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《Executive Judge》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Auth:Overlord Time:Jun 28, 2024 Source:Network

The broadcast of "Executive Judge" has aroused great interest from the audience. Whether it is the storyline or the characters' acting skills, people are immersed in it. Especially the recent introduction to the drama "Executive Judge" is now available online.It is the most discussed topic. Let’s talk about this topic below.

《Executive Judge》The play tells the story of Qi Lin (played by Luo Jin), an outstanding criminal court judge of the Qinggang Municipal People's Court, who met the president of the Second Enforcement Tribunal who was completely different from his own during his rotation to the Executive Bureau to support him.Chu Yun (played by Yang Zishan), the two went from having many conflicts and differences to working together and working together tacitly, leading the second enforcement court team to face difficulties and solve a series of difficult cases.Through 16 execution cases that are close to people's lives, the play witnesses the growth process of a group of young judges who adhere to their professional ideals and constantly pursue progress in their work.

《Executive Judge》Episode 1 plot introduction

《Executive Judge》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

As the country's rule of law becomes increasingly sound and perfect, courts in various places are generally facing the challenge of difficulty in enforcement.In the People's Court of Qinggang City, Jiangnan Province, enforcement work is particularly difficult due to a shortage of case handling personnel and a serious backlog of cases.To this end, the party committee of the hospital decided to use the Second Enforcement Division as a pilot and formed a team composed mainly of young judges.

Qi Runyu, the owner of the Yucheng Pig Knuckle Rice restaurant located at No. 5 Zhongren Road, was sued by Kuaisang Financial because his son Fang Qiang mortgaged the restaurant to Kuaisang Financial for a loan and failed to repay it when it was due.Although Judge Zhang Li of the First Civil Court issued a judgment in April, Qi Runyu and Fang Qiang have yet to fulfill the judgment, and the court decided to seal up and auction the hotel.

After Chu Yun, the president of the Second Execution Court, learned of the incident, he personally led the judicial police to the hotel to communicate with Qi Runyu.Although his colleague Yan Anyang reminded Chu Yun that Qi Runyu was related to Qi Lin, the criminal court judge, Chu Yun still insisted on his principle and went to the hotel to carry out the execution.After explaining her intention, Qi Runyu learned that Fang Qiang had transferred the ownership of the hotel and taken out a mortgage without her knowledge.Because Fang Qiang failed to repay the loan as scheduled and refused to fulfill the court's judgment, judge Ye Xuan read out the judgment and required Qi Runyu to move out of the hotel within seven days, otherwise he would face enforcement.

Qi Runyu and her husband Fang Dacheng had no idea about this and were extremely worried.At the same time, the Party Committee of the hospital decided to implement a rotation system throughout the hospital and select outstanding judges to work in the second division.After screening, Qi Lin became the first rotation judge, and Zhou Lei, director of the Executive Bureau, expressed satisfaction with this.

In another case, Zhou Youmin had a dispute with Zheng Xiaonie and stabbed him because he came to collect money.Qi Runyu insisted that the hotel was a gift from Qi Lin and had nothing to do with Fang Qiang, and tried to get closer to Chu Yuntao by moving out of Qi Lin.However, Chu Yun took out Fang Qiang's forged mortgage contract and demanded that Fang Qiang be held criminally responsible.Faced with Chu Yun's tough attitude, Qi Runyu refused to cooperate and was eventually taken to the detention room.

After Qi Lin learned about this, considering Qi Runyu's physical condition, he asked Ma Wenjun, the president of the criminal court, for permission to visit.However, Chu Yun insisted on his principle and refused Qi Lin's request to visit.At Qi Lin's insistence, Chu Yun finally agreed to let Qi Lin visit and arranged for a doctor to examine Qi Runyu's body.

In the detention room, Qi Lin explained the stakes of the case to Qi Runyu and learned the truth that Fang Qiang had transferred the ownership of the hotel.In order to find Fang Qiang, Qi Lin found Fang Qiang in an Internet cafe arguing with someone and being beaten, and stepped forward to rescue him in time.At the same time, Chu Yun arranged for the bailiff to hunt down another fugitive Li Ren, and finally successfully trapped him in an abandoned building.

With the help of Qi Lin, Fang Qiang realized that he had been deceived by Dong Ming, the director of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory, and decided to take action to recover the losses.Li Ren, on the other hand, was sued for gambling debts, but refused to fulfill his obligations even when faced with enforcement, and was finally persuaded by Chu Yun.Due to insolvency, Dong Ming mortgaged his girlfriend Dai Lande's beauty salon and tried to bribe Qi Lin to get a lighter sentence in Zhou Youmin's case to obtain more benefits.

This series of events reflects the court's determination and impartiality in its enforcement work, and also reveals the important role of the rule of law in maintaining social order, fairness and justice.

《Executive Judge》Episode 2 plot introduction

《Executive Judge》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Li Ren stood outside the railing and tried to kick the bottle of water over with his feet, but accidentally stepped on it and slid down from the height.He clung to the railing tightly, but fortunately the bailiffs rescued him in time.

Judge Wei Gang, Qi Lin's senior brother, invited Qi Lin to have dinner.During the dinner, Qi Lin mentioned that Fang Qiang took out a loan of 2 million yuan using the hotel as collateral, and hoped that Wei Gang could lend him 400,000 yuan.However, Wei Gang's proposal was declined by Qi Lin.Later, Wei Gang took Qi Lin to meet his old classmate Zhao Lingnan, whom he had not seen for many years. Unexpectedly, Zhou Youmin's father Zhou Zhi was also present.After Qi Lin understood the reason, he left angrily.

Zhao Lingnan chased him out and persuaded Qi Lin to be more tolerant to Zhou Youmin, but Qi Lin firmly refused.Zhao Lingnan continued to persuade, but Qi Lin didn't want to listen anymore and left angrily.Wei Gang originally thought that Zhao Lingnan just wanted to reunite old classmates, but he didn't expect that he had other intentions. This made Wei Gang deeply disappointed and said goodbye to Zhao Lingnan.

After Zhou Zhi hit a wall, he called Dong Ming and scolded him.After Dong Ming learned that the judge responsible for Zhou Youmin's injury case was Qi Lin, he asked Zhao Lingnan to intercede with Qi Lin, but failed.Zhou Zhi gave Dong Ming an ultimatum. If Zhou Youmin could get a lighter sentence, the money owed by Dong Ming would be written off. Otherwise, not even a cent of the principal and interest would be lost.

Dong Ming made an appointment with Qi Lin, hoping that he could give Zhou Youmin a lighter sentence in order to relieve Fang Qiang of the two million debt he owed.Qi Lin guessed that Fang Qiang's loan was handled at Zhou Zhi's company, and Dong Ming confessed.However, Qi Lin firmly rejected Dong Ming's request.

Wei Gang reported to Dean Ma that Zhao Lingnan found Qi Lin through the back door.Qi Lin also truthfully told the relationship between Fang Qiang, Dong Ming and Zhou Zhi, and applied to avoid Fang Qiang's case.Dean Ma asked him to explain the situation to the Second Execution Court.The second enforcement tribunal has the highest complaint rate in the hospital, and Yan Anyang, Zhang Tianyi and others are full of complaints about this.They feel that their work is thankless and they often receive complaints from clients.Chu Yun reminded them not to complain.

Qi Lin explained the situation to Chu Yun, but Chu Yun charged him with violating regulations and disciplines.Qi Lin didn't want to explain too much, so Chu Yun asked him to take Qi Runyu home.Dean Ma reported Qi Lin's matter to the hospital leaders and the Disciplinary Inspection Commission, and they unanimously agreed that Qi Lin should continue hearing Zhou Youmin's case.

During the trial, Zhou Youmin was sentenced to seven years in prison for intentional injury and had to pay Zheng Xiaonie more than 600,000 yuan in compensation.Qi Lin took Qi Runyu home, and Qi Runyu agreed to vacate the hotel.Although Fang Dacheng resisted, Qi Runyu was determined and he had no choice but to comply.

Dong Ming asked Qi Lin again to talk about Fang Qiang, but Qi Lin ignored him.Fang Qiang was scolded by Qi Runyu after returning home.Qi Lin suggested that Fang Qiang sue Dong Ming, but reminded him that doing so might lead to a prison sentence.Dong Ming made an appointment with Qi Lin again, and Qi Lin went to the appointment.

Qi Lin revealed face to face the fact that Dong Ming induced Fang Qiang to forge a real estate transfer contract and used company shares as bait to defraud Fang Qiang into using a hotel mortgage loan.Dong Ming faced jail time for fraud and decided to revoke Fang Qiang's loan contract after weighing the pros and cons.Fang Dacheng prepared a large box of daily necessities for Fang Qiang, and Qi Lin brought two good news: Qi Runyu's hotel was saved, and Fang Qiang also avoided jail.This made Qi Runyu, Fang Dacheng and Fang Qiang very happy, and Qi Lin was extremely grateful.

Qi Lin applied to Dean Tang not to perform the work of the second court because he did not want to work with Chu Yun.After Zhou Lei learned about this, he tried his best to persuade Dean Tang to arrange Qi Lin to the second execution court.After some hard work, Dean Tang finally agreed to Zhou Lei's request.When Chu Yun learned that Qi Lin was about to be transferred to another job, he resolutely expressed his unwillingness to associate with Qi Lin, who violated regulations and disciplines.But under Zhou Lei's persuasion, she reluctantly agreed to let Qi Lin serve as the second court probation for one month.Qi Lin heard all this from outside the door. Zhou Lei then asked Chu Yun and Qi Lin to shake hands and make peace, which they did although they were reluctant.

《Executive Judge》 Episode 3 plot introduction

《Executive Judge》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Qi Lin is young and promising, high-spirited. He is the judge with the highest case closure rate in the criminal court. The leaders of the court sent him to the second execution court for rotation. Qi Lin does not want to do these mother-in-law jobs. In addition, he and Chu Yun, the president of the second court, are because of Fang Qiang.There was a fierce conflict over the case, and Chu Yun was unwilling to accept Qi Lin. Zhou Lei, director of the Executive Bureau, was eager for Qi Lin, so Chu Yun had to give up.

Qi Lin bit the bullet and reported to the Second Execution Court. Zhou Lei personally hosted the welcome meeting. Qi Lin stated on the spot that he would cooperate with their work in the next six months. Please forgive me for any shortcomings. Chu Yun achieved Qi Lin's achievements.He was full of praise for his achievements and wished he could finish his rotation and leave the Second Execution Court as soon as possible.Zhou Lei saw that Chu Yun had personal emotions and privately advised her to put aside her prejudice against Qi Lin.Qi Lin greeted and exchanged greetings with his colleagues one by one. They all saw that Chu Yun did not welcome Qi Lin, and Qi Lin avoided him, which made Qi Lin feel awkward.

Chu Yun came home worried, and her father noticed that something was wrong with her. Chu Yun told Qi Lin about his rotation at the Second Enforcement Court. His father believed that Qi Lin was an excellent judge, otherwise the court leaders would not be the first to do so.After choosing him, Chu Yun felt that Qi Lin had his own way of doing things and was worried that they wouldn't get along, so her father gave her good advice.As soon as Qi Lin got off work, he locked himself in his room and exercised hard. He didn't eat or drink, and didn't say a word. Fang Dacheng was very dissatisfied with Chu Yun and wanted to persuade Qi Lin. Qi Runyu stopped him, believing that Qi Lin could think of it himself.Pass.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to work early and cleaned the office cleanly. Chu Yun thought he wanted to express himself, so he told him about the two executive courts taking turns to clean.Dong Ming originally wanted to use Fang Qiang's mortgage to repay Zhou Zhi's debt, but failed. He had no choice but to go to lawyer Cui Tiancheng from Tiancheng Law Firm for help. He wanted to withdraw the 10% share transfer contract from the factory to Fang Qiang. Cui TianchengNot wanting to go through this muddy water again, Dong Ming promised to give Cui Tiancheng a generous reward when the project was completed, and he reluctantly agreed.

Li Ren promised to repay the loan, but the first payment has not yet arrived. Zhang Nan went to Li Ren to collect the debt and was detained. The hospital leaders asked the second court to enforce Li Ren and even remotely monitored the action in the command center., Yan Anyang was not feeling well and could not participate, Qi Lin offered to perform the task for him.

Chu Yun personally led the team to find Li Ren. Li Ren and his team were waiting at the door of Kunpeng Equestrian Club early, insisting that Zhang Nan was here to cause trouble and asked Chu Yun to take Zhang Nan away. Zhang Nan found out that Li Ren spent a lot of money to buy four ponies. He cameThe racecourse asked Li Ren for money, but Li Ren not only refused to pay back the money, but also sent people to arrest him.Chu Yun ordered Li Ren to release Zhang Nan, but Li Ren refused to cooperate. Qi Lin stepped forward and held Li Ren's hand tightly, asking the bailiff to keep an eye on Zhang Nan and ensuring that Zhang Nan would not run away. Only then did Li Ren agree to release Zhang Nan.

Zhang Nan handed the evidence to Chu Yun. Chu Yun read it from beginning to end, and asked Ye Xuan to take photos of the racecourse workers as evidence, and to detain the troublemakers for fifteen days. He also asked Ouyang Lulu to contact the police to assist in handling the case. Ouyang LuLu was worried that the bailiffs would not arrive in time. Qi Lin took out his walkie-talkie and asked Captain Liu of the police force for help. He suspected that Li Ren organized a gangster to resist law enforcement. Workers stood up one after another to explain that they were not gangsters. Chu Yun took the opportunity to persuade them to evacuate the scene as soon as possible, otherwiseHe would be detained for fifteen days for obstructing official duties. The workers dispersed upon seeing this, and Li Ren was dumbfounded.

Chu Yun took out the search warrant, and Li Ren obediently opened the gate of the racecourse. Chu Yun led people to search, but no horses were found. Li Ren lied that all the newly purchased horses were dead. Qi Lin found out that the fodder was delivered today.Li Ren was asked to tell where the horses were hidden. Li Ren suddenly became angry and threatened with a mower. The bailiff rushed up and subdued Li Ren. Li Ren was so angry that he smashed the mower at Chu Yun and others. Qi Lin rushed forward regardless of his own safety.Block with a shield.

Dean Tang was sitting in the command center, and Zhou Lei was always by his side. They watched the actions of Chu Yun and his party throughout the whole process. Seeing that the danger was lifted, Zhou Lei ordered Chu Yun and the others to evacuate the scene as soon as possible. He took the opportunity to replace him in front of Dean Tang.The Second Enforcement Tribunal begged for mercy, but the complaint rate at the Second Enforcement Tribunal remained high. Dean Tang saw with his own eyes the dangers of the work of the Second Enforcement Tribunal and agreed that complaints made within three months would not be counted in the assessment.

After the mission was over, Ouyang Lulu and Ye Xuan greeted Qilin and comforted him with various snacks. Chu Yun criticized Qilin's risky approach and asked him to memorize all the regulations for executing the case, and he could not say a word.Wrong, otherwise he would not be arranged to go out to work. Chu Yun was concerned about whether Qi Lin's arm was injured, but Qi Lin did not appreciate it.

The daughter of Cui Caiyan, Cui Caiyan, returned to China with her boyfriend Mu Zifeng. The two went to the law firm to see Cui Tiancheng. Cui Tiancheng sent Cui Caiyan away and thanked Mu Zifeng for persuading Caiyan to return to China. He had high hopes for Mu Zifeng.Zifeng thanked Cui Tiancheng for winning his exchange student spot and wanted to come to work at the law firm tomorrow. Cui Tiancheng asked him to rest for a few days.Qi Lin recited the regulations word for word. Qi Runyu called Qi Lin to go home and eat roast goose. Qi Lin overheard Fang Dacheng putting things in the closet, and he suddenly thought that Li Ren would hide the horses in the closet.

Fang Dacheng complained that Qi Runyu was too partial to Qi Lin and ignored Fang Qiang. Qi Runyu wanted Fang Qiang to come back and eat roast goose, but he couldn't get through Fang Qiang's phone call.Qi Lin worked overtime until very late. He drew a sketch of the closet of the stable No. 2. Yan Anyang took the initiative to help and quickly drew the drawings based on the video taken at the scene. Qi Lin calculated that the area difference was fifty square meters, so he went there overnightThe Yard Club investigated and found out that Ouyang Lulu happened to be going there, so she asked Qi Lin to drive there with her.

《Executive Judge》 Episode 4 plot introduction

《Executive Judge》Introduction to the plot of the complete series

Ouyang Lulu accidentally saw the sketch of stable No. 2 drawn by Qi Lin. She also suspected that Li Ren had hidden the horses in the secret room, so she accompanied Qi Lin to take a look.Qi Lin asked Ouyang Lulu to wait at the door. Ouyang Lulu insisted on following him to the stable. Suddenly she heard a dog barking inside. She had been afraid of dogs since she was a child, so she asked Qi Lin to go to the stable to investigate alone.

Qi Lin climbed over the wall and came to the racecourse. He escaped from the workers' patrols and successfully entered the No. 2 stable. He found the secret room where the horses were hidden behind the hay pile.Ouyang Lulu waited for a long time but did not see Qi Lin come out. She called Chu Yun to report, and Chu Yun drove to the racecourse overnight.Qi Lin moved the fodder away and found several horses hidden inside. He immediately took pictures of them.

Two patrol workers saw the lights on in the stable and hurried over to investigate. They saw Qi Lin when they entered the door and suspected that Qi Lin had come to steal the horse. They beat and kicked him without any explanation. Thanks to Chu Yun and his people, they arrived in time to rescue Qi Lin.Qi Lin admitted his mistake to Chu Yun, but Chu Yun didn't buy it at all and taught him a lesson.Ouyang Lulu apologized to Qi Lin. She didn't want to be a traitor, but was just worried that Qi Lin was in danger. Qi Lin thanked Ouyang Lulu for reporting it in time, so that he could escape.

Dong Ming asked Cui Tiancheng to help sell the shares of Yongkang Machinery Factory, and promised to give Cui Tiancheng a generous reward when the matter was completed. Cui Tiancheng had to ask Shen Sifang, director of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee, for help.Shen Sifang went to see Chen Qilun of Qilun Group in person and revealed to him the news that the city was going to build Chenguang Plaza. Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory was within the planning area. Chen Qilun hosted a banquet for Shen Sifang.Chu Yun complained to Zhou Lei and strongly demanded that Qi Lin be transferred back. Zhou Lei was very optimistic about Qi Lin and tried his best to appease Chu Yun and made peace with him. Chu Yun refused to do it. Zhou Lei pretended to be unwell and tried to persuade Chu Yun to do so.Yun persuaded him to leave.

Qi Lin admitted his mistake to Chu Yun and admitted that his action was too reckless. Chu Yun did not appreciate it at all and gave him a death order. He was not allowed to go out in the field unless he memorized the regulations.After the meal, Mr. Li, the vice president of Qilun Group, personally sent Shen Sifang home and gave him an antique. He repeatedly told Shen Sifang to take care of the antique.

Qi Lin admitted his mistakes in public, Ouyang Lulu also made a self-examination, Ye Xuan criticized Qi Lin's actions, Yan Anyang stood up to defend Qi Lin, Ye Xuan had complained about him for a long time, and Yan Anyang found all kinds of excuses.In the field, the two people quarreled when they disagreed. Chu Yun stopped them loudly. Qi Lin admitted his mistake again. Chu Yun refused and punished Qi Lin and Ouyang Lulu to write an inspection.

Shen Sifang was solely responsible for the development of Chenguang Plaza. He revealed the news about Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory to Chen Qilun. Chen Qilun knew that the news was worth one billion. He asked Mr. Li to give Shen Sifang a priceless antique and decided to give it to Shen Sifang within a month.to acquire this factory.Mr. Li came to Cui Tiancheng to discuss the acquisition of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. Cui Tiancheng was in a dilemma. Mr. Li was determined to win at all costs.

Qi Lin went out early and came back late every day when he was in the criminal court. He recently went to get off work on time. Qi Runyu was worried that Chu Yun was wearing small shoes for Qi Lin and wanted to complain to the hospital leaders. Qi Lin tried his best to persuade Qi Runyu to comfort him.Cui Tiancheng took Dong Ming to see Mr. Li. They agreed on a selling price of 20 million. Dong Ming learned that Qilun Group was going to acquire his factory, so he took the opportunity to ask for 30 million. Mr. Li couldn't make the decision and wanted to go back to find it.Chen Qilun discusses it.

Cui Tiancheng complained that Dong Ming was too greedy. Dong Ming wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, and promised that he would not treat Cui Tiancheng badly after the success.Dong Ming went to Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory for an inspection. The workers chased him, arrested him, and forced Dong Ming to default on their wages. After receiving the news, Chu Yun immediately took people there. Qi Lin was eager to give it a try, but he onlyAble to stay in the office and memorize a 390-page specification.

《Executive Judge》The production is well-made, the storyline is compact, and the picture presentation is exquisite and delicate, which brings us all an excellent viewing experience. I believe that through the editor's detailed explanation, everyone will be familiar with《Executive Judge》the complete plot of the episodeThe introduction has a deeper understanding. If you want to know more related content, please pay attention to the line class.

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