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《the rise of ning》Episode 3 plot introduction

Auth:Core Water Time:Oct 11, 2024 Source:Network

Recently, there is a film - the rise of ning - that has attracted everyone's attention and attracted a lot of attention after it was broadcast.I believe you will often see news and plot analysis about it on social media.In particular, the plot introduction of the third episode - the rise of ning - aroused everyone's strong interest and curiosity.Therefore, today the editor has compiled the following content for you, hoping to provide it to you in more detail and richness.

《the rise of ning》Episode 3 plot introduction

《the rise of ning》Episode 3 plot introduction

Luo Shenyuan always harbored the dream of clearing the grievances of his mentor. To this end, he secretly ran a wine shop as a secret base for plotting with his classmates.One day, because he got up late in the morning, he accidentally witnessed a carefully planned dramatic scene.

Luo Yining cleverly planned to lure Luo Yilian into a trap, making her mistakenly believe that Luo Yining was discussing the divorce with the eldest son of the Jiang family, and specially arranged for her father to go to the wine shop to witness the truth.However, when Luo's father arrived in a hurry, the scene in front of him shocked him - Mr. Jiang was secretly discussing marriage with Luo Yilian, vowing not to marry anyone but her.

Faced with this scene, Luo's father was furious and rushed into the box.When Luo Yilian saw this, he looked horrified and couldn't argue.The eldest son of the Jiang family earnestly asked for marriage, but Luo Yilian burst into tears and firmly refused.In the end, out of love for Luo Yilian, Luo's father announced the termination of the engagement on the spot.

On the way home, Luo Yining was filled with sadness and deeply felt his father's preference for Luo Yilian.She thought about it carefully and discovered that there was a servant, Mama Lu, behind the matter. She not only spread rumors to the Jiang family, but also maliciously instigated it, exacerbating the conflicts within the family.

In order to uncover the truth, Luo Yining sent Qingqu to sneak into Lu's mother's room to search, and they found a huge bag of silver coins of unknown origin.This discovery became conclusive evidence. Luo Yining immediately summoned the head of the family, stepmother and father to expose Mama Lu's crime in front of irrefutable evidence.

Faced with the evidence, his father had no choice but to make a fair ruling, severely punish his stepmother, and return the power of the housekeeper to the main wife Lin Hairu.Lin Hairu, who had suffered for many years, was finally able to feel proud. She was grateful for Luo Yining's help, and readily agreed to Luo Yining's request and personally sent Luo Shenyuan a monthly report to show her care.

In front of Luo Shenyuan, Luo Yining affectionately called him "third brother", and the relationship between the two became closer due to their shared experiences.Luo Yining knew very well that Luo Shenyuan had helped him at critical moments. This visit was not only to send monthly gifts, but also to express his gratitude.

Luo Shenyuan felt unprecedented respect and understanding, and was in a happy mood.In response to his servant's inquiry about borrowing paintings, he smiled calmly and thought that there was no need to say anything, and he just needed to silently appreciate the paintings at the right time.

The above is all about the plot introduction of episode 3 of 《the rise of ning》.If you want to know and explore in more detail about the plot, the story behind the production, the character actors, etc. of this film and television series, we can provide you with more information and intelligence.Please be sure to pay attention to our line classes to get more relevant information.

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