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《Mistaken Love》Character Relationship Chart

Auth:Enchanting Ice Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

The most recent one - Mistaken Love - has been a hit since it was aired. It has a very deep grasp of the details of the plot and characters. It can't even escape the involvement of the plot. It has been in the emotional whirlpool of the story.《Mistaken Love》Character relationship diagrams are something that everyone is paying close attention to recently. Here are some contents compiled by the editor for you.

《Mistaken Love》Character Relationship Chart


Shao Yuqi as Li Conghuan

Identity: The ninth princess of Zizhou, later became the Crown Princess of Qingshuo.

Key relationships:

You and Mo Jin: They were once a pair of loving lovers, but they turned against each other due to family betrayal and misunderstanding.When they reunited, Li Conghuan had become Mo Jin's sister-in-law, and the relationship between the two was full of intricate assassinations and temptations.

With Mo Heng: Marry Mo Heng in the name of marriage and become the crown prince, but there is no deep relationship between the two.

Li Daikun as Mo Jin

Identity: The second prince of Qingshuo Kingdom.

Key relationships:

With Li Conghuan: They were once lovers, but their relationship broke down due to misunderstanding and betrayal.After the reunion, Mo Jin felt angry and confused about Li Conghuan's revenge.

With Mo Heng: Brotherly relationship, but the two had conflicts and conflicts due to Li Conghuan's revenge plan.

Min Xinghan as Mo Heng-

Identity: Prince of Qingshuo Kingdom.

Key relationships:

and Li Conghuan: They became husband and wife through marriage, but there was no basis for love between the two, and it was more based on political considerations.

With Mo Jin: brotherly relationship, but affected by Li Conghuan's revenge plan, the relationship between the two became complicated.

Sun Yanen as -

Qiao Guanzhen -

Li Conghuan's mother-in-law: She was killed by Mo Jin's cronies on the day Li Conghuan gave birth, which became the trigger for Li Conghuan's revenge.

Mo Jin's cronies and subordinates: carried out the order to kill Li Conghuan's mother, concubine and children, exacerbating the misunderstanding and hatred between Mo Jin and Li Conghuan.

The above is all the content related to《Mistaken Love》Character Relationship Diagram.However, there are a lot of great moments in this show as well as parts that may confuse viewers.In order to allow the audience to fully understand the storyline and surrounding information, we recommend that you continue to take our line lessons. Subsequent updated content will better help you watch and follow the drama.

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