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《Awake lion》 Episode 21 plot introduction

Auth:Enchanting Snow Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

The recently popular TV series - Awake Lion - is deeply loved by the audience. Countless fans are not only fascinated by its ups and downs plot and vivid characters, but also full of curiosity and excitement about it.Among them - Awake lion - the plot introduction of the 21st episode is what everyone wants to know the most right now. Today I will talk about it with you.

《Awake lion》 Episode 21 plot introduction

《Awake lion》Episode 21 plot introduction

Yin Baoli explained to Wang Lu that her college entrance examination was not for divorce. She gave up studying because she was obsessed with tea making, and she always had a shadow in her heart. Now, seeing her father and daughter working hard for the lion dance, it makes her feelRegarding the idea of ​​taking the college entrance examination again, she sincerely hopes that Wang Xuefeng and Wang Lu and his daughter can understand and support her.Before the competition, lion teams from all over the country came to the town one after another and performed in the square.

Wang Lu brought a team of female lions to join in the fun and provoke a white lion.The white lion became anxious and launched an attack. The female lion team, which had never experienced a real confrontation, was defeated... At this time, Wang Xuefeng suddenly realized that it was difficult for the female team to perform a confrontational performance with the strength of the female team alone, so he found a way toYu Yue, who was working out of town, begged him to return. The master and the apprentice drank to each other to resolve their past feud...

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