Home TV Can't hide a secret
《Can't hide a secret》Episode 25 Synopsis

Episode 25

In the ocean of art, inspiration is like a meteor streaking through the night sky, fleeting and dazzling.Sang Zhi found her inspiration in picture design. She devoted herself wholeheartedly to her creation, and her roommates always supported her.Yu Xin also provided many valuable opinions on her works.When the work was finally completed and successfully submitted, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Sang Zhi was also relieved.

Episode 25

At the same time, Duan Jiaxu was busy looking for a suitable office location in Nanwu.After careful comparison and selection, he finally found a place with extremely satisfactory conditions in all aspects and was ready to start his entrepreneurial journey.The game "Yimeng Jianghu" has become popular all over the country. Elites come here to play it, and the company's recommendation has also brought him many capable assistants.The studio was ready, Junwen came specially from Yihe to help, and several people gathered together in Sang Yan's bar.Duan Jiaxu's jokes made the atmosphere more relaxed, and Sang Zhi's phone call added a touch of sweetness to the heartwarming scene.

Duan JiaXu's relationship with Sang Zhi is getting deeper and deeper, and he is eager to formally meet Sang Zhi's parents.Sang Yan understood his thoughts and not only helped arrange the time, but also went home specially to pave the way for Duan Jiaxu's kind words.When Duan Jiaxu came to visit with sincerity and gifts, one can imagine his nervousness and anxiety.The frank conversation after the meal made Sang Rong and Liping put aside their worries. They saw Duan Jiaxu's sincerity and commitment to Sang Zhi.

The hourglass of time flows quietly, and Sang Zhi's work won the award, but Duan Jiaxu was unable to attend the award ceremony in person due to his busy work.Sang Zhi was inevitably a little disappointed, but on the day of the awards, Duan Jiaxu's surprise appearance made all the gloom disappear.The two interacted sweetly in front of everyone, and Duan Jiaxu, as a representative of Yimengjianghu, presented an award to Sang Zhi. This scene made people lament the beauty of love.

Two years later, Sang Zhi ended her college life. The four years seemed to fly by in vain, and she was reluctant to part with her roommates.Duan Jiaxu also continued to work hard during this period, laying a solid foundation for his and Sang Zhi's future.With the cooperation of his roommates, he carefully planned a marriage proposal ceremony. Sang Rong, Liping, and Sang Yan were also invited to witness this important moment.When Duan Jiaxu confessed his love deeply and put on the ring he specially prepared for Sang Zhi, all the waiting and efforts received the most beautiful response.

It turns out that Duan Jiaxu had secretly fallen in love with Sang Zhi long before he confessed to her.This is a two-way secret love. Both of them are silently paying for each other, and now they have finally achieved fruition.Their stories tell us that love requires courage, persistence, and more importantly, mutual understanding and tolerance.Only in this way can we, like Duan Jiaxu and Sang Zhi, move forward hand in hand on the road of life and create a better future together.