Home TV got a crush on you
《got a crush on you》Are Lu Qun and Han Xiaoli together?

Are Lu Qun and Han Xiaoli together?

《got a crush on you》 is a novel love novel. The protagonists in the story, Lu Qun and Han Xiaoli, began their sweet love after a kiss at the beach.

However, Han Xiaoli learned of a misunderstanding after finding a receipt on the puff box.She discovered that the receipt was not actually evidence that Lu Qun went to buy puffs, so she became suspicious.In order to solve the mystery, she decided to go to Lu Qun in person and make it clear.

When Han Xiaoli arrived at Jiye, she found that Lu Qun was actually using a computer.What surprised her even more was that the account of Xiao Lu Ran Chong's customer turned out to be Lu Qun's!Han Xiaoli couldn't help but began to have some questions about Lu Qun, and her heart was full of confusion.

At this moment, Lu Qun came out of the shower and discovered Han Xiaoli's arrival.His shirtless appearance made Han Xiaoli a little shy, but he still politely stood at the door and waited for her to explain her purpose.However, Han Xiaoli bit him directly and ran away.

Afterwards, Han Xiaoli called her friend Song Xingchen to ask about Lu Qun.She was worried that every step Lu Qun made was a ploy, so she sought advice from Song Xingchen.Song Xingchen suggested that she continue to observe and proposed to participate in summer volunteer activities in order to have more contact with Lu Qun and further examine his true thoughts.

After communicating with Han Xiaoli, Lu Qun realized his mistake and apologized to Han Xiaoli.He explained that he didn't mean to lose the puff that day. For her, he had put his feet on the ground and stopped playing nice words, hoping to become the person she thought of him.Han Xiaoli was moved by Lu Qun's sincerity and agreed to give him another chance.

In the end, Han Xiaoli and Lu Qun came together again, and their love was as sweet as before.This story tells us that trust and understanding are important factors in maintaining love. Only through communication and tolerance can love go further.