overcrowded, the number of casualties increased sharply, and morale was low.Van Fleet delivered a speech in person, using his own growth experience to boost morale, promising that this battle would be a decisive battle and would lead everyone to victory.

Shuangxi and Xiang Hong returned to the tunnel. Duan Xianfeng and Hu Mancang were deeply saddened to hear that Xiaodouzi had died.After more than ten hours of fierce fighting, the volunteers suffered heavy casualties and were forced to turn some positions into tunnels for fighting.The fierceness and cruelty of this battle were rare in the Korean battlefield for more than a year. The enemy lost more than 7,000 people, and the 45th Division also suffered heavy casualties.

Wang Jinshan learned that counterattack position No. 19 was gained and lost, and he summoned Qin Jiwei to discuss countermeasures.Qin Jiwei used the metaphor of beating a bear to express his firm determination to never retreat and take the initiative.Wang Jinshan is deeply gratified by this.

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