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《Darkside of The Moon》Episode 13 plot introduction

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 15, 2024 Source:Network

《Darkside of The Moon》 has attracted a lot of attention recently, and the popularity after it was broadcast is also very good. I believe you will usually see news and plot analysis about it on major social platforms, especially《Darkside of The MoonThe Moon》The plot introduction of episode 13 is something that everyone wants to know closely, so today the editor has compiled the following content for you.

《Darkside of The Moon》Episode 13 plot introduction

《Darkside of The Moon》Episode 13 plot introduction

When Chen Xingfang took the blame for Jiang Jijun, she revealed a shocking secret to her son: the recording pen left by Jiang Zhexian was not found among the relics.At the same time, the search operation of Jiang's house organized by Mo Jialang and Chief Luo failed to find any trace of the recording pen, and it seemed to disappear in the air.With her keen intuition, Yu Manyue recalled the details of her last encounter with Jiang Zhexian, and speculated that the recording pen might have been discarded in the sewer.She acted quickly and learned the whereabouts of the recording pen through Brother Xu who was cleaning the sewers. She went to the garbage station with Cheng Feng and retrieved this crucial recording pen from Brother Xu's colleagues.The voice recorder clearly recorded the conversation between Jiang Zhexian and Jiang Jijun, which directly pointed to Jiang Jijun's crime.

However, the situation took a turn for the worse when Jiang Jijun suddenly got into trouble and drove his car into the wind, causing two people to be injured and the recording pen also fell into Jiang Jijun's hands.In the process of escaping, he deleted all the contents of the recorder, leaving a hollow smile of victory.Although Man Yue tried hard to catch up, she collapsed due to exhaustion. Fortunately, a kind person called the police and she was sent to the hospital for treatment.Although the police pursued Jiang Jijun with all their strength, they eventually allowed him to flee to Macau.After Man Yue woke up in the hospital, she immediately told Mo Jialang about the recorder and learned that Jiang Jijun had disappeared on Guichang Street.She went to search desperately, but Chengfeng, worried about her safety, arranged for Subide to drive her and tried to persuade her to return.

At the same time, Zhuo Huiyun held a memorial service for Jiang Zhexian without Zhuo Haotian's consent, causing dissatisfaction within the family.But the bigger shock was yet to come. The police announced that in a tourist bus explosion accident, they found a severed finger that matched Jiang Kijun's fingerprints in the car, confirming that Jiang Kijun was dead.This news made Man Yue's mood complicated, and she did not feel completely relaxed and relieved.Accompanied by her sisters, she decided to resign and recommended Yongshi to take over her job, planning to take a long break to adjust herself.During the grave-sweeping process, the three sisters resolved their misunderstandings, commemorated their deceased relatives together, and enjoyed the rare time of reunion.Full Moon tore off the photos and information in the office with her own hands, symbolizing the end of the past and the beginning of a new life.

The above content is all the information related to the plot introduction of episode 13 of Darkside of The Moon.If you want to learn more about the plot of the play and the background, development, and relationships of the characters, we highly recommend you pay attention to our line lessons.We will provide you with a more detailed and rich plot introduction, analysis and in-depth analysis of the main characters, so that you can more fully understand and experience the charm of the play.

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