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《the rise of ning》When will Xiaoniang be offline?

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

《the rise of ning》 aired in recent days has become very popular and has become a hot topic of discussion. In order to let more viewers fully understand this TV series, we have compiled the following information about 《the rise of ning》When will Xiaoniang go offline?

《the rise of ning》When will Xiaoniang be offline

《the rise of ning》When will Xiaoniang be offline?

In episode 11 of the rise of ning, the confrontation between Luo Yining and the actor leads to a thrilling revelation.The story unfolded with Luo Yining's questioning. She eagerly asked the actor to produce evidence to prove that she and Qiao Yuechan had known each other for a long time.At this moment, a tense atmosphere filled the entire room, and everyone's heart was hanging.

The actor took out an exquisite belt from his arms. The belt was embroidered with an orchid pattern, which became the key to this situation.Luo Chengzhang angrily accused Luo Yining of being shameless, but she decisively refuted it.Luo Yining calmly reminded her father to look carefully at the belt, emphasizing that it was not her personal belongings.Luo Chengzhang's eyes gradually focused. After careful inspection, he instantly understood the mystery: this belt was actually owned by Qiao Yuechan, not Luo Yining's mother.Recalling the past, Luo Chengzhang seemed to be in the past. He had given two women different orchid belts - one with six leaves and the other with seven leaves. It seemed like yesterday.

With this discovery, the various testimonies presented by the actor became self-defeating, and it became clear that there was something hidden behind it.Qiao Yuechan still tried to defend herself against the truth that was about to be revealed, but Luo Yining was already prepared.She steadily and quickly presented the evidence that could prove that Qiao Yuechan's miscarriage had nothing to do with her. Then Li's mother and Zhang Wuye responded. Their testimony pointed out that Qiao Yuechan secretly framed and slandered the young Luo Yining, and pointed out that since Luo Yining's rebirthSince returning to the Luo family, this seemingly weak woman has been secretly attacking her relentlessly.

All the evidence converged into an invisible force, and Luo Chengzhang finally saw the true face of the people around him.Beneath his originally pitiful appearance, there was such a sinister and vicious heart hidden inside.Although Qiao Yuechan spoke with tears in her eyes about her contribution to the Luo family over the years, a deep chill had already formed in her father's heart.

There was a decisiveness in Mrs. Luo's tone that made Luo Chengzhang no longer hesitate.In front of the memorial tablets of his ancestors, Luo Chengzhang made a difficult but courageous decision - he announced that Qiao Yuechan would be punished for fifty years, and then resolutely went to the farm to get busy.Justice will eventually come, but every decision is accompanied by the pain of tearing the soul. How will this protracted battle end?The audience is all looking forward to the next development of the plot, wondering in their hearts, can justice finally defeat evil?

The above is a comprehensive introduction to 《the rise of ning》when Xiaoniang will go offline. I hope this article can be helpful to you.In the future, the editor will continue to work hard to bring you more articles about film and television information.We will continue to pay attention to the latest developments and topics in this field and present you with detailed and rich content.Please stay tuned for the follow-up content of our dialogue course!

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