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《People's police》Episode 25 plot introduction

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

The recently aired movie called People's Police has attracted widespread attention. Whether it is the appearance of the actors, their outstanding acting skills, or the dramatic plot, it has attracted a large number of viewers.At the same time, the plot introduction of the 25th episode of the drama - People's Police - has also become a hot topic discussed by many viewers.Let’s explore this together now.

《People's police》Episode 25 plot introduction

《People's police》Episode 25 plot introduction

Zhao Haiyang invited financial expert Wang Ruisheng to explain financial knowledge in depth, and the economic investigation team worked overtime to study.After investigating Mingnan, the police did not find any financial dealings between Yu Mingnan and Lin Can's company.Li Cheng took people to Yu Mingnan's house to ask about Yu Mingnan's parents and learned that Yu Mingnan had a secret boyfriend.

Li Cheng and others finally analyzed the modus operandi of Lin Can's company to misappropriate 1 billion yuan of Wynn International's funds, but they still could not find out the intersection between Ming Nan and Lu Yang.Zhao Haiyang discovered through surveillance that a Land Rover often appeared in Yu Mingnan's community.Rooster and Octopus took Wang Chao to an unfinished building to show how to use drones for drug transactions.

The homeless man mistook the drone for a flying saucer and refused to leave the park. Park security called the police. Xia Tian and Liu Hancheng came to the park to take the homeless man back to the police station. Zhang Penghao was very familiar with the homeless man and asked the homeless man about the flying saucer while getting close.

It is filled with beautiful poetic style and permeated with deep humanistic care.The entire narrative is smooth and there is no sense of sloppiness. The connection between shots and scenes is natural and flexible. The above is the entire plot introduction of the 25th episode of People's Police. If you think it is good, you can continue to follow it.Great follow-up to the line lesson.

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