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《Seven Nights of Snow》Episode 17-18 Preview

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 16, 2024 Source:Network

A recently popular film and television drama called Seven Nights of Snow has become the focus of the audience's attention. Many fans of the drama began to discuss it during the announcement stage of the drama.As the series aired, its popularity continued to rise, fully meeting the expectations of the audience.Especially the trailer for episodes 17-18 of Seven Nights of Snow has been attracting much attention and discussion, and I want to know more details.Today, I want to dive into this topic with you.

《Seven Nights of Snow》Episode 17-18 Preview

《Seven Nights of Snow》Episode 17-18 Preview: Xue Ziye realizes that she has to live for herself, and bids farewell to Huo Zhanbai. Xu Chonghua wears a mask and is resurrected in Yuanyigong as “Miao Kong”.

1. A mastiff happened to die in the Snow Prison. Since the cage is empty, let him fill it.Then, Hitomi and Mastiff looked at each other angrily.

2. Xue Ziye asked Huo Zhanbai how much money it cost to persuade the villagers to move the market to Medicine Master Valley?

Hearing him say that he hadn't spent any money, Xue Ziye asked, could he have put all the accounts on Yaoshi Gutou?

Huo Zhanbai handed Xue Ziye candied haws in public and asked if these could pay off the debt?

The sisters in Medicine Valley exclaimed, yes, yes.

Xue Ziye replied that even if all the candied haws were used to pay off the debt, it would only be a drop in the bucket.

Huo Zhanbai and Xue Ziye watched the fireworks side by side, saying that she was no one else but his creditor.

3. Miao Shui asked Miao Feng if anyone had ever told him that his smile was so disgusting.

Miaoshui was played and abused by Chang Wujue until his whole body was scarred.

4. Standing on the hillside, looking at the vast white snow, Xue Ziye suddenly had an idea, maybe she should live for herself.

5. Xu Chonghua wore a bronze mask and fought with people in Yuanyi Palace to show his strength. The king asked him to take off the mask.

Xu Chonghua said that his subordinates were ugly and worried about disturbing the king.

6. Xue Ziye lamented that flowers bloom and fall sometimes, and birth, old age, illness and death are inevitable. Instead of maintaining an illusory life, it is better to keep the beautiful memories of them firmly in mind.

Grandma Ning reminded that it might not just be Mr. Xuehuai.

Huo Zhanbai told Xue Ziye that after drinking the last glass of wine, it was time to leave.

Xue Ziye said that it was the last medicine.

Huo Zhanbai said that after he comes back this time, she will tell him what she wants to do most?After all, the favors owed must be repaid.

Seeing Huo Zhanbai's figure riding a horse farther and farther away, Xue Ziye said goodbye reluctantly, feeling lost.

Today we have talked about the preview of episodes 17-18 of Seven Nights of Snow. I hope you found it useful.If you are interested in this article, we welcome you to continue to pay attention to our subsequent content.

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