Popularity ranking of short dramas on October 9th: Dianzhong - Mute Concubine - ranked first

Auth:Hungry Wolf Time:Oct 10, 2024 Source:Network

In - Mute Concubine -, the storyline has ups and downs, and each character has their own unique personality traits. Not only that, the outstanding acting skills of the actors are also a highlight. The audience can't help but resonate with each other after watching it. Today we willLet’s talk about the popularity ranking of short dramas on October 9th: Dianzhong – Mute Concubine – topped the list.

Popularity ranking of short dramas on October 9th: Dianzhong - Mute Concubine - ranked first

Dianzhong - dumb concubine - ranked first.

Palm game - No Forgiveness, No Reconciliation, Miss Su is the only beauty - ranked second.

Dianzhong - Concubine Fuyao Road - ranked third.

The market popularity value is 63.06 million.

The above is the analysis of the popularity ranking of the short dramas on October 9th: Dianzhong - Mute Concubine - topped the list. I believe it will also clear up some doubts of some friends.If you think it is very good, we strongly recommend that you continue to pay attention to the line class.There will be other more exciting content in the future.

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