Home TV Can't hide a secret
《Can't hide a secret》Episode 20 Synopsis

Episode 20

On a quiet afternoon, Xiaoyu suddenly saw Jiang Ying, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, which surprised her.She couldn't help but ask: “Jiang Ying, why are you here?”However, Jiang Ying did not answer Xiaoyu's question, but went straight to Sang Zhi.She revealed a shocking secret to Sang Zhi - Duan Jiaxu's father is a vegetative state and his annual medical expenses are as high as 100,000.What is even more unbelievable is that this father was once a murderer and attempted suicide in order to evade responsibility.And Jiang Ying's father died precisely because of this murderer.

Episode 20

After Sang Zhi heard the news, his heart was filled with sympathy.She understands the pain and struggle Jiang Ying has experienced, but this does not become the reason for her to hurt Duan Jiaxu.Faced with Jiang Ying's accusation, Sang Zhi firmly expressed her position, leaving Jiang Ying speechless.In the end, Jiang Ying could only leave silently.

Sang Zhi felt sorry for Duan Jiaxu who had been mentally tortured by Jiang Ying for so long, so she decided to go find Duan Jiaxu.When Duan Jiaxu appeared, he still had a piece of bread in his hand.He saw that Sang Zhi was in a bad mood and wanted to ask why, but Sang Zhi refused to say anything.She just handed Duan Jiaxu her card with 5,000 yuan in it, hoping that the money would help him lighten his burden.Duan Jiaxu was deeply moved and hugged Sang Zhi tightly.

The next day, Sang Zhi was busy with work and did not order takeout during lunch time.However, a colleague brought in a takeaway for her.When she opened it, she found that it was Duan Jiaxu who ordered it for her.This takeaway made Sang Zhi feel happy, and she felt Duan Jiaxu's attentiveness and care.

In the evening, Duan Jiaxu came specially to pick Sang Zhi up from get off work.Although he was very busy at work, he still insisted on picking her up every day.This made Sang Zhi feel very warm and happy.However, when Sang Yan suddenly called Sang Zhi, she became nervous again.Sang Yan asked where Sang Zhi was and exposed her relationship with Duan Jiaxu.Sang Zhi was worried that Sang Yan would be detrimental to Duan Jia Xu, so she hurried back to the dormitory.

When Sang Yan saw Duan Jiaxu, he beat him several times angrily until the corners of Duan Jiaxu's mouth bled.Sang Yan's anger calmed down a little.However, when he saw Duan Jia Xu enduring pain for Sang Zhi, his attitude began to soften.In the end, the two took a taxi back home.

Sang Zhi was worried in the dormitory for a long time and couldn't help but call Sang Yan.But Sang Yan refused to accept it.Sang Zhi had no choice but to send Duan Jiaxu a WeChat message quietly, and then she felt relieved after confirming that he was fine.Sang Yan came to Duan Jiaxu's home and saw the pink slippers on the shoe rack and the strawberries and snacks in the refrigerator. She knew in her heart that these were Sang Zhi's exclusive items.He deliberately failed to change his shoes or get snacks, trying to make Duan Jiaxu feel uncomfortable.However, when he saw the photo of Sang Zhi and Duan Jiaxu next to the TV cabinet, the anger in his heart rose again.

The next day, Duan Jiaxu specially wore a mask to cover the injuries on his face when he went to pick up Sang Zhi from get off work.Sang Zhi was very angry when he found out and asked Sang Yan why he did it.With red eyes, she wanted to break off the relationship with Sang Yan, which made Sang Yan feel very sad.When Duan Jiaxu saw this, he told Sang Zhi that he had also beaten Sang Yan, and the two were even.After hearing this, Sang Zhi immediately asked Duan Jiaxu why he did this, which made Sang Yan feel more balanced.