Home Movie Home Education
Home Education

Home Education

《Home Education》 Summ

On the beautiful Sierra Plateau in the Calabria region of southern Italy, a film called Home Education is being staged.The film revolves around a family who believe in a mysterious sect who live in seclusion in a remote house deep in the forest.

The family consists of a father, mother and two children, all of whom are devoted followers of this mysterious sect.They believe that through rigorous Home Education, they can master the mysteries of the universe and achieve personal sublimation.Therefore, they are isolated from the outside world, do not accept any external influence and interference, and only rely on mutual education and guidance among family members to grow.

In this family, the father plays the role of mentor and leader.He is proficient in the teachings of the sect, masters mysterious knowledge and skills, and is responsible for guiding and educating family members.The mother plays the role of taking care of the family's daily life. She is not only responsible for the food and daily life of the family members, but also assists the father in home education.The two children receive strict education and training under the guidance of their parents.

In this family, the way of education is very special.They do not use any textbooks or external materials and rely solely on their father's oral and heart-to-heart teachings to impart knowledge and skills.They believe that real knowledge is not obtained through book learning, but through inner experience and perception.Therefore, they explore the mysteries of the universe and understand the true meaning of life through meditation, prayer, and observation of nature.

In this family, the relationship between members is very close.They support and encourage each other, and jointly pursue inner sublimation and growth.They believe that only by uniting as one and trusting each other can we overcome all difficulties and challenges and realize our personal ideals and aspirations.

《Home Education》This movie shows the importance and particularity of Home Education from a unique perspective.It tells us that Home Education is not only the transfer of knowledge and the cultivation of skills, but also the enlightenment of the soul and the sublimation of life.Only by focusing on inner experience and insights in Home Education can we truly achieve personal growth and development.At the same time, this movie also reminds us that Home Education requires mutual trust and support among family members. Only by uniting and supporting each other can we face the challenges and difficulties of life together.

In addition, 《Home Education》 also shows the influence of mysterious sects on Home Education.In this family, the beliefs and teachings of the mystery sects became the core of Home Education.They believe that only through rigorous education and practice can they master the mysteries of the universe and achieve personal sublimation.This kind of belief and teaching shapes the way of thinking and behavior of family members to a certain extent, making them hold a unique view and attitude towards the outside world.

However, we should also see that the influence of mysterious sects on Home Education may also bring some negative effects.For example, excessive belief and practice may cause family members to become disconnected from the outside world and lose contact and communication with society.This closed and isolated state may cause family members to lack necessary social skills and interpersonal skills, thus affecting their survival and development in society.

《Home Education》Stills
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