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American TV series - The Black Robe Season 4 - Episodes 1-8 (including the ending)

Auth:Little Diu Time:Jul 23, 2024 Source:Network

《The Black Robe Picket Season 4》In the days after it was broadcast, there are content and videos about it on Douyin, Weibo, Station B and other places, especially the American TV series-The Black Robe Picket Team.The plot of Season 4 - Episodes 1-8 (including the ending) has been the most discussed by the audience recently, so today I will talk about it with all my friends.

In the fourth season of the American TV series《The Black Robe Season 4》the world is on the verge of collapse.VictoriaNeuman is closer than ever to the position of President of the United States, and is being vigorously suppressed by his own countrymen who are consolidating power.Butcher only had a few months to live, having lost Becca's son and his job as a picket captain.The team had had enough of his lies.The stakes are higher than ever and they must find a way to work together to save the world before it's too late.

American TV series - The Black Robe Season 4 - Episodes 1-8 (including the ending)

American TV series《The Black Robe Season 4》Episode 1 plot

Under the bright stage lights, Victoria Newman's elegant appearance won a flood of applause.She was preparing to deliver an important speech, while Miyoko Kaneko performed her service duties in obscurity.Meanwhile, the black-robed pickets are secretly planning an operation, raiding a party in an effort to capture their target.However, after the operation, the butcher suddenly felt unwell and suffered from severe vomiting.This was a side effect of his temporary administration of Potion No. 5, and it also indicated that his life was in danger.

During the operation, the Butcher was assigned to cover the retreat rather than directly participate in the fighting.This made him feel a little frustrated, but he still tried his best to complete his task.Deep down, however, he longs to talk to Ryan, hoping to convince him to leave this dangerous place.However, their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a native.The people of the motherland were obviously well aware of the Butcher's physical condition, and he indifferently laughed at the Butcher's short time.

Backstage, the Homelanders found Ryan and tried to cheer him on.However, his real purpose seemed to be to support the new government, and Newman clearly did not welcome his presence.The dialogue between the two is full of subtle tension, foreshadowing future conflicts.

At the same time, while looking for a chance to talk to Ryan, the Butcher unexpectedly discovered that Victoria's daughter Zoe also had superpowers.This discovery shocked him and made him more determined to protect the world.However, while evading pursuit, he, Miyoko Kaneko, and Frankie had to jump from the window to escape, which put them into a more dangerous situation.

As the team gathers together, Victoria suddenly appears in front of Huey.She reveals a shocking secret to Huey: she actually injected her daughter with a compound to enhance her superpowers.Huey was shocked, but also felt deeply angry and powerless.He attempts to thwart Victoria's crazy plans, but finds that she is nearly invulnerable.The Butcher despaired that even the bullets he had tried to put into her brain could not harm her.

When the operation fails, Butcher is forced to leave the group, and Wet Nurse faces the wrath of Queen Maeve.Their original plan to use acid on Victoria also failed.Especially when Huey hits her with the vial without causing any harm to her.This result left them frustrated and confused, and also made them more deeply aware of Victoria's horror.

After Butcher left the team, he met an old friend, Kessler.Kessler gave him some words of encouragement, which helped him regain his confidence and courage.They discuss rumors of a concentration camp created by metahumans designed to round up and kill humans.This news made Butcher even more determined to fight against metahumans.

Meanwhile, the Sevens are also facing personnel shortages.Tired of the submissiveness of those around him, the native decided to visit the Sage Sister himself.The nun is a highly regarded superpower and one of the smartest people in the world.The native wanted her to join the Seven and support his career.

When the natives appeared before the nun, she showed great self-control.She was not intimidated by the power of her motherland, but instead conducted a profound analysis and refutation of him.Her words shocked the people of her country and made him rethink his behavior and values.

Huey, on the other hand, hasn't given up on Butcher and the team.He firmly believes that he is still part of the team, even if his current situation is somewhat marginalized.He works hard to find clues and evidence, hoping to provide strong support for the team.The Butcher, on the other hand, meets with Victoria late at night to try to reach some kind of agreement.The conversation between them is fraught with tension and danger, but in the end they reach a fragile agreement.

Meanwhile, Huey unexpectedly discovers his father, Todd, in the hospital.He's confused and upset, especially after failing to answer his father's call earlier in the episode.He began to wonder if his father was also involved in this struggle between superhumans and humans.

In order to investigate Todd's whereabouts and background, the wet nurse and other teammates decided to spy on him.However, they soon discovered that Todd had stepped into an extremely dangerous situation.The Seven-man team has laid a dragnet there, and the Motherland and the newly joined Sage Sisters have even appeared in person.They decided to ruthlessly target and eliminate Todd and other die-hard fans.

Facing the powerful offensive of the seven-man team, Nanny, Frankie and Miyoko Kaneko could only watch the motherland leave.They knew they couldn't stand up to the might of Seven, but they didn't give up hope.They decided to go to the site of the upcoming trial, hoping to find some clues and evidence to expose superhuman crimes.

Outside the trial scene, the Sage Sister also quietly appeared.Dressed in a costume similar to Starlight's, she quietly listened to the proceedings.She was not surprised or disappointed when the native was acquitted.Instead, she sprang into action, deliberately causing a disturbance and shouting - fascist - in an attempt to stir up anger and resentment in the crowd around her.Her actions attracted the attention of Anne and other key figures, and also paved the way for the next plot.

The Butcher eventually meets Becca in her apartment.Her appearance made the Butcher feel warm and comforted, and also allowed him to regain the meaning and motivation of life.Encouraged by Becca, the Butcher made the fateful decision that instead of sending the file to Victoria, he responded by attaching a close-up photo of his own butt.

American TV series《The Black Robe Season 4》Episode 2 plot

Train Man is a parody of Will Ferrell's Weak Point, but uses his own character to act in it, but the parody is laced with a bit of a racist bias.Train Man actually felt that this was not good, but Walter Company asked him to do it, and he couldn't help it.

When the train man was resting, the man in black robe came to ask for directions, but the train man found it difficult to play the role of the man in black robe because he did not understand why this character did what he did.The train man suggested that the man in black robe should talk less because he didn't talk much in the first place.

Annie was at Chiara's bedside and saw Cameron Coleman spreading rumors that two black men killed supporters of the motherland, but the two black men actually had nothing to do with it.This is to tell everyone that the media often likes to portray black people as criminals, and everyone is used to it.

Huey is also in trouble. Daphne has now become a drug seller and wants to sell Walter's medicine to Huey.What's worse is that Daphne still has the power to decide Huey's affairs, but Huey can't.Huey was angry because he had been the one taking care of his father, but Daphne ran away when they were in trouble.

Franky doesn't want to be with Colin, even though Colin is injured and needs help.Miyoko Kaneko is doing speech therapy, but the therapist always makes her think about bad things in the past, and she is not happy.Butcher told his teammates that he was dying, and MM kicked him out of the team.

At Vought, they introduced the superpower transformation plan to Ryan, but Ryan was not interested.Sage suggested that they promote Ryan well, otherwise people would just think of him as a product.The people of the motherland initially wanted to use their own image to promote Ryan, but Saatchi convinced him that it would be better to let Ryan act on his own.Ashley was afraid that Sage would steal her position, so she wanted to threaten her, but Sage was too smart and this trick was useless.Deep Sea wants to act with Ryan to improve his image. Ashley disagrees, but Sachi supports Deep Sea and says Deep Sea is better than her.

MM, Miyoko Kaneko and French decided to go to Harrisburg to watch Vought's activities, while Huey and Starlight chose to stay.They hadn't planned to bring the Butcher with them, but since he was there, they let him come along.

Regarding Ryan, it's unclear whether he killed anyone in public.

The Butchers and the others attended an event that showed some children in cages, which reminded Miyoko Kaneko of bad things, causing her to get separated and get drunk.They also see a superhero doing some weird things to the clones.Cut to Huey and Annie, who are spying on the train man.The two had some differences, but when Train Man appeared, they had no choice but to put aside their differences.Train Man was bragging about his heroic deeds, but Nathan exposed him.The train man then left.

At the event, Sage wanted to invite Firecracker to join their superhero team.The butcher wanted to catch Sachi, but MM insisted on just monitoring.Miyoko Kaneko gets angry again, but Frankie saves her in time.When Huey and Annie return to headquarters, they find the Train Man there.But he was not here to cause trouble, but to provide evidence that the two accused men did not kill supporters of the motherland.Huey is confused, but Train Man says he just wants to do something good for his community.Meanwhile, Ryan's first public rescue mission fails as the Homelander's presence makes him nervous and the stuntman dies.

American TV series《The Black Robe Season 4》Episode 3 plot

A new character named Firecracker breaks into the Seven's sights in a unique way.Her appearance not only aroused dissatisfaction among the people of the motherland, but also revealed the long-buried grudge between her and Xingguang.

Firecracker, a superhero who calls herself The Flash, uses her podcast, Firecracker's Truth Bomb, as a platform to expose the inside story of Vought Corporation with her sharp words and unique perspective.Her goal is not only to draw public attention to the true nature of superheroes, but also to seek revenge on Starlight, the adversary who left her with deep scars when she was 13 years old.

Firecracker's revenge plan begins with joining the Seven.She quickly gained the trust of her teammates by using her intelligence and leadership skills.However, her true purpose was discovered by the Sage Sister.The strategist saw Firecracker's potential, but also her conflict with Starlight, and decided to use it to his own ends.

Sister Sage gives Starlight's room to Firecracker and secretly pushes her to challenge Starlight.In public, Firecracker made no secret of his hostility towards Starlight and fiercely accused her of hypocrisy and hypocrisy.Her comments sparked outrage among Starlight supporters but also fueled their defiant spirit.

Faced with the provocation from Firecrackers, Xingguang chose silence.She doesn't want to let her past grudges affect her current self, and she doesn't want to let hatred blind her.However, her silence did not stop Firecracker, but instead strengthened her determination for revenge.

In an accident, Butcher brutally murdered her friend Splinter in front of firecrackers.This scene caused Firecracker to collapse completely, and she finally realized that her strength was far from enough to fight against these powerful enemies.However, she did not give up, but decided to continue her revenge in her own way.

Driven by the sage, Firecracker's revenge becomes more and more intense.Not only does she inflame the emotions of Starlight supporters, she uses their mistakes against them.However, none of this escaped Starlight's eyes.She saw the anger and hatred of Firecracker, and also saw the shadow of her former self.

American TV series《The Black Robe Season 4》Episode 4 plot

The Motherland and the Butcher are fighting over Ryan. The Butcher has considerable influence because of his sympathy for Ryan, which makes the Motherland feel crushed.Butcher and his former partner Kessler also fell out because Kessler felt that Butcher was spending too much time on Ryan and should be teaching him to be a superman who could defeat the people of his homeland, rather than being a good person.

Elsewhere, Starlight and Firecracker also had a falling out, mostly because Annie was being too rude during the fashion pageant.Frankie and Miyoko Kaneko are dealing with their pasts.Huey also discovers the plans of Sister Sage, Motherland, and Victoria Newman to assassinate the President, impose martial law, and then take over the country.Huey was almost killed because of this, but luckily a reformed train man saved him.

Early on, Homelander returns to Vought's underground laboratory, where he was tortured as a child by scientists to test his superpowers.As soon as he entered, everyone was too scared to move. After all, he was one of the most powerful superhumans.There was an old scientist, Marty, who almost pissed off a native by calling him by his real name, John.What's interesting is that the native people call themselves John when they talk to themselves, but they get angry when others call them that.He also let everyone eat cake and asked Marty to ask Barbara to come to his little party, which was quite embarrassing.

At the hospital, doctors told Huey he was dead and was being kept alive by machines.The doctor said it would only last a few days, and then the tube would have to be removed.Daphne thinks this is more humane, but Huey doesn't want to accept the fact that his father can't come back, and wants to use Compound V to resurrect himself.

We also see Annie campaigning for Robert Singer, who she thinks is a great bill that would bring down the Vought Corporation if passed.But Singer's marketing was not good, so Annie offered to help him, planning to help him as Starlight.She used to be reluctant to do Starlight again, but now feels the character is powerful and can be used to do great things.

On the other side, Frankie pretended not to know about Colin's family (actually he was the one who killed him), and also guided Colin to talk about his family.Colin's mother used to be a lawyer, handled violent cases, and had an encounter with little Nina.Frankie went crazy after taking drugs and killed Colin's mother and others nearby.Colin hid under the bed and saw the mark on the murderer's ankle, but Frankie covered his ankle with a sheet and did not tell Colin the truth.

Annie returned to Starlight House to plan the next step with Kia and Colin, but they lost interest when they saw the firecrackers doing activities outside.It turns out that Sister Sage is behind this, using internet trolls and algorithms to influence the public's perception of Starlight.She also ordered Trainman to memorize talking points, rejected Deep's overtures, and gave Firecracker information on how to deal with Starlight.Firecrackers began to attack Starlight, and Annie and the others began to evacuate the children to protect them from harm.MM and Frankie brought the butcher into the building, and Annie was upset because she didn't trust the butcher.But MM spoke for the butcher, so he stayed, and Annie could only cooperate with him.The Butcher wants to know what incriminating information Firecracker has about Annie, but Annie refuses to tell him, so the Butcher decides to use despicable methods to infiltrate Firecracker's party.

Speaking of bad intentions, let’s go back to that underground laboratory.The motherland and a group of scientists were there.People from the motherland mentioned that when he was a child, there was a scientist named Frank who used waste paper as a basketball when he was doing a very hot test, which made him very unhappy.In retaliation, the Motherland threw Frank into the oven room and roasted him while playing with a paper basketball.

Huey and Jin Zi went to the dock. Jin Zi didn't know who he wanted to see, but he was shocked when he saw the train man.Huey goes to Train Man to help him steal Compound V.The train man said that the people of the motherland hid V in their rooms and it would be difficult to steal them, so they didn’t want to do it.But Huey reminded Trainman what he had done to Trainman's girlfriend before, and said that this V was for his dying father.Huey also told the train man that stealing this time would help him atone for his sins, so that he would no longer have to help the black robe pickets in the future.The train man thought about it and thought it was okay, so he agreed.

However, while they were talking, an invisible attacker was watching them, and after the train man left, the attacker opened fire.Jin Zi recognized the girl with the scar on the face of the Flash Army, and she came to take revenge.Huey kills one, and Kaneko fights a group of soldiers.Later, Jin Zi wanted to talk to the girl and ask for forgiveness.But the girl didn't seem to want to forgive her.

The butcher and MM went to find firecrackers. The butcher said that the firecrackers were addicts, but he didn't say much. He was mainly concerned about the butcher's own body.The butcher asked MM to promise that if he died, he would help take care of Ryan.Then they discovered the firecracker and asked her what the Sage Sister's plan was.The butcher threatened Firecracker that if she didn't tell him, he would expose the bad things she had done before.But the firecracker himself exposed the matter, and the butcher's plan came to nothing.

Firecracker also talked about Starlight, saying that Starlight blinded innocent people while rescuing people.Starlight explains that she was learning to control her powers.Butcher and MM later gave Frankie the keys to Firecracker's RV and asked him to investigate.

Trainman sneaked into Homelander's room and found all of Compound V.At this time, Ashley was also in the room. She was dissatisfied with her motherland, so she left a pile of unflushed poop in his bathroom.Train Man and Ashley agree not to snitch on each other.

Finally, Trainman gave Huey the V potion.The Butcher emerges from the shadows and scolds Huey for colluding with the enemy.Huey said that V was for his father and gave some to the butcher, hoping to help him cure brain cancer.But the butcher said he had tried it before, and it didn't work, and it made him even sicker.So, he asked Huey not to give his father this medicine.But Daphne secretly added the medicine to Xio's infusion, resurrecting Xio.But doing so will definitely lead to big trouble.Next week we'll find out more about the drug, where the worms came from butcher's body, and whether the people of our country have any remaining humanity left.

American TV series《The Black Robe Season 4》Episode 5 plot

The story begins at an expo called V7 52, which criticizes how Marvel movies and pop culture influence people's minds and the entertainment industry.There is a Superman named Firecracker who is still there to promote anti-abortion, which may have led to the destruction of Starlight House.On the other side, MM's daughter Jenny quarreled with her classmates because of some lies about Superman.MM's friend Monique warned her not to be as obsessed with Superman as she was and ended up losing Todd.When Trainman was showing his movie, he saw the Sage Sister staring at him maliciously. He felt that the Sister would kill him if she found out about him leaking the video.

At the Vought Tower, Adam Burke wanted Ryan to be involved in a Superman promotion, but Ryan wasn't interested.The people of the motherland did not force Ryan, but let him do what he liked.He also tells Ryan that Burke isn't really in charge, Superman is.In order to make Ryan understand, the Motherland asked him to support his assistant Bonnie who was being harassed by Burke. As a result, Ryan asked Bonnie to beat Burke.But this is actually not good for Ryan, because he can use violence at will if he feels powerful.

Ashley wants Coleman to play the same games they always do, but Coleman says Ashley doesn't have the power anymore and won't excite him anymore.Sister Sage and Firecracker hate each other more and more because of some things.The train man found Ashley and asked her to help escape the nun's pursuit.Ashley doesn't want to help, but Train Man threatens her to expose her illegal activities if she doesn't help.In the end, Coleman was wrongfully accused of being the one who leaked the video and was beaten to death by the Seven.In fact, it was Ashley who framed Coleman and saved the train man.

Butcher and MM tried to save Huey's mother and found a farm where retired supermen were imprisoned. Stan Edgar was the person in charge of this farm.After a big quarrel with Edgar, the butcher let him go.

Now that Superman's team is starting to fall apart, Kessler advises Butcher to go it alone and eliminate Superman.The butcher said he would consider it.The Butcher reveals that someone has developed a virus that can kill Superman and those with Compound V, but is harmless to humans.The butcher wanted to steal the virus, but found it missing.It turns out the virus is now with Victoria Newman.Butcher, MM and others decided to steal the virus and make it stronger to kill the people of the motherland.They also enlist the help of Stan Edgar to rescue Zoe from Newman, who has been turned into a monster.

Edgar takes his team to Newman's farm, where experiments on a superhero-killer virus are said to be taking place.When they arrive, they find chaos and a rabbit that has been injected with a strange compound.Newman suddenly appears, misunderstanding that they are here to cause trouble.Edgar tries to explain their innocence and offers to cooperate.But there was some misunderstanding and distrust between them and Newman.

The butcher and the others discover that the chickens on the farm have become extremely powerful and can break through human chests.They suspected it was Newman's plot to have them killed by chickens so the secrets about her wouldn't get out.Newman had some old scores with the Butcher, which added to the distrust between them.At the same time, they discovered a rabbit that was acting strangely, and the butcher didn't want to face the truth, so he trampled it to death.They are then attacked by a group of super sheep.

They find Samir, a scientist who explains why the animals on the farm are the way they are.They decide to use the remaining superhero killer virus to kill these monsters.Although there were some difficulties in the process, they succeeded.However, Samir seemed to be missing (only his legs were found).It turned out that in order to obtain the virus, the butcher cut off Samir's leg and imprisoned him.

Huey's father was resurrected with the help of V drug, but his behavior was somewhat abnormal.Huey and Daphne decide to kill him because he has become too dangerous.When Huey's father regained some consciousness, Huey gave him a peaceful death.This shows Huey's maturity and ability to make tough decisions.

After Huey's father was resurrected, his behavior became crazy and dangerous.Huey realizes that he must kill his father to prevent more damage.He found an opportunity to make his father realize a little bit about what was going on and then give him a peaceful death.Huey's behavior shows that he has grown into a person who can face difficulties.

American TV series《The Black Robe Season 4》Episode 6 plot

The memorial event, held aboard the Maid in Manhattan cruise ship, was held in honor of Huey's father (a no-doubt nod to Huey's beloved film classic).During the event, a protester who took issue with Starlight attempted to inappropriately harass her, however, Huey stood up decisively and provided her with unwavering protection.On the other hand, Meiko tried to meet Frankie in prison, but was given a cold reception by the other party.

Meanwhile, Firecracker successfully replaced Cameron Coleman and created a high-profile news program that touched on anti-Semitic sensitivities, a move that seemed designed to deflect public attention from the show's cast.Zionist attention.

At a key turning point in the episode, Locomotive calls MM from Toronto to reveal the Homelander's ambition to form an army of superheroes and attempt to take over the United States.He revealed that this plan will be officially announced at a grand party hosted by Tek Knight, which will attract the attention of many bureaucrats and dignitaries.However, since the Butcher was performing other tasks, MM had to turn to the Webweaver for assistance.

The camera then focuses on the party scene, where characters such as Homelander, Ryan, Newman, Train Man, Firecracker, Ashley, and Sister Sage make appearances.Huey knew that his identity was sensitive, so he cleverly used drugs to temporarily incapacitate the Webspinner, so he could - borrow - her costume and successfully infiltrate the party.The purpose of his trip was to install a bug in the mansion and collect key evidence for MM about the coup of the Sage Sisters and the Motherland.

In addition, Huey also shoulders another important task - to take the Tek Knight to a secret location so that MM, Starlight and Meiko can get more information about the Sage and the people of the motherland from him.In another thread of the plot, Sage and Homelander actively encourage Newman to reveal his superhero identity as a way to increase their political influence.

However, the plot is far more complex than that.In the interaction between Huey and the Tek Knight, the audience was surprised to find that there was a little-known intimate relationship hidden between them.This discovery not only adds a new dimension to the plot, but also gives the audience new thinking about the character setting of the Tek Knight.Is he really a chaotic impersonation of Batman?The similarities between them - such as the hidden lair, the butler who looks after them, and their superpowers of money and observation - raise questions like this.

Regarding the survival status of the Tek Knights, there has always been a suspense in the plot of "Black Robe Pickets".Although he was tied up, threatened, and subjected to extreme psychological distress, the audience did not witness his death on screen.As is customary in television shows, we cannot easily conclude that someone has passed away if their death is not explicitly shown on screen.

The Tek Knight was discovered when Huey, Annie, Meiko and MM sneaked into the mansion and rescued Huey.He originally planned to offer Huey as a trophy - to the people of his country to curry favor with them.However, this plan was successfully disrupted by the black robe pickets, and the Tek Knight had to face their torture.During the interrogation, he revealed the concentration camps he had established across the country and his motherland's plan to use these camps to imprison dissidents.This important information is of great value to the black robe pickets, and also lays the foundation for the development of the subsequent plot.

Elijah, the Tek Knight's butler, suddenly appears and vows to strangle the Tek Knight and fake it as a suicide.However, since the plot doesn't explicitly show the death of the Tek Knight, his ultimate fate remains unclear.Considering Elijah and Radio's hatred and mistreatment of the Tech Knights, it is indeed possible that they will ensure that the Tech Knights can no longer pose a threat to others.This suspense also adds more possibilities to the subsequent plot development.

Other plot points also have their own characteristics.MM accidentally shot the Sage Sister in the library, causing herself to have a heart attack and pass out.This incident not only revealed MM's physical condition, but also showed his reaction in an emergency, adding more layers to the character.

Firecracker attempts to join Newman, Motherland, and Sister Sage in their conversation, but Sister Sage refuses outright due to lack of intelligence.This plot reflects Sister Sage's strict selection criteria for team members and doubts about the ability of firecrackers. It also demonstrates Sister Sage's authority and decisiveness as a leader.

Sister Sage revealed to Newman her motivation for wanting to rule humans, which stemmed from her experiences as a child that caused her to lose faith in human doctors.This motivation reveals the twisted and vengeful nature of Sister Sage, making her character more complex and compelling.

Annie successfully subdued the firecrackers in the chaos. This action not only demonstrated her courage and wisdom, but also made her an indispensable member of the black robe pickets.Her addition injects new vitality into the team and provides more possibilities for subsequent plot development.

Tek Knight's survival status remains unknown, but given the direction of the plot and the conflict between characters, it's likely that he has suffered irreversible damage.The black-robed pickets will continue to show their courage and wisdom when facing the motherland and other villains, fighting to defend the world.

The revelation that Kessler is The Butcher's alter ego was indeed a shocking twist in Season 4, Episode 6.This setting not only increases the layering and tension of the plot, but also delves into the complexity of the Butcher's character.The Butcher has always been a high-profile character, with his motives and actions filled with controversy.By revealing that Kessler is actually another voice within The Butcher, we see The Butcher's struggle between his pursuit of justice and revenge.This inner division and conflict makes the Butcher's character more real and three-dimensional.

This reversal also increases the tension and uncertainty of the plot.As a key figure in the black-robed pickets, the Butcher's actions and decisions have an important impact on the direction of the plot.However, now that we know he's been speaking to his alter ego - Kessler - it leaves us with even more questions and uncertainty about his future actions and decisions.This uncertainty increases the appeal of the plot and makes the audience look forward to the subsequent development.

American TV series《The Black Robe Season 4》Episode 7 plot

Ryan participated in a Sesame Street-themed TV show that featured the Seven.He tried his best to follow the instructions and made paranoid remarks on the live broadcast, and then quietly left the scene.In another corner of the Watt Building, Sister Sage was surprised to find that her place had been replaced by firecrackers.

The Homelanders paid little attention to this and instead began to talk about the party being infiltrated by black robed pickets who had eavesdropped on everything that was going on at the Teck Knight's home.He speculates that the Tek Knight may have been killed, but it is not yet certain if it was actually Elijah and Radioo.

Back to the topic, the Motherland people intend to destroy the Butcher and his team, but the Sage Sisters strongly oppose it.As she tries to lay out her plan, Homelander and Firecracker interrupt her, ordering her to ensure the shooter completes his assassination mission before Robert Singer becomes President of the United States, while a new duo of patriotism and stupidity will figure out who really leakedThe man behind Homeland fan death video, as Cameron Coleman is not the one who leaked it.In order to relieve his resentment, the sage decided to interact closely with the deep sea, which led the aquatic superhero to cheat on his octopus lover Ablo.

Not only does Annie learn about her past experience of being expelled from her Bible study group for having an abortion, but she also discovers that Huey has been keeping her starlight suit in case she needs it.This displeases her, but the two maturely discuss why Annie wants to escape the persona of Starlight and why she doesn't want to give birth to life in this dark world.

The Train Man secretly took photos of the Sage Sister conspiring with the shooter and sent the photos to MM.The camera then moves to the Black Robe headquarters, where the Butcher is reunited with his team members.What's rare is that The Butcher opens with a frank attitude, admitting that he imprisoned Samir in a remote place and forced him to develop a virus that can kill superheroes.

Since Samir was unable to ensure that the virus was powerful enough to kill Homelander and Newman without triggering a genocide of superheroes, Butcher released French, intending for him to work with Samir to study the virus.MM instructed Miyoko Kaneko to assist Frankie to ensure that the virus was developed correctly, while Butcher, Annie and Huey went to find the killer who was hired to assassinate the future president.

Although Annie was unwilling to do so, she finally accepted the fact that Butcher returned to the team.MM prepared two tickets for Monique and Jenny to go to Belize to ensure that they would be safe if the situation worsened.

Train Man found Ashley and thanked her specifically for giving up Cameron Coleman to save him.But Ashley was in a very depressed mood. She didn't want to stay at Walter Company any longer and wanted the Train Man to go with her.Train Man advises Ashley to be strong, then tells her to keep an eye on Butcher, Huey, and Annie, who are closing in on the man chosen to assassinate the President.

Before breaking into the Assassin's house, Butcher and Kessler had some strange conversations, mentioning Maeve, Becca, and Ryan.Later, Butcher, Huey, and Annie discover some documents given to them by Sister Sage.But they are distracted by something - they discover a scarred, abused woman in a man's closet.But in fact, the woman is an assassin, and the assassin is a shapeshifter.It's like an homage to Mysterio and the Shapeshifters from X-Men, but the transformation process of this shape-shifting superhero is really disgusting.When they touch a person, they can transform into that person, but to change back, they have to peel off that person's skin.So they leave a mess wherever they go, and they might even start to burn if left undeformed for too long.The Butcher also realizes that such a superhero is an excellent candidate to carry out assassination missions.

The Butcher and Annie went to retrieve the papers from the assassin's room while Huey tended to the wounds.The train man didn't see MM with the butcher and the others, so he went to MM's house and found that MM was going to Belize with her family.MM feels that even if he stays and fights, the war will not end.The train man told MM that he would be naive if he thought that the fascist activities of the motherland would only occur in the United States and would not extend to the place where MM and her family were hiding.

At the Vought Towers, Homelander kills Spider-Man, and Firecracker is horrified by the bloody sight as she realizes the man she's flattering is a murderer.Elsewhere, Deep kills Ebro after they argue that Deep has been cheating on Octopus with Sister Sage.The scene goes on for so long that the tone changes from ridiculously funny to disgustingly creepy.This brings about a change in Deep's character, as he goes from a dim-witted idiot to a murderous and unstable follower of the Motherland.Speaking of Homelander, he notices a crack in the glass table in Vaught's war room and he sees his reflection in the mural through that crack, seemingly realizing that all these murders he's done aren't actually helping him.

In the Vought Building, the Motherland killed Spider-Man.Firecracker was frightened when he saw this bloody scene.She suddenly realized that the man she had been fawning over before was actually a murderer.

Elsewhere, Deep and Sister Sage have a falling out over what they've been deceiving Octopus.Finally, Deep Sea killed Ai Bro in a rage.This scene made people watch it for a long time. From the beginning it felt ridiculous and funny, and then it became disgusting and creepy.This also changed the character of Deep Sea, from a stupid idiot to a murderous maniac and unstable follower of the motherland.

Speaking of the Motherland, he noticed a crack on the glass table in the War Room.Through the crack, he saw the reflection of his own mural.At this time, he seemed to realize that the murders he had done before had actually brought him no benefit.

Huey went to find Newman, and his goal was clear: to get Newman to cancel the plan-to kill the president and turn the United States into a fascist country, effectively ruled by the people of the motherland.Huey also told Newman that the Motherland wanted to put dissidents into concentration camps, which were already being built across the country.Only then did Newman learn that there was such a thing in the superhero's plan to take over the country.But Newman was so caught up in it that she felt she had only one way to go.Huey persuades her that it's still too late and they can join forces to stop the Homelanders.Unfortunately, Newman was not convinced by Huey.

Anne didn't know Huey had gone to see Newman, and she was worried about the butcher because the last time she saw him, he had just gone to the shop to tend to a wound.Annie's worries turned to fear when she discovered that Deep Sea and the Black Robe Man had sneaked into the Black Robe Picket headquarters.The four people started fighting, and it was so dizzying that no one knew who was who.Later, Train Man and MM appeared and helped Butcher and Annie.It turns out that Train Man's little speech earlier convinced MM to stay and fight instead of escaping to Belize with her family.After Deep Sea and the Man in Black Robe were subdued, Trainman returned to the Water Tower, and he invited Ashley to escape with him.But Ashley has come to her senses, and she tells the trainman that she will not leave, because she knows that a free life cannot be enjoyed immediately.On the other side, Butcher, Annie and MM are relaxing in the bar because they have nowhere to go after the headquarters was invaded by superheroes.MM told Monique that he was not going to Belize, and Monique was sad.Annie wants to know who Kessler is, but the Butcher pretends not to know because he doesn't want to reveal that he's talking to the voice in his head.

The people of the motherland felt sad because the train man betrayed them.Firecracker tries to comfort him, but Sister Sage suddenly interjects, saying that she always knew Train Man was the leaker.It turns out that she purposely asked the Train Man to spread misinformation to The Butcher and his team.Sister Sage also taunts Homelander and Firecracker, saying they mistook Spider-Man for the leaker.Instead of admitting their mistake, the Motherland asked Sister Sage to leave and return to Detroit.The Sage Sister told the native that without her he would become a deranged murderer.She also said that the people of the country hired her because they were tired of people who blindly agreed with him no matter what he did.The wise nun made a mistake, so the motherland replaced her with a firecracker, but the firecracker had no clever ideas in his mind.The Sage Sister purposely left behind a notebook about Queen Maeve when she left, so that the people of the Motherland could stay on track through her observations and notes even when she was not around.On the way out, everyone discovered that Sister Sage had actually been fooling around with the man in black robe and Deep Sea.Also, she doesn't need to lobotomize the man in black to have close contact with him, proving that she only needs to do it when they're together to be on par with Abyss's IQ.

Frankie and Miyoko Kaneko went to an abandoned laboratory to help Samir make the virus.As Samir acted on French's advice, Miyoko Kaneko chatted with French about her past.She said that when she joined the Shining Star Freedom Force, she was forced to kill girls her own age in training.This left her so traumatized that she couldn't even speak.Frankie felt that instead of letting Miyoko Kaneko bear this pain alone, it would be better to face it together.So, they decided to let Samir go after he created the virus, even though they knew the Butcher would be unhappy about it.But unexpectedly, Samir injected the virus into Miyoko Kaneko and escaped.To save her, French cuts off her leg before the virus spreads.Fortunately, Miyoko Kaneko survived, but they got a broken leg with a virus.Although this virus is powerful, it is not enough to kill the people of the motherland.Therefore, MM asked French to continue researching, while the others went to find the shapeshifter who wanted to kill the future president.

Ryan deviated from the script in the show to express his dissatisfaction with the people of his country and longing for his mother.This makes the Butcher think that there is still hope for Ryan to leave - the motherland - and be with him.But soon after, Ryan passed out at the bar.Annie, on the other hand, puts on a starlight costume to be with Huey, but that feels weird because neither of them should be thinking about that right now.It was later discovered that the person with Huey was not Annie at all, but the shape-shifting assassin.The shapeshifters approached Annie pretending to be a fan, then kidnapped her and locked her up in an abandoned house.When Annie tries to break free from the handcuffs, her double steals all the data from Huey's safe.The reason the shapeshifters haven't killed Annie yet is because they can't pretend to be one person for too long, otherwise they'll - spontaneously combust.They need access to Anne or her DNA to maintain the camouflaged skin.The shapeshifters' true identities will be revealed sooner or later, but they've already caused big trouble for the Black Pickets.Can they recover from this disaster?

American TV series《The Black Robe Season 4》Episode 8 plot

The big plan of the people of the motherland, or the sage, has really come true!Although the arrogance of the motherland caused some setbacks in the plan, the superhumans finally got what they dreamed of - the country's martial law.

At first, the people of the motherland wanted to get rid of Robert Singer, install Vice President Newman, and then give the superhumans full authority to become God themselves.However, our not-so-friendly anti-hero butcher kills Newman.But the sage was not a vegetarian. He exposed a video and falsely accused Bob Singer of being the murderer of Newman. As a result, Singer was caught.At this time, Speaker Calhoun stood up and became President of the United States according to the 25th Amendment.

Speaking of hunting down, after the Homelanders took power, they formed an army of all superhumans and had them hunt down the rebels.These rebels are people who don't like superheroes, or don't want to be ruled by something that comes out of a lab.However, the people of the motherland first focused on the black-robed pickets. After all, they had been causing trouble for him from the beginning.The pickets were divided into three groups, intending to lie dormant for a while before counterattacking.But the people of the motherland, who were full of super powers, still caught up with them and refused to let them leave the United States.The pickets were blocked by superhumans when they almost crossed the border at three places.

The FBI picked up Frankie from the dock, Huey from the highway, and Wet Nurse from the airport.But the superhumans helping the FBI don't seem to really want to catch the superhumans on the picket line. Maybe they have other plans.Fortunately, Annie escaped Cindy, who escaped from Sage Grove Center in season two.Annie regained her superpowers after a fierce battle with a shapeshifter.She seemed to have finally made peace with the little devil in her heart, no longer blaming herself for the past, and no longer feeling guilty.Perhaps Huey's speech gave her positive energy, and Annie decided to let herself go and be a better person.

Let's talk about the kidnapping. The superhuman V boy who reported to Ashley before and later swore an oath to the motherland attacked Frankie and Miyoko Kaneko.Kate Dunlap used her powers to hypnotize Frankie into surrendering without resistance.Sam captured Miyoko Kaneko so that she could no longer help Frankie.So what is the order of the people of the motherland?My guess is to separate the human rebels from the metahumans who are helping them so they can better utilize the Tek Knight prison cells and convert them into internment camps to hold human and metahuman terrorists separately so they can never do anything againThere's trouble.

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