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《Love is Like a Poison》Episode 6 plot introduction

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 22, 2024 Source:Network

The recently aired "Love is Like a Poison" has become very popular. Many viewers can't stop watching it. I believe that the plot introduction of "Love is Like a Poison" in episode 6 must be what everyone wants to know., so the following is the content compiled by the editor for the general audience.

《Love is Like a Poison》Episode 6 plot introduction

《Love is Like a Poison》Episode 6 plot introduction

After Haru (Hyouto Kokai) ran away from home, Shiba (Hamamasa Satoru) continued working and won consecutive battles in the trial.After the 101st partner was introduced to AI, Shiba was satisfied with a life of calm mind, but at the same time lived a life of dissatisfaction.

One day, Shiba received information from Kazama that the ground division group related to Hart was about to be arrested by the police.Shiba, who was worried about Hart, met Yu (Nose Lin) who knew Hart in the bar of Sha Shu (Kawai Aoba).Shiba was taken by Yu to a place where runaway boys and girls who admired Hart gathered, and learned Hart's true face.Then based on the clues he had, Zhibo sneaked into the residence of the fraudster group and planned to take back Hart, but a fight broke out there...!

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