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《Fantasy Sonata》 Summ

Korean drama - Fantasy Sonata - This film is adapted from a comic book. It tells the story of a man with opposite dual personalities and the woman who likes him, a fantasy costume romance that goes back and forth between refreshing love and vicious persistence. It is expected to become the second Yun Hua.moonlight.Park Ji-hoon plays a dual personality, a man who truly falls in love with a woman who understands the reason why she needs to live, and a man who believes that long-term persistence and jealousy are true love.Hong Ye Ji plays Lien Yue, a woman who has turned from an assassin into a harem and captured the hearts of two personalities.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

In the torrent of history, everyone has his or her own role and destiny.The young man who misses his ancestors but loves weaving and clothing design is an individual struggling to survive in this whirlpool of history.His father, Sizu Sheng, was a general, but he was disgusted with his son's tenderness and affection. He hoped that his son could show his masculinity on the battlefield and win glory.

However, the gears of fate did not turn according to Si Zusheng's expectations.In order to overthrow the royal government, Si Zusheng carefully planned and introduced Si Zuxian into it.During the change of Yan's dynasty, Si Zusheng came to power smoothly, and Si Zuxian became the prince as a matter of course.But in this game of power, Yanyue, the daughter of a former general, became the only survivor, and the seeds of revenge were planted in her heart.

Ten years later, Yanyue transformed into the assassin "Guila" and sneaked into the palace with her excellent dancing skills, determined to avenge her family.During the mission, she visited a tailor shop due to clothing problems and unexpectedly met Si Zuxian.At this time, Sizuxian has turned his love into a career and became a tailor.

Facing Yanyue's request, Sizuxian flatly refused, but was shaken when he heard Yanyue encourage him to pursue his dream.It turned out that he also had the painful experience of being opposed by his father.Si Zuxian, who returned to the palace, was still under the pressure of being a prince.His other personality "Ergui" appeared at a critical moment to help him.

On the hunting ground, Ergui showed great strength and won the admiration of Si Zusheng.During the street competition, he discovered the secret of Yanyue's disguise as a man and was deeply attracted by her dancing skills.The relationship between the two quietly grew, but the entanglement between revenge and power made this relationship complicated.

Yanyue carefully planned the assassination of Si Zusheng, but was forced to change her strategy when the plan failed.At a critical moment, Ergui's appearance disrupted her plan.During the confrontation between the two, Yanyue expressed her appreciation for Sizuxian, but was also confused by the appearance of Ergui.She didn't understand why the man she once admired had become so strange.

As time goes by, Ergui gradually realizes his feelings for Yanyue.He began to compete with Sizuxian's personality for dominance, hoping to show his true self in front of Yanyue.Yanyue also gradually became clear about her own feelings in this emotional tug-of-war.She begins to wonder if this revenge is really worth the price she pays.

In Game of Thrones, everyone is a pawn.Sizuxian, Yanyue, and Sizusheng are looking for their place in this game and pursuing their goals.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Guier lost her memory and became Concubine Enxiao.Ergui told Guier that they have a close relationship and that she is a dancer by profession.They meet at the King's birthday party, where Gui'er is a dancer, and they begin to like each other.Since Guier lost all her memory, she believed Ergui's words.

Episode 2

At the same time, the Neng Nei Guan Nai Guan realized that they had been deceived, that the personality of Prince Sizu had never returned, and that they had been dealing with evil for at least four days.Ergui hopes that the concubine canonization ceremony will be held immediately because he has not slept for four days and is worried that Si Zuxian will let Guier leave after taking over.

However, Gui'er still doubts her situation and asks maid Hong Jun if she would like to become the crown princess.Hong Jun did not provide any important information, and that night, Guier was surprised to find that she knew martial arts and had rough hands.She wonders if she is a dancer or a warrior.

Ergui tried his best not to fall asleep, including taking a bath with ice water, which made people around him worry about Si Zuxian's health.They visited the wizard Chuta and begged her for help, and she gave them incense to help Ergui sleep.

The next morning, Si Zuxian returned to his body, and Egui looked angrily at Neng Neiguan and Naiguan happily embracing the real prince.The first thing Si Zuxian wanted to do was go to the fabric store, but he noticed that Ergui was trying not to sleep, and he realized there must be a reason.Chi Quanshu and Neng Neiguan told him what Ergui was doing and took him to see Guier.

At the same time, Gui'er is trying to escape from the prince's palace, and Concubine Zhao Ming discovers during a secret investigation that this woman is different from the dancer chosen by the king.The prince came to Concubine Enxiao's residence and asked to talk to Guier alone.

Soon after, Neng Naiguan rushed in and told them that the king had summoned them.Si Zuxian wanted to know why, when Neng Naiguan told him that the woman Ergui took away was the dancer chosen by the king.

On the way, Si Zuxian took some time to tell Gui'er to remain silent when they arrived in front of the king, and when they looked into each other's eyes, Gui'er caught a glimpse of the tailor she met in the tailor shop, and sheConfirming that the prince's personality was back, she agreed to listen to him.

The king began to ask Si Zuxian about the change of concubines, but Si Zuxian remained quiet.The king is disappointed, he thought Si Zuxian's actions symbolized him becoming a man, but now he is back to his nerdy, timid and cowardly self.

After the meeting, Si Zuxian asked Guier to stay and he would help her find a way to leave the palace.At the same time, Princess Jinhua reported to her father Chen Wuda that the king was satisfied with the dancing concubines.She said she would make sure that Gui'er could not attend the canonization ceremony and that there would be no blood on her.

Gui Er was confused by her meeting with the king and her recent interactions with Si Zuxian.She paces back and forth, wondering what she sees in that man that makes her like him, she recalls King Sizusheng's face and thinks he looks familiar, and the image of him killing her father that day appears in her mind, but she couldn't connect them.

Si Zuxian took away the drawings that Guier had modified for him. The image of the woman in the tailor shop and the image of the concubine came to his mind, but he did not agree that they might be the same person.He goes to the workshop to clear his mind and asks to be sure that Gui Er doesn't cause trouble.Guier slipped out and followed them to the workshop. She couldn't help but smile, watching Si Zuxian working and smiling in his own field.

After Si Zuxian helped Guier pay for the repair costs of roof damage in the market, he asked her to leave.Guier is disturbed by the prince's attitude and wonders if he has a dual personality, but she still agrees to leave.

As she walks around the market asking people who she is, she notices some soldiers abusing a woman and she helps her escape.Guier tries to escape from the men, but they close in on her, and Si Zuxian arrives in time to help her escape.

Si Zuxian changed his mind and decided to let Guier leave.Gui'er won't let Hong Jun be exiled or beaten because of her, so she agrees to go back with him.On the way, Si Zuxian thought he would use Gui'er to deal with Ergui, while Gui'er thought she would escape after helping Hong Jun leave the palace.

When Si Zuxian wonders why he made her some clothes, Ergui pulls Si Zulong out to talk about Guier.Ergui thinks that Si Zuxian must be trying to use Guier to get close to him, but he insists that he only respects her because he likes her.

The next morning, Guier was taken to the king's interrogation room on suspicion of assassination.The evidence is the dress and headscarf she wore when attending the king's party.The king asks her if she is an assassin who infiltrated the king's birthday party with the intention of harming the king, but since she has lost her memory, she has no idea what they are talking about.

Chen Wuda brought another woman before the interrogation, claiming that she was the woman chosen by the king on the day of the party.However, Concubine Zhaoming and Si Zulong recognized the woman and knew she was not among the dancers.Si Zulong thought this might be Chen Wu Da's plan, since the king never remembered the women he slept with.The fake dancer said she saw Gui Er wearing an assassin's clothes and entering the king's bathroom.

Surprisingly, the prince comes in and admits that Gui Er is indeed an assassin.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

In the king's interrogation room, Si Zuxian handled Guier's case in an unexpected way.He did not refute Chen Wuda's accusations, even though they were made to save the woman who was forced to lie in court.

Episode 3

He frankly admitted that he had asked Guier to wear the assassin costume he specially made for her.They met before the king's banquet and were in love.On the night of the banquet, Si Zuxian mistakenly thought that the woman chosen by the king was Gui'er, so he hurriedly found the king and asked to marry her.Guier's testimony supported Si Zuxian's statement that her body remembered the draw and dance, even though her mind had forgotten it.

Si Zulong became suspicious of Gui'er's motives when she admitted her relationship with the prince.The concubine's canonization ceremony continued, and Gui'er began to slowly fall in love with the palace and the prince.She learned from Hong Jun that her favorite flowers were also the crown prince's favorites, so she picked some as gifts.

On the way home, Gui'er encounters Si Zulong and her childhood guard Yang Zaiyi.However, she showed no emotion, leading Si Zulong to conclude that she had lost her memory.Si Zulong proposed to temporarily cut off contact until the memory was restored.

Meanwhile, Si Zuxian wants to know who framed Guier.Princess Jinhua appears before the king and reveals that the dancer has perjured herself in court.She was jealous that the prince chose Guier, so she ordered the girl to be punished.The king expressed his appreciation for the crown princess.

The king is furious to discover that his pursuers are now after Concubine Eunhyo, who may become the new dynasty's queen.When it comes to Guier becoming queen, Jinhua's reaction is full of dissatisfaction and anger.

Later, Jinhua and her father tell the same story to the crown prince, accusing the dancer of lying out of jealousy.However, the prince is not as easily fooled as they thought.Ergui has already changed the situation and brought the dancer who took the blame for Guier to the detention center.

Sizulong has a strong desire for the throne and asks why his mother fell into Jinhua's trap.On the other hand, when Si Zuxian was practicing archery at the archery range, he kept thinking about why Gui'er kept lingering in his mind.He suspected that she had seduced Ergui in order to become his concubine, and thought she was faking amnesia.

Gui Er came to the archery range to thank him for his help in court, but Si Zuxian said that he did not do it for her, but for the stability of the palace.He told Guier that she should not appear in front of him again.

Si Zuxian ordered Guier not to enter his house, but she sneaked in and gave him the dye she made.When she heard him enter the room, she ducked under the table.After Si Zuxian discovers her, his memory returns to the most painful moment in his life, when his father forced him to witness the massacre during the coup.

The look in Guier's eyes reminded Si Zuxian of the little girl he had saved. However, he still couldn't let go of all the trouble she caused him later.Holding the sword in his hand, Si Zuxian once wanted to kill Guier, but was finally stopped by Ergui taking over his body, thus saving Guier.

Guier witnessed the fierce struggle between the dual personalities of Si Zuxian and Ergui. She felt that the temperature around her was hot and cold, and Si Zuxian's eyes seemed to be constantly changing colors.In the end, Ergui defeated Si Zuxian, but after waking up, he behaved extremely coldly towards Guier and even ordered her to leave.Guier couldn't help but began to wonder whether the prince in front of her had really become so strange.

The anger in Ergui's heart was burning, and he became even more angry when he saw the dye that Guier carefully made for him and the letter thanking him for saving him in court.Because she still had deep feelings for Si Zuxian, which he couldn't accept.His nervousness reaches its peak when he learns from the letter that Gui'er will leave that night because Si Zuxian has allowed her freedom.

Subsequently, Ergui made two decisions.He first threw Chi Quanshu into prison, while Neng Neiguan was demoted to a laundryman for drugging him and forcing him to sleep.Then, he began to plan how to make Guier hate Si Zuxian.He told Guier a story about his body being possessed by an evil spirit, but deliberately distorted the facts to describe Si Zuxian as the evil spirit.Although Guier expressed doubts about this, this statement still seemed to change her attitude towards Si Zuxian to a certain extent.

Ergui reveals to Gui'er that he has found a way to get rid of the evil spirit, but it requires Gui'er's help.Guier agreed to his request after hesitation.On Guier's way back to her room, Ergui suddenly appeared in front of her and warned her that someone wanted to harm her.He tried to convince Gui'er to leave with him, but Gui'er refused to trust anyone anymore.

Hong Jun stopped Gui Er before she left and gave her some items.Among them, Guier found a dagger and a note.The note said the dagger would come in handy when she regained her memory.Guier's heart was filled with doubts and expectations.

At the same time, Ergui is plotting against Si Zuxian.He plans to get rid of Si Zuxian and take over his body, thus having the power to become the crown prince.The next morning, Guier dressed up as a servant and met Neng Naiguan by the river.Neng Naiguan has noticed that Ergui has revealed things about his dual personality to Guier.

However, Neng Naiguan deliberately reversed the truth and told Gui'er that Ergui was the real prince and Sizuxian was the evil spirit.This made Gui'er even more confused. She didn't know who to believe. Gui'er fell into deep thinking.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Gui'er and Si Zuxian/Egui met again the night after the sacrificial ceremony at Fenghan Mountain, and Gui'er had recovered her memory at this time.Although she was filled with rage and almost wanted to stab him, she ultimately chose to suppress her impulse and pretend that she still had amnesia.

Episode 4

Through a recollection, it turns out that the wizard Zhongtai changed the goal of the ritual and locked up Ergui instead of the prince.However, this change makes the identity of the person after the ritual confusing.When the wizard Chuta revealed the truth about the ritual to Nouchiguan, after Nouchiguan entered the prince's room, the reaction of the people inside was more like misfortune, which frightened Nouchiguan.

Guier decides to stay in the palace, her goal being to take revenge and kill the king.One night, she sneaked into the king's palace and witnessed the king being troubled by nightmares, in which Guier's mother kept pestering him.When the king becomes delirious in his sleep, eunuchs, princes, prince concubines, guards and doctors rush into the room, forcing Gui Er to temporarily abandon her assassination plan.She hurriedly returned to her secret base, but the failure of the mission made her afraid of facing Xia Lang and Yang Zaiyi.

The next day, Guier accompanied the prince to see the king.She used her medical knowledge to help the king and win a favor for the crown prince in front of him.On the way back, the prince noticed Guier's confusion about whether the people around him were Ergui or Sizuxian.Guier revealed her true feelings. She mentioned that the existence of evil spirits made the prince sometimes as cold as frost and sometimes as passionate as fire.However, when she touches the person next to her, he is neither cold nor hot, leaving her unsure of his true identity.Whether it was Ergui or Sizuxian, Gui'er harbored deep resentment towards them both - Ergui had erased her memory, and Sizuxian was the son of her enemy.

Later that day, Guier encounters Si Zuxian while walking, and he accidentally drops a pill.Guier picked up the pills and immediately realized that this was evidence that Si Zuxian was trying to kill her.This made her start to wonder, who is her real enemy?

The crown prince Si Zuxian visited the wizard Zhongtai and learned from the wizard Zhongtai that the ceremony had been successful.It turns out that the wizard Zhongtai locked Ergui, and the one who came out was the prince.The wizard Zhongtai asked the prince why Ergui wiped Gui'er's memory, but Zhongtai vowed to keep this secret.After leaving the wizard's villa, the wizard left a note to the prince, warning him to stay away from Guier.Neng Naiguan told the prince that Gui'er might have a crush on Ergui because she felt that Ergui was better to her.This made the prince begin to doubt whether Gui'er was an evil woman.

The prince vowed that he would do better than Ergui and never let himself show weakness.He first attended the rally and made suggestions to the king to solve the problem of theft and arson among the capital's poor population.He suggested making the men work in the fields as punishment and receiving a percentage of the harvest.The king accepted the prince's advice and dismissed the assembly.However, the prince's appearance surprised the king, and he asked the prince to inform him in advance the next time he attended a gathering so that a seat could be prepared for him.But the crown prince reminded him that as king, he should lead the assembly himself.The prince's firm attitude made the king furious.Later that night, the crown prince meets with his secret army, while Gui Er secretly follows him.

Concubine Zhaoming told Jinhua that Guier disappeared in the woods for a while during the day and was covered in mud when she came back.It turns out that Guier has been looking for medicinal herbs to prepare potions for the king.Qing Fei also revealed to Jin Hua that she smelled the aroma of herbs coming from Gui Er's room.However, the next day Hong Jun found that the potion they had put on the stove to cook had been knocked over.

Guier was not surprised because she had anticipated this situation and prepared the medicine overnight.She left a letter to the prince and asked him to meet outside the king's palace.When the king expressed concern about the safety of the drug and feared death from it, the crown prince stepped forward to defend Gui'er.He showed Guier's hands that were worn out in the rugged mountains and forests while searching for the medicine, and told the king how hard she had worked for this medicine.He said that if the king was unwilling to take it, he would try it himself.The king looked at the prince and knew that he had fallen deeply in love with Gui'er. He even joked that maybe he would be able to have a grandson soon.These words reached the ears of the Crown Princess inadvertently.

The king greatly appreciated Guier's medical skills and hoped that she could often come to the palace to diagnose and treat him.Under the prince's inquiry, Guier readily accepted the request.Suddenly, Prince Si Zulong came in and told everyone that wolves and wild boars would migrate tomorrow and proposed to organize a hunting event.The prince also expressed his willingness to participate.

On the eve of the hunt, Gui'er accidentally discovered the prince practicing archery in an indoor venue, and curiously asked him why he didn't practice in an open area.At first, the crown prince had a cold attitude and asked Guier to leave.But at Guier's insistence, he finally opened up and revealed that he was afraid of the howling wind.After hearing this, Guier gave him some practical suggestions to help him overcome this psychological barrier.The crown prince tried according to Guier's suggestion, and he hit the target.Despite this, he asked Gui'er to leave because he found that he couldn't stay calm as long as he was around her.

On the day of the hunt, the Crown Prince kept Guier's advice in mind and tried to concentrate.Although he had the chance to kill the boar, he ultimately chose to let it go.The king arrived later and mistakenly thought that the crown prince had shot the wild boar, but the crown prince firmly denied it.

It is worth mentioning that the hunting activity on this day happened to be the death anniversary of Si Zuxian’s mother.It turned out that his mother had opposed the usurpation of the throne and massacred members of the royal family, and was eventually poisoned by his father.This secret has been hidden and no one knows.

After the hunt, Si Zuxian revealed his feelings when he was alone with Guier.He recounted the tragedy of witnessing a family massacre as a young man, and the deep trauma left by the little girl he was unable to save.Every time the wind howled, he would think of the girl and the mother he could not protect.After hearing this, Guier felt deep sympathy. She hugged Si Zuxian and made him shed long-awaited tears.

Later, Si Zulong accompanied the king back to the palace.Before leaving, the king warned him not to try to surpass his son, and revealed a shocking secret: Si Zulong was not his biological son.Nevertheless, the king adopted him and made him a prince, which was the greatest kindness he could give.This secret shocked Si Zulong and made him re-examine his relationship with the king.

When Si Zulong left the king's palace angrily, his heart was in turmoil.A youthful flashback shows him an intimate moment between his mother and another man, an image that leaves a deep imprint on his mind.At this time, he found that his saddle was loose, the pills were missing, and Guier was the last person who had touched it.Determined to take advantage of this clue, Si Zulong wrote a letter with a drawing of the dagger, hinting to the imperial concubine that Gui'er was the daughter of Yanfengxue (a former general).The purpose of this letter is to reveal the identity of the Crown Princess, and at the same time, it is also a frame-up for Guier.

When Si Zuxian was thinking hard about how to express his love to Gui'er, the imperial concubine suddenly broke in. She held the letter and ordered Si Zuxian to search Gui'er's attic immediately.Guier's solitude with the king was interrupted. Faced with the king's life, Guier considered taking action, but in the end she chose to give up.She decided to leave this palace full of intrigues.

Outside the king's palace, Gui'er met Si Zulong.She frankly told him her true identity and purpose in the palace.At the same time, she also revealed that her memory has been restored.Gui'er asked to leave, but at this time, a guard rushed over and reported that King Si Zusheng had been killed.They returned to the palace and saw a needle stuck in the king's throat.Faced with this sudden change, Si Zulong angrily questioned Guier, but Guier firmly denied the crime.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

After the king died suddenly, the crown prince ordered a thorough investigation into the cause of the king's death, especially Guier, who had a close relationship with the king.The doctor confirmed that the fatal injection came from the needle set used by the king every day, which led to Guier being imprisoned in a secret cell.

Episode 5

Si Zuxian warned everyone in the room that the cause of the king's death must not be revealed until the matter becomes clear.He was puzzled by Guier's betrayal, and at the same time he was guessing who was behind it.

However, Guier firmly denied the murder accusation.Although she was not afraid of death, she felt heartbroken by Si Zuxian's distrust.She admitted that she once had a desire for revenge, but gave up the idea because she missed her ancestors.

On the other hand, Chen Wuda brutally tortured Guier in an attempt to force her to confess.But her tenacity and innocence are touching.Her cries alarm Ergui, who intervenes to try to convince Si Zuxian of Gui'er's innocence.

Ergui reveals that he knows who the real murderer is, but the truth will not be revealed until Si Zuxian is no longer imprisoning him.

Si Zulong's return cast a shadow over the palace.On the surface, he was grieving the king's death, but the truth behind it was shocking.It turned out that it was he who killed the king in an attempt to usurp the throne.

In the end, Si Zuxian successfully rescued Guier and brought her to a mountain cabin.He took good care of her until she woke up.When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that the person who saved her was not Si Zuxian, but Ergui.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Ergui and Guier embraced each other affectionately under the water. However, as the black mist filled the air, Si Zuxian suddenly returned to his true form and pushed Guier away.When they surfaced, Gui'er immediately realized that the prince beside her was no longer her beloved Ergui, and his body temperature was extremely cold.She eagerly inquired about the whereabouts of Ergui, but Xuan, who was now in control of the prince's body, said he knew nothing about it, because Ergui had always been a mystery to him.

Episode 6

Guier's heart was filled with confusion and doubts. She recalled every bit of her past encounters with Ergui, those sweet names and affectionate conversations.However, Si Zuxian told her that Ergui did not want to be called a fake.When Guier's strength has not yet recovered, Si Zuxian decides to carry her on his back because the cliff is steep and they need more time to get out of this dangerous area.

At the same time, Ergui found himself in the spiritual world, which he was very confused about.Recalling the wizard's warning, he realizes that the power of love and desire has weakened his abilities.At the moment of kissing Guier, he left his body, which made him deeply feel his weakness and powerlessness.He tried to summon Si Zuxian but failed.His eyes fell on Guier, watching her walk out of the crack side by side with Si Zuxian, her arms tightly wrapped around his neck.

Si Zuxian and Gui'er finally came to a village far away from the palace. Facing an unfamiliar environment, Si Zuxian decided to use his power to obtain some ordinary clothes to avoid attracting unnecessary attention.Guier cleverly used her wisdom to pretend to be pregnant and successfully got food for the two of them.However, Si Zuxian has not eaten for many days, which makes Guier even more worried.

In the village, Si Zuxian and Gui'er overheard people talking about the king and the prince.They all praised Si Zuxian's kindness and generosity, thinking that he would become a greater king.These words gave Guier a deeper respect and affection for Si Zuxian.

On the other hand, Si Zuxian learned that Si Zulong had been secretly funding the assassin organization Wind Knife in an attempt to influence public opinion and form a secret army to seize the throne.This news deeply shocked and angered the prince, and he decided to take action to expose Si Zulong's conspiracy.At the same time, people in the capital began to riot, chanting slogans demanding that Si Zulong be the new king.

Si Zuxian and Xia Lang gradually realized Si Zulong's ambition and conspiracy, and they decided to take action to expose his true face.Si Zulong wrote to government ministers, trying to win their support to become the new king.

Si Zuxian didn't sleep a wink for a week because he was afraid that bad luck would take away his body again.However, he let Guier fall asleep leaning on his shoulder all night.The next morning, on the occasion of parting, Guier confessed the truth about her memory to the crown prince.She was afraid of losing her friendship and trust with the prince, so she chose to hide the secret.She asked Si Zuxian to convey her gratitude and blessings to Ergui, but Si Zuxian said that Ergui might not respond to her request because he had decided not to meet with Si Zuxian again.

At the same time, Si Zuxian held an emergency meeting with ministers to discuss how to protect the safety of the country and the people.They realize the seriousness of the situation and must take decisive measures to deal with the current crisis.

When Guier said goodbye to the woman who took them in for the night, she unexpectedly met an injured young man.He wore the tablet of Si Zulong's army, revealing his identity and also revealing that he was injured while fighting government troops.This man revealed a shocking news to Gui'er: Sizulong had sent assassins to hunt down Sizuxian Crown Prince in order to seize the throne for himself.

At the same time, Si Zuxian happened to encounter a father and daughter travelers on their journey, who were heading to the capital to participate in the uprising to ensure that Si Zulong would not become king.Si Zuxian notices a distinct scar on his daughter's face, and her father explains heartbrokenly that it was made when she tried to escape the palace because she was forced to become King Si Zusheng's maid.My father also mentioned that there were many such palace maids in the capital, and they all had similar scars on their faces.When Si Zuxian arrives in the capital, he will not be able to bear to see such scars everywhere, which also means that his father Si Zuxian should be responsible for all this.

Suddenly, a group of soldiers burst into the streets and began beating innocent people mercilessly, accusing them of participating in the riot.The crown prince's heart became heavy as he heard more and more people talking on the road, thinking that he would not be a good king and would even be as bad as his father.These voices kept echoing in his head, making him feel extremely stressed and confused.

Just when the prince fell into despair, two assassins tried to take the opportunity to kill him.However, Guier arrives in time and saves him.However, more soldiers surrounded them and the situation became increasingly critical.At this moment, Xia Lang and Zai Yi appeared in time. They told Shi Zi and Gui Er that Si Zulong had arrested countless people in the name of rebels and ordered their execution.

Faced with this series of chaos and crises, the prince felt at a loss what to do.He didn't want to go to the capital to confront Si Zulong because he felt he didn't have the ability.Gui'er was extremely disappointed with him, and she suggested letting Ergui take over the body because, in her opinion, the prince was too weak to cope with the current situation.Guier is determined to go to the palace to find a solution, but the prince stops her because he doesn't want her to be in danger.

In the palace, the coronation ceremony was going on nervously and orderly.Si Zulong confidently awaits the moment when he becomes king.However, at this critical moment, Si Zuxian appeared with conclusive evidence.This evidence proves that Si Zulong's mother used a long needle to kill the late king.They hope that Si Zulong can give up his ambition to seize the throne and let the past go with the wind.However, Si Zulong chose to send his mother to prison in exchange for his own political gains.

Despite facing tremendous pressure and difficulties, Crown Prince Sizu Xian still carried out the coronation ceremony firmly.He knows that this is his responsibility and obligation, and he must bravely face it even if the road ahead is full of thorns and challenges.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

King Si Zuxian has been on the throne for three days.Every time he put on the court robes, he seemed to catch a glimpse of his father's phantom, and doubts echoed in his ears - whether he was really fit to rule this land.At today's court meeting, he proposed a new policy: increasing taxes on officials and nobles to improve the lives of poor people.However, this proposal was not approved by the ministers, but instead aroused their dissatisfaction.Under the dual pressure of phantoms and voices, Si Zuxian's emotions began to lose control.

Episode 7

After the court meeting, Si Zulong met secretly with a group of ministers loyal to him.They planned a conspiracy to unseat the king from his throne.At the same time, Chen Wuda, the senior chief minister, was trying to persuade Si Zuxian to give up the idea of ​​raising taxes.He believed that doing so would only deepen the dissatisfaction of the ministers and be detrimental to the king's rule.

When night fell, Si Zuxian left the heavy palace and came to a remote corner, just to secretly observe Gui'er, the palace maid who had refused to become his filial concubine.In his memory, Guier once firmly stated that she would rather serve as a palace maid and contribute her own strength to the country's rejuvenation.

In another corner of the palace, life is not easy for the ladies.Guier, as one of them, is often bullied, but she always endures it silently.At the same time, Jinhua, as an assistant to the royal family, received disturbing news: Guier's mother was still suffering in prison.In order to save her mother, Gui'er had to intercede with the nobleman King Qian, hoping that he could improve her mother's treatment.

Chi Quanshu returned to the palace with important information about Ergui.It turned out that Si Zuxian had released Ergui from Fengyan Temple, causing the seal to become ineffective.In order to find a way to deal with Ergui, Zhongtai consulted the shamanistic classics and found a piece of paper with a message left by Ergui to his other self.Chuta (male personality) was furious and accused Chuta (female personality) of being obsessed with evil in the past.

Jinhua brought Guier news from outside the palace, telling her that Si Zuxian did not help the people as rumored, but instead created many rumors.At the same time, the geishas released by Si Zuxian when he ascended the throne did not return home.As night falls, Gui'er is assigned to the night shift and is responsible for sewing.

On the other side of the palace, Si Zuxian could not sleep because he was afraid that Ergui would take over.He asked Chi Quanshu to pretend to be himself and deceive those who might be detrimental to him.He quietly slipped out of the room and came to Guier's room.The two spent the night together, sewing and chatting.Si Zuxian joked that if Ergui really took over his body, Guier might be happy.He called out her real name - Yanyue.Guier responded with a smile and said she liked hearing him call her name.All this was secretly observed by Jinhua.

In the following court meeting, the ministers proposed a seemingly generous plan: provide more food to the poor, but the food would be repaid in the form of labor in the coming year.Si Zuxian questioned this, asking what to do with those who could not pay for their labor.Ministers have blithely proposed a shift to low-interest loans in an attempt to drag struggling people further into debt.Si Zuxian saw through this insidious plan at a glance, and he was angry at this practice of taking advantage of vulnerable groups for personal gain.

After the court meeting, Chen Wuda bluntly questioned Si Zuxian, accusing him of not following his advice and being an enemy of the officials.He warned that if Si Zuxian did not change his strategy, his fate might be as tragic as that of the late King of Goryeo.

At the same time, Si Zulong planned a hunting event, and he hinted to Si Zuxian that his father once loved hunting and personally coordinated every event.Si Zuxian decided to participate in the hunt to show his courage and determination.Before setting off, he sternly warned Si Zulong to remain polite and not to overstep his authority or do anything beyond his status.

When a group of people arrived at the hunting location, a majestic black deer suddenly appeared on the mountain.Si Zuxian did not shoot blindly to show his bravery, he stopped Si Zulong's impulsive behavior.

Everyone present was disappointed with Si Zuxian's kindness. They were looking forward to a passionate hunt.However, Si Zuxian remembered Gui'er's words.She had advised him to do what made him feel at peace, to do what he saw fit as it was the only way to bring peace to his people and the kingdom.Therefore, Si Zuxian made an unexpected decision: he announced that sport hunting would be banned around the palace.

When Si Zuxian returned to the palace, the Neng Naiguan told him that the queen invited him to spend an auspicious night in her palace.However, Si Zuxian refused the invitation without hesitation and went to the tailor shop instead.After Guier heard about Si Zuxian's decision, she went to find him that night.She sensed that it was not Si Zuxian himself in the room, but she knew where to find him.

At this moment, the wizard Zhongtai quietly cast a spell on Si Zuxian, causing Ergui to temporarily take over his body.Gui'er expresses her feelings to Ergui, whom she thinks is Si Zuxian, but she tells him that he should return to the queen or she will be kicked out of the palace and no longer be able to be by his side.Ergui was angry at Gui'er's feelings for Si Zuxian, and he hastily decided to spend the night with the queen.

Knowing that the king was coming to her palace, Jinhua urgently ordered her assistant to take Guier to her palace to prepare for the king's arrival.Ergui was surprised to find that Guier was also in the queen's palace, but this did not stop him from carrying out his plan.

Afterwards, Ergui and Jinhua conspired in the queen's palace, while Guier and others waited outside the door.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Ergui stayed in Jinhua's boudoir, while Gui'er and Jinhua's maid Lisa were waiting outside.Lisa tried to arouse Gui'er's jealousy, but Gui'er's mind had already drifted to the past night, when she spent the whole night sewing clothes for Si Zuxian, and the warmth in the memory made her smile.

Episode 8

Although accompanied by misfortune, Jin Hua could not sleep.So Ergui decided to let her indulge in the fragrance of wine until she fell asleep.He took the opportunity to search in the Golden Flower Room, and then left with Guier.

Ergui admitted that he had not spent the night with Jinhua, but Guier suggested that he should not do so.Ergui was confused by this. He didn't understand how Guier could tolerate the one she loved hugging others.Guier told the truth. She knew that Ergui was not Si Zuxian, so she would not be angry because she slept with the queen.

Guier confessed to Ergui that she had never had any love for him, and her heart only belonged to Si Zuxian.Ergui begs Gui'er to belong to him only, thinking that she once had love for him, but was taken away by Si Zuxian.The heartbroken Ergui decided to spend ten days without sleep and sent Chi Quanshu to find the wizard Zhongtai.

Gui Er learned from the palace guards that the women ordered to be released by Si Zuxian were sent out of the palace late at night.She then asked Hong Jun to deliver the news to Zai Yi, and the two discovered that women kept disappearing from the village.

Gui Er originally wanted to discuss the matter with Si Zuxian, but unexpectedly encountered a misfortune that kept her awake for days.Guier began to feel frustrated, and she begged Ergui to help His Majesty resolve the matter, but Ergui still refused to be king and sought a way to seal Si Zuxian.Zhongtai (female personality) mentioned that Ergui was waiting for the full moon, and then under Si Zulong's temptation, Zhongtai revealed information about Si Zuxian.

The ministers knelt outside the palace to protest Si Zuxian's tax decree and tried to manipulate the king.However, Ergui remained unmoved.After having the ministers kneel down in the rain to compete, Gui'er successfully convinces Ergui that he should find a more sensible solution.

Ergui was furious. He felt that everything he did was wrong. What made him even more angry was Guier's ruthlessness towards him.He didn't understand why Guier could endure the humiliation in the palace just to get close to Si Zuxian.When Ergui suggested escaping from the palace, Guier became angry.

Concubine Zheng once asked Gui'er to give her a massage. In order to humiliate Gui'er, Jinhua deliberately kept her on call at any time.However, Gui'er agreed to meet Concubine Zheng for another reason. She suspected that Si Zulong was not of royal blood.She cleverly deduced this by observing Si Zulong's resemblance to his uncle.Under Concubine Zheng's strict request, Guier promised not to disclose the matter to others.

Gui'er happened to meet Si Zulong outside Si Zulong's mother's pavilion, and he ordered Gui'er to leave the palace.Guier refused and admitted that she was not afraid of him, and at the same time saw through his bad motives and attempts to harm her.Si Zulong reluctantly revealed that he had no choice but to get rid of Gui'er.

That night, Guier sent Zai Yi and Xia Lang to investigate the missing women.Later, she encountered Si Zulong's men and almost died.Si Zulong drugged Guier and took her to the mourning hall to commit suicide. Fortunately, Ergui rescued her in time.

After Gui'er wakes up, Ergui asks her to leave the palace because he can't bear to see her falling in love with Si Zuxian.He promised to join forces with Si Zuxian to govern the country, threatening that if Gui'er decided to stay, he would destroy all Si Zuxian's plans.Guier chose to leave after making a painful decision, but Ergui felt guilty because he could not let her meet Si Zuxian.He decided to let Guier meet Si Zuxian before leaving, although it was extremely painful for him.

Finally, Guier accidentally discovered that Si Zuxian had returned.As she prepared to leave, the two kissed outside the room.The heartbroken Ergui bid her farewell with tears and wished her happiness in the future.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Si Zuxian and Gui'er share a passionate kiss, and Gui'er reveals her intention to leave to Si Zuxian.On the way to say goodbye, Guier met Queen Jinhua. She sincerely asked the queen to take care of Si Zuxian.However, the queen made an excessive request-Guier was never allowed to return to the palace.

Episode 9

Si Zuxian learned about the missing women in the villa from Yanyue's letter, and he insisted on investigating the matter.The internal officials communicated with the new maids in the palace. These women knew nothing about the changes that had occurred in the palace.They were grateful for the protection in the palace, but they knew nothing about what happened to other women.

Ergui appeared in front of Si Zuxian and revealed to him the existence of dual personality.The plan to assassinate Yanyue was also mentioned, and Si Zuxian expressed his gratitude to Ergui for saving his life.Si Zuxian proposed sharing the body, but Ergui was eager to rest and was unwilling to reveal his true identity easily.However, the story of the full moon mentioned by Guier kept echoing in his heart.

At a gathering of ministers, Si Zuxian succeeded in persuading them to adopt his tax increase plan.Yanyue gradually realized that he was being followed by Si Zuxian's people, and he decided to use this opportunity to understand every move in the palace through them.He broke into the residence of the former royal family, the Yan family, and learned the truth about Si Zuxian's murder of the Yan family ten years ago.

Yanshi is confused by Yanyue's refusal to betray Si Zuxian. He does not understand why Yanyue is willing to serve the son of an enemy who killed his family.Yanyue revealed that it was Si Zuxian's protection that allowed him to escape from the massacre. This memory was an incurable pain for both of them.Yanshi was determined not to leave, but Yanyue later chose to be loyal to her, and the two decided to fight against Si Zuxian together.

However, all this seems to be in Si Zuxian's plan.He learned about the conflict between Yanyue and the Yan clan, as well as Yanyue's severing of relations with the Wind Knife organization.Si Zuxian ordered his men to continue tracking Yan Yue and at the same time find out the situation of the ship bound for Jeju.It turns out that the kidnapped palace maids and women were sent to Jeju, passing through a port in enemy territory.When they were about to part ways, Yanshi revealed the secret to Yanyue and wrote a letter to Si Zuxian.Because Jeju was located in enemy territory, Si Zuxian was unable to mobilize the royal army, but he decided to discuss countermeasures with the Minister of Defense.

Si Zuxian threatened the safety of his family and forced the Minister of Defense to swear allegiance.They devised a plan to send palace guards to Jeju to rescue the trapped women.However, the cabinet ministers tried to take advantage of Si Zuxian's weakness for blackmail, but were met with a strong counterattack by Si Zuxian.

Si Zulong made a harsh request to Gui'er - let Si Zuxian disappear forever and be replaced by Ergui.Gui'er refused to carry out the order immediately, so Si Zulong used Gui'er's opponent, the shaman's charm, to suppress her power.At the same time, Si Zuxian voluntarily fell into a deep sleep and forcibly released Ergui, but Ergui felt deep sympathy for Si Zuxian's experience, so he refused the summons and fell into sleep again.When Si Zuxian woke up and found that he was still his original self, he was confused by Ergui's motives.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

The wizard Zhongtai returned to the kingdom with Si Zuxian and Yan Yue. Nonaiguan lost his life in the sea of ​​​​fire. Si Zuxian shed tears of happiness because Yan Yue was still alive. At the same time, he blamed himself for not being able to rescue all the trapped women.Yanyue confessed that he was a fool, and the pain in his heart made him roar at the sea.

Episode 10

Si Zuxian and Yan Yue returned to the warehouse and informed Yan Yue of his rescue operation.Yanyue asked him about his plan to deal with Si Zulong, and Si Zuxian admitted that although he wanted to punish him, he would patiently wait for the opportunity.

On the occasion of separation, Si Zuxian asked her to take care of herself.Yanyue responded equally affectionately, saying that she would wait for him at Wind Knife, ready to answer his call at any time.Ergui felt desperate because of the king's incomprehensible charm.

Si Zuxian passed through the village on his way back and witnessed the suffering of the people, and vowed not to let innocent people suffer again.When he saw the crowd gathering in front of the bulletin board, he felt an unusual commotion and ordered Chi Quanshu to go check it out.

The content of the announcement shocked everyone, claiming that King Si Zuxian was possessed by an evil spirit and would bring bad luck.Meanwhile, a group of soldiers search the dungeon but fail to find him, causing the leader to become furious.

Si Zulong punished his men for neglecting Si Zuxian's actions.Si Zuxian rushed to the execution ground, released the innocent prisoners, and accused Si Zulong of selling women.However, Sizulong quickly countered by suggesting that the late king was involved, fueling rumors of evil spirits.Si Zuxian acted decisively and dismissed Si Zulong from all positions.

Chen Wuda appeared in time and saved Si Zulong's biological father who was in trouble due to poverty.Chen Wuda not only provided him with food and money, but also revealed that he was entrusted by Si Zulong.Si Zulong's father revealed a secret without knowing it - he was Si Zulong's biological father.

In addition, Si Zuxian acted quickly to inform all ministers that Prince Si Zulong had resigned from all government positions.And gave ministers associated with Si Zulong a chance. If they were willing to cooperate with him and publicly distance themselves from Prince Si Zulong, they would receive lighter punishments on treason convictions.

The ministers bowed to Si Zuxian one after another and expressed their gratitude for his consideration.The decisiveness and confidence shown by Si Zulong in handling women's rescue and aftermath matters made Prince Si Zulong begin to doubt who was the real Si Zulong and who was the so-called evil spirit.In order to solve the mystery, he immediately asked the wizard Chuta about his confusion and ordered him to summon the evil spirit.

In the next scene, Si Zuxian personally goes to Prince Si Zulong's secret hideout.He uses his unique ability to sense the direction of the wind and orders his soldiers to knock down a wall.When they entered it, they found an empty hall that seemed to hide more secrets.

Today is the night of the full moon, and the wizard Zhongta appears to summon Ergui, hoping that he will appear so that they can seal the kingdom Sizuxian forever.But Ergui didn't want to show up, especially when he saw Si Zuxian and Yan Yue expressing their love for each other and kissing under the full moon.Despite this, the wizard Zhongtai, Prince Si Zulong and his dead soldier Qi Chu were still prepared in the mourning hall, believing that Ergui would appear.When night falls, Ergui's figure finally appears.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Si Zuxian was determined to clear his name of evil spirits on the execution ground.He angrily showed his red blood and ordered Si Zulong to be captured, and the situation fell into chaos.Sizulong fell into confusion, and the wizard Zhongtai was also taken away by the guards.The situation turned around, Yan Yue and the assassin organization Feng Dao arrived in time and subdued Si Zulong's men.The ministers knelt down to Si Zuxian and asked him to punish them for failing to protect the king.Si Zuxian decisively ordered that anyone who questions his identity will be severely punished.

Episode 11

Yanyue was confused by the behavior of the wizard Zhongtai, and she asked about his motives, but the wizard Zhongtai remained silent and disappeared into the night.At this time, the palace maid Hong Jun walked out of the dungeon with difficulty. She pulled out the arrow on her body and thanked Yan Yue for her willingness to treat her.In the memory, Yanyue learned about Hong Jun's grievance. She was threatened by Si Zulong and had to give in. Yanyue helped her escape, but was arrested during the escape.

In fact, Ergui stood up resolutely after confirming that Guier was in danger.In the interrogation field, that person was not Si Zulong.However, Ergui succeeded in turning the situation around, and in the name of Si Zuxian, he asked the chamberlain Ling and Chi Quanshu to pay close attention to Si Zulong, the Prime Minister, and the queen.Although Si Zuxian was left at the meeting place with Ergui, he received an explanation from Ergui. It turned out that the wizard Zhongtai wanted to force Ergui to show up, so he used tranquilizer darts to make Si Zuxian physically weak.

Since Sizuxian is unable to speak, Ergui tells him that they can communicate through the mind.The first thing Si Zuxian thought of was Yanyue.Ergui assured him that Gui'er was safe and sound, and that the woman who was shot was Hong Jun.Ergui moved Si Zuxian to the bed so that he did not have to sleep on the floor, and began to talk about the effect of tranquilizing darts.However, a chamberlain announces the presence of the queen and her father, forcing Ergui to take action.

On the other hand, Wu Da and Jin Hua plan to verify whether Ergui has taken control of the body and consider how to use this situation to their own benefit.Wu Da asked Jinhua to sleep with Ergui because he thought Ergui was easy to control.

At the same time, Yanyue asked the chamberlain to arrange for her to talk to Ergui.She learns that Si Zuxian is immobile due to the tranquilizer darts, and asks Ergui to let Si Zuxian know that she is safe and will do her best to help him recover.Suddenly, they received news that Si Zulong was unwell.

After examination, Guier judged that he was suffering from contagious influenza, which was bound to spread throughout the country.Guier ordered Ergui to control the epidemic, and he went all out, summoning all doctors and sending them to treat the sick, especially the poor.While Ergui works to unite the kingdom, Chief Minister Wu Da privately blames Ergui for the spread of the disease and wonders if he will curse the country.However, the Wind Knife assisted in bringing patients from various villages to the treatment camps.

Even during the lockdown, Sizulong continued to cause chaos in the kingdom.As the plague broke out, rumors about Si Zuxian evolved into suggestions that the cursed king would bring plague to the country.In prison, Si Zulong's men began calling him king, convinced that he would seize the throne.

Meanwhile, outsiders continued to doubt Si Zuxian and accused him of causing the plague.The ministers were no exception at the assembly, and the envoys from Zhenxing Kingdom demanded the release of Si Zulong and wanted to see Si Zulong, but this did not improve the situation.On a positive note, Yanyue found medical books from her grandmother documenting similar plagues that occurred in the past.She found the herbs mentioned in the book, gave them to the doctor, and then went to the palace to treat Si Zulong.Fortunately, he regained consciousness and began to improve.

Meanwhile, Concubine Zheng pleads with Queen Jinhua to release Si Zulong.However, Jinhua knew that Si Zulong was not Si Zusheng's son, so he ordered Concubine Zheng to be demoted to a palace maid and detained in her residence.Jinhua generously offered to spare Concubine Zheng's life and warned her not to interfere again.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Si Zuxian was forced to return to his true form. He lay motionless and silent on the bed.At the same time, Chi Quanshu followed Ergui's instructions and rode horseback to find Si Zulong.Foreseeing Chuta's betrayal, Ergui devised a backup plan with the intention of exposing Chuta's illegal dealings to the shaman.

Episode 12

When Jinhua visited the palace, the chamberlain tried to prevent her from approaching Si Zuxian, but Jinhua had noticed that Si Zuxian had returned to his true form.Driven by her father's wishes, she longs to be close to Ergui in order to seduce him into spending the night with her, possibly conceiving a child of royal blood.Jinhua kicked the chambermaid out of the room and insisted on staying to take care of Si Zuxian.

While Si Zuxian was sleeping, he was summoned to the mental space and found that Ergui was still lying on the ground with a knife wound that had not healed.Unexpectedly, Si Zuxian begged Ergui to stay with him and stay awake.Jinhua was disappointed when Si Zuxian woke up next to Ergui the next morning.Her father hurriedly arrived, and the two decided to hide Si Zuxian's plight from the ministers.However, ministers began to suspect that something was amiss, and forces loyal to Si Zulong quickly reported the situation to him after the morning court.Even behind bars, Si Zulong still managed to create chaos in the country.

Chi Quanshu met with Si Zulong, but said that he would not provide assistance unless Yanyue asked for help.At the same time, Yanyue has learned about Ergui's experience, and Chi Quanshu's appearance at the clinic exacerbated her worries.Yanyue agreed to meet with Sizulong, and soon after, Zhongtai was expelled from the Shaman Association.However, Yeon-wol drowned in the sea, and when she woke up, she found herself tied to Prince Jinheung's boat.Prince Jinheungguo offers that if Yeonwol agrees to accompany him to Jinheungguo and become his wife, he will provide the antidote Si Zuxian needs.

When Zhen Xingguo invaded the kingdom's borders, Si Zulong's manipulation and tricks finally worked, and the people were furious, blaming the cursed king Si Zuxian for their suffering.Protests broke out in the country and in prisons demanding Si Zulong's release, forcing ministers to break into the palace and demand that Si Zulong be released to govern the country while the king was unwell.Jinhua lied to the ministers, saying that Si Zuxian had agreed to release Si Zulong and make him the interim king.This change made the people, including the ministers, overjoyed.

Si Zulong's first task was to quell the public's anger. He used the medicine made from Zhongtai and Yanyue's prescription to make the people mistakenly think that he was using divine power to end the plague in the kingdom.People were eager to believe him and kowtow to Si Zulong, respecting him as the new king.On the other hand, Yeon-wol agreed to Prince Jinheung's request, but only if he first asked her to give the antidote to Si Zuxian.She left her father's dagger as a promise and planned to return to Zhenxingguo and become his wife after curing Si Zuxian.

On the way back, Yanyue met Chuta (female personality), who revealed the secret of the knife inserted in Ergui's back.It's not enough for Yanyue to just deliver the antidote to Si Zuxian, she must also pull out the knife on Ergui's back, otherwise he will still not wake up.

At the same time, Jinhua, her father, Prime Minister Chen Wuda, and Si Zulong reached a consensus and decided to get rid of Si Zuxian, but each had their own agenda.Si Zulong hopes to eliminate Si Zuxian's threat to the throne, while Jinhua intends to get rid of him so that people will believe that the child she is carrying is of royal blood.She and her father will raise the child until he is four years old, at which time they will become the crown prince and Jinhua will become the regent and rule of the kingdom.

The chamberlain ordered the soldiers guarding the king to be sent away, leaving Yan Yue and Si Zuxian alone.Yeon-wol tells her the information she learned from the female Chuta, and Sizu-hyun takes her into the mind space to pull out the blade.However, this process is not easy. Jinhua's sudden intrusion forces Yanyue to suddenly leave the mental space.Jinhua sent soldiers to hunt her down, and she almost lost her footing and fell off a cliff. Fortunately, with the help of Yang Zaiyi and Xia Lang, she escaped.

Yanyue suffered a head injury and it took three days to regain consciousness.When Yan Yue met Si Zuxian at the beach, the truth was finally revealed.Although Si Zuxian has recovered from the influence of the tranquilizer dart, he does not remember Yan Yue.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Yanyue hugged Si Zuxian tightly on the beach, but was shocked to find that he knew nothing about her.Although she initially thought it was just a joke, she then took his hand and led him to the shade, eagerly asking him what had happened and why the memory of sharing his body with Ergui was gone.

Episode 13

Yanyue began to realize that Si Zuxian had really lost all memories of her.He told her firmly that she could not be his lover because he was already married to the queen.

But Si Zuxian did not have any memory of Yanyue at all. He still remembered some subtleties, but these memories did not seem to help him regain his understanding of her.When she was next to him, his heart beat abnormally fast, and he almost couldn't help but want to kiss her, but finally stopped at the last moment.He asks Yeon-wol to stay a few more days until he can finish her new clothes.

On the way out, Yanyue happened to meet the Neng Neiguan and asked eagerly what happened after taking the antidote that day.It turned out that after Yanyue escaped from the secret room, the queen and Si Zulong decided to take Si Zuxian to a house outside the palace to let him recover there.However, the antidote could only be given to him the night after the queen left, and he fell into a deep sleep for several days before waking up with all his memories lost.

Although he can remember so many things, it's mainly because Nouchan constantly instilled in him his identity as king.However, before Neng Neiguan had a chance to reveal Si Zulong and the Queen's evil motives, Si Zulong and the Queen showed up at the house as the only people he trusted and threatened Neng Naiguan with their family members so that he would not dareTell the truth, especially everything about Yan Yue.Chi Quanshu was also imprisoned and could not get close to Si Zuxian.

Faced with all this, Yanyue decided not to tell Si Zuxian the truth because she knew that she would leave the kingdom in a few days to fulfill her promise to Si Zulong.At the same time, Si Zuxian was in the process of making clothes for Yanyue when he suddenly found a piece of clothes in the storage room with a similar idea to the clothes he was making for her now.He was even more confused when he found that the clothes in the closet matched Yanyue's size exactly.He didn't understand why his heart would pound whenever he thought of her, because he firmly believed that she couldn't be his lover because he already had Jinhua.

While wandering near Si Zuxian's residence, Yan Yue met Zhong Tai by chance. She said that she would leave the kingdom in a few days and told the story of Er Gui's disappearance.Si Zulong was very excited when he attended the court meeting the next morning because he finally got his wish and took over the world.However, Chief Minister Chen Wuda had a plot against Si Zulong and secretly kidnapped Si Zulong's father.

Jinhua came to prison to visit Chi Quanshu and told him about her pregnancy.She begged him to try to survive so that he could protect their child.Chi Quanshu therefore concluded that the child she was carrying was his.Si Zulong saw Jinhua when she left the dungeon and ordered his men to pay close attention to Chi Quanshu, whom he thought might come in handy in the future.Elsewhere, when Si Zuxian stayed up late making clothes for Yan Yue, he finally remembered, and fragments of his and Yan Yue's past flashed through his mind.

After a brief visit to his mother in the palace, Si Zulong learned a shocking news - Jinhua was pregnant.The news surprised him, and at the same time, Chuta revealed a shocking secret-Prince Zhen Xingguo was another shaman pretending to be a shaman, and he realized that he had been played by this so-called prince.

Prince Jinheung, who was waiting for Yeon-wol at the border, left her a note asking her to meet as promised.However, Yanyue had no intention of fulfilling this promise.She thinks Prince Jinheung didn't keep their end of the bargain, but she still decides to go see him and end it all.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Si Zuxian summoned Ergui into his body, a decision that deeply worried Yanyue.She left the mind space without checking to see if the stab wound had healed, so she became concerned about Ursu's condition.Ergui was relieved by her concern.

Episode 14

As Ergui gradually regained consciousness and took the initiative to communicate with Si Zusheng, Si Zusheng learned of the existence of his dual personality.After in-depth conversations and persuasion, Si Zuxian finally accepted this fact and became open to the existence of evil spirits.

Ergui revealed information about Master Yang to Si Zuxian and sought their help, hoping to save Yanyue together.At the same time, he warned Si Zuxian to stay strong in front of Prince Galen and never let him notice that his memory has been lost.

Si Zuxian tried to understand the connection between himself and Ergui in the mental space, and why Ergui could penetrate his mind, but he himself could not penetrate into Ergui's heart.On the other hand, Ergui was jealous of the intimacy between Yanyue and Si Zuxian, and he was unwilling to give Yanyue up to others.

They arrived at Si Zuxian's new residence, and Neng Naiguan happily welcomed Yan Yue's return.He recognized Ergui immediately and invited them to dinner.Yanyue insists that Ergui accept her care, treat the knife wound, and have dinner with her.Ergui's heart was filled with joy when he thought about spending time with Yanyue.

In the room, the wizard Zhongtai suddenly appeared and offered to help Ergui get rid of Si Zuxian forever, make him stronger, and let him completely occupy Si Zuxian's body.Previously, the wizards Zhongtai and Si Zulong had learned of Ergui's return, and they were worried that he would help Si Zuxian recover his memory.Sizulong plans to use Ergui's obsession with Yanyue to manipulate him.

After hearing the wizard Zhongta's suggestion, Ergui fell into deep thought.The wizard Zhongtai continued to lobby, saying that as long as Ergui took advantage of Si Zuxian's trust in him and killed him with a metal knife in the mental space, he could get rid of Si Zuxian's shackles.

Meanwhile, Si Zulong's mother confirmed the queen's pregnancy.After learning the news, Si Zulong immediately went to the palace to congratulate the queen.He also sent guards to protect Jinhua and the newborn to ensure their safety.

In a hidden place, Ergui entered the mental space and gave in to Si Zuxian.He allowed Si Zuxian to come out to meet Yanyue, while he silently observed from the sidelines.Seeing their intimate appearance, Ergui felt complicated emotions in his heart.He remembered the plan proposed by the wizard Zhongtai before - to kill Si Zuxian, elope with Yanyue, and give up the throne to Si Zulong.

Yanyue and Sizuxian spent a beautiful day in the forest, looking for herbs to treat blurred vision for Ergui.In the process, Si Zuxian was moved by Yanyue's beauty and kindness and couldn't help kissing her.However, his heart is full of struggles and contradictions because he has married Queen Jinhua.

When they returned home, Jin Hua paid a surprise visit and brought shocking news to Si Zuxian - she was pregnant.This news shocked everyone, including Ergui in the mental space.Jinhua asked Yanyue to take her to the king's palace to rest, but her real purpose was to humiliate Yanyue and try to get her to leave Sizuxian's side.However, Yanyue was not intimidated by Jinhua's threat, and instead asked her whether the father of her child was Si Zuxian.

At the same time, Si Zuxian also began to doubt whether he had made Jin Hua pregnant.He asked the Nouchi officer about the possibility of this.However, Chi Quanshu alerted Neng Neiguan to the threat of Si Zulong (his family).When Si Zuxian asked again about the relationship between Neng Neiguan and Jinhua, Neng Neiguan could only remain silent and pretended not to know.

Yan Yue hesitated on the way to leave Si Zuxian's house. At the same time, Si Zuxian and Chi Quanshu were tracking Yan Yue's whereabouts.But Si Zuxian felt hesitant. He didn't know how to face Yanyue and felt that he had no right to interfere with her choice.

Ergui knew that Si Zuxian would not have a relationship with Jinhua, so he doubted the truth about the pregnancy.He recalled the words of the wizard Chuta that if Yanyue lost all feelings for Si Zuxian, he would have a chance to be with Yanyue.This thought gave Ergui a glimmer of hope.

Si Zuxian is confused about the relationship between Yanyue and Jinhua.He doesn't trust what the people around him say, so he tries to let Ursu summon him into the mind space.However, Ergui deliberately avoided him.When Si Zuxian inadvertently enters the mind space in his sleep, Ergui wakes up to meet Si Zulong.

Sizulong made a tempting offer to Ergui: as long as he helped him obtain the throne peacefully, he could kill Sizuxian and take away Yanyue.Many people doubt Si Zulong's legitimacy to the throne and view him as an evil man.In order to silence these doubters, the only way was to give up the throne to Si Zulong.

Ergui was shaken by Si Zulong's temptation. He didn't want to disappear from this world.So, he entered the mental space and lied to Si Zuxian that Yanyue loved Ergui and not Si Zuxian.He also claims that Yan Yue has been helping him recover and that he was the one who decided to take her as his concubine.Ergui asked Sizuxian to treat the queen better and leave Yanyue to him.However, Si Zuxian expressed doubts about Ergui's words because Yanyue had kissed him when collecting medicine.

Yang Zaiyi decided to pretend to cut off contact with Yanyue to test Si Zuxian's sincerity.He plans to confront Si Zuxian and help him regain his memory.On the way back to the palace, Chi Quanshu tried to stop him from telling Si Zuxian the truth about Yan Yue.However, Si Zulong's men were already ambushing them in the forest and were preparing to assassinate them.When the arrow flew, Chi Quanshu decisively kicked his horse and turned around to save Si Zuxian's life.

But Yang Zaiyi was hit by an arrow and died in Yanyue's arms.Fortunately, Si Zuxian was able to read Ergui's mind and realized that he had lied about Yanyue, and collaborated with Si Zulong and Zhongtai to murder him.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Si Zuxian saw through the true face of Ergui and embarked on the road of revenge.Because of Yang Zaiyi's death, Yanyue was deeply hurt. Si Zuxian rushed to her side to comfort her, but Yanyue believed that their fate was destined not to be together.

Episode 15

Si Zuxian took action, showing no mercy to anyone who disobeyed his orders, even those he once considered closest to him.On the way to the palace, he vowed to make those who deceived him pay the price, whether it was the queen or Si Zulong, he would not let go.

In the morning meeting, Si Zuxian calmly dismissed Si Zulong from all his posts and asked the chief minister to report to him all affairs during his absence.After the meeting, Si Zulong tried to lie to Si Zuxian, but the latter had recovered his memory and saw through his lies.

Ergui felt the changes in Si Zuxian in the consciousness space. He tried to summon Si Zuxian to the consciousness space, but failed.Si Zuxian's power now surpasses him.His subordinates did not report the news that Si Zuxian had recovered his memory. Si Zulong was furious and vented his anger on the wizard Zhongtai and his servants.

Qi Chu was angry at Si Zulong's disrespect and tried to kill him, but failed.He met Chen Wuda, the Prime Minister, who gave him a chance to be promoted, but warned him to be careful about Si Zulong.Later, Si Zuxian, Queen Jinhua and Chen Wuda confront each other and ask who the father of their child is.

Jinhua revealed Ergui's plan and tried to convince Si Zuxian that the child was his.But in the conscious space, Ergui weakly stated that he would make Jinhua pay for her betrayal.

Chen Wuda and Jinhua felt uneasy because they knew Si Zuxian would go to Ergui for confirmation.But they believe that Ergui will not tell Si Zuxian the truth because he wants to defeat him.Regardless, they must be prepared.Chen Wu Da reveals that he has set a trap and they must win the battle for the throne.

Chen Wuda noticed that Jinhua's bodyguard was missing, while elsewhere, Lisa was interrogated by Zheng Guiren about the father of Jinhua's child.Zheng Guiren tried to get Lisa to tell everything she knew, but Lisa remained silent.However, Zheng Guiren was soon killed by people sent by Jinhua.

Si Zuxian found the book left for him by Yan Yue, and found the secret map left by Yang Zaiyi in the book, guiding him to the hiding place of the assassin organization Feng Dao.He summoned Chi Quanshu, and after learning about Eunuch Neng, he asked Chi Quanshu to pretend that he was staying in the palace, while he went to the assassin organization Feng Dao.

The Assassin Order was outraged by Yang Zaiyi's death and blamed Yan Yue.Because she refused to become the new leader and help restore royal rule, the organization asked her to leave.At the same time, Si Zuxian arrived at the base, followed Yan Yue, apologized for Zai Yi's death, but lied that he had recovered his memory.Yan Yue kept her promise to Zai Yi and decided to leave.

After Si Zuxian returned to the palace, he met Hong Jun and Neng Naiguan (disguised as a palace maid).Neng's father-in-law learned that Chi Quanshu helped relocate his family and reconciled with him.That night, Si Zuxian voluntarily entered the consciousness space and fooled Ergui into thinking that he had restored his memory and knew that Ergui had not slept with the queen.Ergui is weak, so he cannot read Sizuxian's thoughts in the consciousness space.

The next day, Yanyue left the Assassin organization, recalling her brief meeting with Si Zuxian, and realized that Ergui had a conspiracy.Sure enough, Ergui found her in the forest and told her how to ensure that Si Zuxian could not get his body back.Yanyue learns that Ergui's jealousy and obsession can harm Sizuxian.

After Ergui returned to the palace, he promised to help Si Zulong get rid of Si Zuxian in exchange for the throne.Si Zulong agreed to hold the ceremony in the mourning hall.At the same time, Si Zuxian used consciousness space and time to read Ergui's memory, restore his own memory, and understand Ergui's ritual plan.

That night, Ergui arrived at the mourning hall, but was told that because he was expelled from the Shaman Association, he could not make the blade needed for the ceremony.The wizard Zhongtai suggested that he return to the consciousness space and stab Si Zuxian with a knife.Si Zuxian and Ergui were fighting in the consciousness space. Yanyue tried to enter the consciousness space to protect Si Zuxian, but failed.

《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Zhongtai sent Ergui into the mind space to find the knife and stab Si Zuxian.However, Si Zuxian became aware of his plan and a fight ensued, with Ergui stabbing Si Zuxian.Yanyue cried hysterically in the mourning hall, asking Ergui not to kill Si Zuxian, and shook him to wake him up.In the mental space, Ergui stabbed Si Zuxian and woke up in the mourning hall.When the person who woke up called her Guier, Yanyue burst into tears, thinking that Si Zuxian was dead.

Episode 16

Sizulong received news from Zhongtai that Ergui had successfully killed Sizuxian, and he began to prepare to become the king.He encounters a distraught Yeon-wol.He asked her to become a subordinate and she agreed.He met his mother Qing Mingfei at his residence and told her the good news.Concubine Qingming was happy that her son finally succeeded and ascended the throne.After changing into new clothes befitting him as king, he picked up the papers that Ergui wanted to stamp to complete the handover.

Before meeting with Ergui, Si Zulong sat down to talk to Yanyue and asked her to agree to leave with Ergui, knowing that if Yanyue refused to leave with him, Ergui might not be willing to keep the agreement.Yanyue assured Si Zulong that she would agree to leave because she planned to kill him.As Si Zulong expected, Ergui was reluctant, but agreed to sign the handover document after Si Zulong took away Yanyue.

However, before he left, Chief Minister Chen Wuda came in with Si Zulong's father and said that he had no right to be king because he was not of royal blood.However, claiming that he was not of royal blood was unconvincing, so Chen Wuda brought another witness who could prove that Si Zulong killed the late king Si Zusheng.However, Qi Chu lied to Chen Wuda that he had no plans to betray Si Zulong.Si Zulong therefore reversed the situation and arrested Chen Wuda.

Si Zulong now had the signed documents to become king.He moves quickly to use his new power and authority to imprison anyone who threatens his future.He sent his men to rush into the queen's palace, kill everyone who stood in the way, and took Jinhua to prison, accusing her of being pregnant with another man's child and trying to pass it off as Si Zuxian's.

The reversal came, and the "Ergui" did not win. This "Ergui" was pretended by Si Zuxian. He and Yanyue had a complicated plan to give Si Zulong a false sense of accomplishment, so he relaxed his vigilance and admittedown crimes.Si Zuxian believes that only if Si Zulong admits to killing Si Zusheng can they completely stop him.Therefore, Si Zuxian invited Si Zulong to have a last meal together, saying that he and Yanyue would leave at dawn.

Yanyue thanked Si Zulong for avenging her family, but this was still not enough to make Si Zulong plead guilty.Si Zuxian has more tricks up his sleeve, and he tries to anger Si Zulong further by telling him that Si Zusheng plans to kill him.Sizulong finally broke down and told the truth, telling the story of how he killed Sizusheng, and now everyone heard the truth about the old king's death.

Si Zulong didn't know that the ministers were listening to his confession.Si Zuxian summoned the ministers and issued an arrest warrant for Si Zulong.It turns out that Si Zuxian deceived everyone and the king's seal on the document was fake.Si Zulong and all his men were imprisoned, and Si Zuxian ordered them to be beheaded.

After Ergui stabbed Si Zuxian in the mental space, he did not die, but easily pulled out the dagger and the wound healed.Since Si Zuxian is human, the ritual does not affect his existence in the mind space, and he will not die unless he is killed in the real world.Si Zuxian took advantage of Ergui's distrust to hurt him and jumped out of the mental space.Therefore, the person who wakes up in the mourning hall is Si Zuxian.He deliberately pretended to let Yanyue, who didn't know the truth, mourn for him, which misled Zhongtai and Si Zulong.However, after they leave, Yeon-wol recognizes Si Jo-hyun and they come up with a perfect plan.

After killing Si Zulong, Si Zuxian called Chi Quanshu and gave him an important task.He demands that he leave immediately and that he will meet a woman in the woods.Si Zuxian ordered him to take the woman far away and take care of her for the rest of her life.Surprisingly, Chi Quanshu met Jinhua who was wearing ordinary clothes. They realized that Si Zuxian knew about them, so they left together.

Ergui is trapped in the mind space because he is not strong enough, but he still tries to get out through the wall.He denies it, saying he won't let Si Zuxian win, especially taking Guier away.Chuta appears in the mind space and tells him that he has one more option.He can force himself out of the mental space, and then after occupying Si Zuxian's body, he can drag Guier into the mental space and be with her forever.

After Yanyue was injured, Ergui got the chance and when Sizuxian's spirit weakened, he forced himself out.He brings Yeon-wol into the mind space and plans to be with her forever.However, Si Zuxian realized that the disaster was an illusion, a figment of his imagination, turning his fears into reality.Therefore, Si Zuxian believed that he could control Erkui, and he ordered Erkui to disappear, which he did.

After inciting evil for the last time, Tadashi left the kingdom, hoping to open a shop elsewhere to make money. There is no shortage of evil people in the world.

After ending Si Zulong's conspiracy, Yan Yue became the imperial doctor, while Si Zuxian continued to manage the government.On the day Si Zulong was executed, he lured Yanyue to the execution ground, saying that he knew where her mother was, and Yanyue believed that her mother was still alive because she had never seen her body.However, this statement was a lie designed to lure her to the execution ground.He hides a poisonous needle in his collar, and he wants Yeon-wol to get close to him so he can shoot the needle at her.However, the guards refused to let Yanyue get close to Si Zulong.

When Si Zuxian learned that Yan Yue rushed to the execution ground, he knew it was a trap.He rushed to the execution ground to prevent Yan Yue from approaching, but it was too late. Although Si Zulong could not let go, his mother Qing Mingfei shot a poisonous needle and scratched Yan Yue's neck.Due to the poison, Si Zulong's mother Zhe Fei died on the spot, while Yan Yue fainted.Si Zuxian took a sword from the nearest soldier and threw it at Si Zulong, piercing his chest and killing him.Yeon-wol faints as the toxicity begins to take over.

Ergui forced his way out and brought Yanyue to the mental space.However, Si Zuxian soon followed. He tried to break through the wall erected by Ergui. However, Ergui was unwilling to let her go, even if holding her would hurt him.Yanyue continued to fall into coma and wakefulness as the toxicity continued.

Realizing that Ergui would not willingly let Yan Yue go, Si Zuxian mustered up the courage to control Ergui, who was an hallucination caused by his fear, and expelled him from his mind, savingLi Yanyue.

Yanyue and Si Zuxian got married and became king and queen.Ergui's voice sounded for the last time, telling Si Zuxian to be happy with Yan Yue.Si Zuxian confessed to Yan Yue that he would love her till eternity.Therefore, Yanyue confessed to Si Zuxian that she loved him forever.Yanyue and Si Zuxian kissed on the bridge.