Home TV got a crush on you
《got a crush on you》The relationship between Lu Qun and Han Xiaoli

The relationship between Lu Qun and Han Xiaoli

Lu Qun and Han Xiaoli are lovers. Lu Qun and Han Xiaoli sealed their love with a kiss on the beach, officially starting the sugar-splitting mode.

Han Xiaoli found the receipt on the box of puffs and learned that she had misunderstood Lu Qun, so she went to Jiye to find him and found that his computer was on, and the account number of Xiaolu's customer was actually Lu Qun's.

Lu Qun found Han Xiaoli here after taking a shower, but she was a little shy when she saw the topless Lu Qun. At this time, Lu Qun stood at the door and asked her to explain her intention. Han Xiaoli bit him and ran away.

Afterwards, Han Xiaoli called Song Xingchen to ask if Lu Qun's current moves were routines. Song Xingchen suggested that she continue to investigate and, if necessary, join the summer volunteers and go camping together to get in touch.

Lu Qun apologized to Han Xiaoli, saying that he did not drop the puff on purpose that day, and for her, he was down to earth, no longer talking sweet words, and wanted to become the person in her mind.Han Xiaoli looked at Lu Qun movedly and agreed to give him another chance, and the two finally reconciled.