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《Be With You》Episode 13 Synopsis

Ji Mingzhao takes over the task of selling books

Four years ago, Bei Xiaohai was so hungry that he lost consciousness. Meng Sanxi hurriedly carried him to the medical clinic for treatment. The result was that Bei Xiaohai was diagnosed with nothing wrong, but he was so hungry. Meng Sanxi shamelessly asked the doctor for some food.But because he couldn't even pay the consultation fee, he was kicked out of the hospital.Meng San had no choice but to carry Bei Xiaohai on his back and look for food on the street. He grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the vendor on the pretext of trying them, peeled one and stuffed it in front of Bei Xiaohai, and Bei Xiaohai opened his eyes.After opening his eyes and coming back to life, he ate all the melon seeds in Meng Sanxi's hand into his mouth regardless of their shells.When the vendor saw this, he couldn't help but feel disgusted and quickly drove the two people away, determined not to let them take advantage again.Today was Liu Daxia's birthday party. Meng Sanxi carried Bei Xiaohai on his back to ask for food, even to wash the dishes, but no one paid attention to him.Bei Xiaohai had an idea and asked Meng Sanxi to follow him and sneak into the house pretending to be the boss's younger brother. As soon as the pastry was served, the disc was on the disc, which shocked the maid who brought the pastry. After another plate was served, she turned around.No more. This time she saw Meng Sanxi's bulging cheeks, so she simply placed the third plate directly in front of him.Meng Sanxi and Bei Xiaohai were really hungry. They didn't care about saving face and just stuffed snacks into their arms while eating. The people at the same table looked disgusted. When a hot dish was served, the two of them had not yet eaten.With just enough time to pick up a pair of chopsticks, the housekeeper led someone to reveal their identities and kicked them out.The Liu Family Bathhouse project was finally completed, and Ji Mingzhao was excited when he thought about the money he would get. Unexpectedly, Liu Yunzong only paid 3,500 taels and left 30% of the balance, which could only be paid ten days later.Ji Mingzhao couldn't help but feel a little angry when he thought that in the past three months, he had not only advanced money but also contributed. Now that the project was completed, he could not get the full payment. So he threatened Liu Yunzong, saying that if he did not pay back the money on time, he would make the Liu Family Bathhouse haunted.The matter spread.Meng Sanxi, Ye Wuzhi, and Yan Sifang thought they would get one hundred taels of silver notes this time, but in the end they only got seventy taels, and they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.Ji Mingzhao took everyone back to the store and learned that the business in the store had improved in the past two days. He thought that the joint name of the Liu Family Bathhouse had an effect and couldn't help but be a little excited. Unexpectedly, Lao Ding soon told her a bad news. The gang of gangstersThe man who became a husband only worked for Wuming Department Store this month, so Ji Mingzhao had to pay fifty-six taels of wages.Ji Mingzhao's capital chain has been broken now, and she only has fifty taels of silver on hand. She wants to owe sixteen taels first before settling the debt in a few days. Ye Wuzhi quickly lends Ji Mingzhao the remaining fourteen taels of silver in his pocket to tide over the current situation.Difficulties.Ji Mingzhao was a little moved, but when she learned that Ye Wuzhi went gambling again, and this was the only fourteen taels left, she couldn't help but feel a little angry, secretly hating that Ye Wuzhi didn't know how to make progress, and always lingered in gambling houses.Ji Mingzhao wanted to expand her business, which required more goods, but she didn't have enough money at the moment, so she had to go to Ying Baichi to discuss it.Ying Baichi disagrees with the debt, but he has always had a wish to become a well-known best-selling writer. To this end, he also wrote a special collection of poems for sale.Ji Mingzhao understood that Ying Baichi wanted to be famous, but he didn't want people who flattered him to buy his books. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he wanted people who really appreciated him to recognize his works.Ying Baichi's collection of poems has been handed over by Meng Sanxi, Yan Sifang, and Ji Mingzhao. No one can praise Ying Baichi's level, but now we need Ying Baichi's financial support. Meng Sanxi and Ji Mingzhao will sing and sell it.At the same time, he persuaded Ying Baichi, who wanted to sell books widely, to sell only a hundred copies of his books, so that the whole city would join in the rush and increase Ying Baichi's popularity.Ying Baichi liked it so much that he finally agreed to sell only a hundred copies, but he also had a request, that is, Wuming Department Store could not ask for help.Ji Mingzhao wanted Wuming Department Store to become the department store that people can think of when mentioning it in Muyun City. He spent a lot of money to buy a large amount of ice, and at the same time asked craftsmen to introduce the air-conditioning from the ice into the department store, allowing customers to experience the hot summer.Ice cold.Gu Nianjiu heard about the coldness of Wuming Department Store and came to observe. She knew that as the first person to do this, Ji Mingzhao would definitely be remembered, and she was a little envious.In order to see the response of the book he wrote in the market, Ying Baichi spent a whole day squatting in Wuming Department Store, but he didn't find anyone reading it. In order to draw people's attention to this book, Meng Sanxi used exaggerated acting skills to emphasize this.This book is so good that I almost got slapped.

Ji Mingzhao takes over the task of selling books