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《Be With You》Episode 15 Synopsis

Yan Sifang makes pills for Meng Sanxi to defend himself

When Ji Mingzhao was in school, she was bullied by a girl from the Liang family who made a mess on her desk and stained ink everywhere. The reason why the girl from the Liang family dared to do this was because the Ji family was not as rich as theirs and it was a hindrance to their family.business.Ji Mingzhao was not one to suffer. He immediately wiped ink on Miss Liang's face, and then slapped Miss Liang in the face when Miss Liang was trying to hit her. The two soon struggled with each other., Ji Mingzhao was slightly injured.Dai Menghui and Liu Yungui knew that Ji Mingzhao was being bullied, so they agreed to stand up for Ji Mingzhao together. However, Miss Liang, relying on the fact that she had many big brothers in the business, did not take Ji, Liu, and Dai's family seriously at all, and arrogantlyShe indicated that she was the one who made the first move, and a fight quickly broke out between the two parties. This time, Ji Mingzhao was more seriously injured.Ji Ming's new acquaintance Ji Mingzhao was bullied. Not only did he have no sympathy or comfort, but he viciously mocked Ji Mingzhao for being incompetent in literature and martial arts, and that he would be a useless person when he grew up.Ji Mingzhao always remembered Ji Mingxin's ridicule. This time Wuming Department Store was elected fifteenth in the public opinion poll. Ji Mingzhao wanted to replace Ji Mingxin and become fifth to avenge his shame.Ji Mingxin's goal this time is to replace the Liang family's number one position, so in her opinion, Ji Mingzhao still has no ambition.The people of the Liang family knew that Ji Mingzhao's nameless department store was not a related industry of the Ji family, so they wanted to invest in it. At this time, Ji Mingzhao had just received the final payment from Liu Yunzong. She did not want the Liang family to invest in it, so she said that she was not short of money. Unexpectedly, the Liang family hit the nail on the head.He asked Ji Mingzhao if he would not be short of money in the next month.Ji Mingzhao gave 40 taels each to Meng Sanxi and Yan Sifang, and 111 taels to Ye Wuzhi. He also gave several people a day off.When Meng Sanxi saw the Liang family taking out banknotes to show off their wealth, he directly hurt them, saying that only Ming coins had denominations of 100,000 taels. The Liang family was so angry that they couldn't do anything about it.Ji Mingzhao wanted to improve his ranking in the competition, and Gu Nianjiu of Yutingxuan also thought that although Yutingxuan was the most profitable business under Mr. Liang's name, it was not popular among the people because of its high price, so the store's ranking this time was not high..Gu Nianjiu was an ambitious person. She wanted to make a splash, so she and Ji Mingzhao entered the bank. They originally wanted to borrow money to give it a try, but the bank's cash had already been borrowed by other merchants.Ji Mingzhao felt that Gu Nianjiu's shop had little hope, and Mr. Liang had already given up on her, so he tried to persuade Gu Nianjiu to lend him the cash in her shop, but Gu Nianjiu refused.Give it another try.Ye Wuzhi took a hundred taels of silver notes to Wang's Noodle House to look for news. He learned that Qi Yifan, the witness to Liu Yunxiao's case, had moved away nine months ago, and the last person to see him was Li Jun from the Liu family..Meng Sanxi also came to Lao Wang Noodle Shop with a hundred taels to buy news, and used his intelligence to guess the other two pieces of news, so the trip was quite satisfactory.Ji Mingzhao went crazy thinking about money, so she went to her friend Liu Yungui, who was considered rich, to borrow it, but the fifteen hundred taels Liu Yungui had prepared for her had been borrowed by Liu Yunzong in the morning, and it was Ji Mingzhao's hand.That's one thousand five hundred taels.Dai Menghui was eating noodles with clear soup and water, and under Ji Mingzhao's hopeful eyes, he took out a copper plate from his body. This copper plate was picked up by a child when he was on duty in the morning and handed to him.Ji Mingzhao couldn't help but sigh, no wonder the Liang family said that the Ji, Dai, and Liu families were in decline. Looking at how poor they were, it was really no wonder that people were talking about it.Liu Yungui weakly expressed that he was actually not too poor. Ji Mingzhao and Dai Menghui immediately stood up, grabbed a lot of nourishing herbs and threw them into the pot to make porridge. They shared the same hatred against the relatively wealthy Liu Yungui.Ji Mingzhao thought that Lao Fan was rich and hurriedly came to visit. However, she arrived a step late. Gu Nianjiu had already borrowed Lao Fan's six thousand taels. Ji Mingzhao returned disappointed and turned his idea to Lao Ding. Unexpectedly, Lao Ding really had the money.Thirty thousand taels. Ji Mingzhao's eyes lit up when he heard Old Ding skillfully tell where the silver was hidden. Unfortunately, Old Ding forgot which mountain he was hiding in.Ji Mingzhao's energy suddenly withered, and he was walking feebly in the yard. At this time, Ye Wuzhi, who had just returned from prison, hugged Ji Mingzhi, trying to get strength from her. Ji Mingzhao learned that Ye Wuzhi had no work due to overtime work.Only by going to the appointment did Kong escape jail, and persuaded Ye Wuzhi not to take another vacation in the future.

Yan Sifang makes pills for Meng Sanxi to defend himself