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《Divorce lawyer spider》Episode 2 plot introduction

Auth:Big Stuffy Head Time:Oct 12, 2024 Source:Network

In the past few days, several new dramas have started airing, including the long-awaited one - Divorce Lawyer Spider.This high-profile film and television work achieved great success and widespread attention once it was broadcast.Not only has its popularity remained high, but topics and hot searches related to it have also appeared frequently on major social platforms.Therefore, what the editor wants to discuss with you this time is《Divorce lawyer spider》episode introduction to the second episode.

《Divorce lawyer spider》Episode 2 plot introduction

《Divorce lawyer spider》Episode 2 plot introduction

The client of the second episode is Emi Kiyokawa (Mizuki Tanimura) who is forced to live an excessively frugal life.

Asuka (Marijun Takahashi) walked into a restaurant that she frequented. When she saw a woman trying to take away a large amount of red shrimp crackers, she was reminded by the store manager (Taku Suzuki) that this woman was Emi.Feiniao said to the store manager: Boss, it's not good for you to do this.(Take as much as you want) Isn’t this clearly written? “ helped Huimei out of trouble.Asuka, who noticed that Huimei seemed to have something to hide, handed her his business card and said: ”If you have any difficulties...“, but Huimei smiled and replied: ” Saving is my hobby.I have something I want...“.In front of Emi's sight was a mother and son who looked very happy...

”17:34 and spent 470 yen.What did you buy at the convenience store?“After returning home, Huimei was interrogated by her husband Kenji Kiyokawa (Hiyonaga Tsubasa).

While eating, Huimei asked: Can I go to the hospital this week?I also have plans for the next in vitro fertilization, so I want to go to the hospital...” Kenji replied impatiently:“ I'm very busy, I can't go this week.Will you go again next month?”

“I said the same thing last month...”Unable to bear it, Huimei decided to contact Asuka.

Asuka and Jun, who visited Emi's house, learned that Emi lived an excessively frugal life in which she could not hold cash, could not freely ride trains and buses, and could not even use cleaning machines.

Asuka told Huimei: “You are suffering economic violence.”However, Huimei denied: “I have not suffered financial violence. The saving is for infertility treatment, which was decided by the couple together.”

However, the money they had worked so hard to save almost disappeared from their bank accounts.

Huimei questioned Kenji, who managed the account, and the emotional Kenji said something that shattered Huimei's hopes.

“Forget it, give up having children.In this case, there is no need to waste money.”

“How stupid...”

Emi, whose distrust of her husband Kenji has reached its limit, makes up her mind to leave home and go to Miun Law Firm——.

These are all the content about the plot introduction of the second episode of Divorce Lawyer Spider. If you think it is good, you are very welcome to follow our lines class. We will bring you more exciting articles. In terms of plotProvide more vivid and detailed descriptions, allowing everyone to experience the wonderful world brought by the film more deeply.Therefore, let us explore and discover more exciting content contained in movies, integrate into these stories, and feel the infinite reverie and thinking that each plot and character brings to us.

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