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《The wonderful story of the city》Episode 6 plot introduction

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

《The wonderful story of the city》is currently being aired, and many viewers are very concerned about it. 《The wonderful story of the city》The plot of episode 6 is introduced, so let the editor bring you relevant content analysisBar.

《The wonderful story of the city》Episode 6 plot introduction

《The wonderful story of the city》Episode 6 plot introduction

In the いさご屋 where Aichi (Aoi Wakana) is stranded, the boss Jihei (Shōki) testifies that he was stabbed by his late daughter Akyo.

On the other hand, the maid of “いさご屋” Yusei (Houshi Moeka) also disappeared. She was attacked by a man, and was finally rescued by Sengoro (Takashima Masahiro).Sengoro was asked by Yuki to help the young Shosuke (Hirano Nari), so he summoned the people of “いさご屋”, and brought together Yoshibei's wife Yutomi (Kuroda Kuroda) and Fantou's assistant (Wakichihiro).) brought to Banya.However, things are not that simple.

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