Popularity ranking of short dramas on October 10: Dianzhong《Dumb princess》topped the list

Auth:Charm Time:Oct 11, 2024 Source:Network

《Dumb princess》 has attracted a lot of viewers and fans as soon as it aired. They all want to know the popularity ranking of short dramas on October 10th: click on the popularity of 《Dumb princess》 to reach the top of the list. Here are the editor's suggestionsWe have carefully compiled the popularity ranking of short dramas on October 10th: Dumb princess has topped the list. Come and see if there is anything you want to know.

Popularity ranking of short dramas on October 10: Dianzhong《Dumb princess》topped the list

Dianzhong《Dumb princess》ranked first.

Dianzhong - I found out after my death that I was Bai Yueguang, the crown prince of Beijing - ranked second.

Palm game - addicted to her at night - ranked third.

The market popularity value is 62.73 million.

The above is the short drama popularity ranking on October 10th: Dumb princess topped the list. I hope this article of the editor will be helpful to the friends who follow the drama. If you want to know moreFor more exciting plot analysis and character analysis, everyone is welcome to continue to pay attention to the line class.

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