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What is the name of the original novel Shu Jin Family?

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

“What is the name of the original novel by Shujin Family”% is a hot topic in the recent high-profile TV series, which has attracted a large number of fans before filming started.As the series aired, more people joined the fandom.Many viewers are very excited and look forward to seeing more exciting plots.At the same time, they are also very curious about the name of the original novel written by Shu Jin Family and can’t wait to know more.

What is the name of the original novel Shu Jin Family

What is the name of the original novel Shu Jin Family?

In recent years, with the revival of Chinese traditional culture, more and more literary and artistic works have begun to focus on those timeless handicrafts.《Shu Brocade Family》 is such a novel based on traditional crafts. The original work of the book was created by the writer Zhuang Zhuang, and a drama version will be launched on the Youku platform soon.

The story of "Shu Brocade Family" takes place in the late Tang Dynasty and closely follows the development and inheritance of Shu brocade, a traditional craft.The main plot of the novel revolves around the growth and struggles of the heroine Ji Yingying and the hero Yang Jinglan.The two protagonists shoulder the responsibility of craftsmen. Not only do they have to face the pressure of external competition, they are also committed to carrying forward the ancient and exquisite skills of Shu Brocade.Through their efforts, the charm of Shu Brocade not only reappeared in the world, but also regained its dazzling brilliance under the social background of the time.

In the drama version, Ji Yingying, played by Tan Songyun, is a persevering female figure. Her courage and wisdom enable her to continue pursuing her dreams in the face of hardships.Yang Jinglan, played by Zheng Yecheng, is a talented young craftsman. He not only has profound knowledge of Sichuan brocade skills, but also provides Ji Yingying with firm support and companionship.The two work hand in hand in the play and jointly compose a good story about Shu brocade, which fully demonstrates their mutual support and growth in emotion and career.

Through the "Shu Brocade Family", the audience can not only appreciate the unique aesthetic charm of Shu Brocade, but also understand the struggle and persistence experienced by the protagonists in the pursuit of their ideals.This work undoubtedly plays an important role in inheriting and promoting traditional Chinese culture, and arouses people's thinking and praise for the spirit of craftsmanship.

The above provides all the latest information related to the name of the original novel by Shu Jin Family. This information will have an important impact on the subsequent development of the plot. You will not want to miss any details.If you are willing to pay attention to all kinds of film and television entertainment information, then please pay attention to the line class, and you will gain a richer plot experience.

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