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《Fantasy Sonata》Episode 6 Synopsis

Episode 6

Ergui and Guier embraced each other affectionately under the water. However, as the black mist filled the air, Si Zuxian suddenly returned to his true form and pushed Guier away.When they surfaced, Gui'er immediately realized that the prince beside her was no longer her beloved Ergui, and his body temperature was extremely cold.She eagerly inquired about the whereabouts of Ergui, but Xuan, who was now in control of the prince's body, said he knew nothing about it, because Ergui had always been a mystery to him.

Guier's heart was filled with confusion and doubts. She recalled every bit of her past encounters with Ergui, those sweet names and affectionate conversations.However, Si Zuxian told her that Ergui did not want to be called a fake.When Guier's strength has not yet recovered, Si Zuxian decides to carry her on his back because the cliff is steep and they need more time to get out of this dangerous area.

At the same time, Ergui found himself in the spiritual world, which he was very confused about.Recalling the wizard's warning, he realizes that the power of love and desire has weakened his abilities.At the moment of kissing Guier, he left his body, which made him deeply feel his weakness and powerlessness.He tried to summon Si Zuxian but failed.His eyes fell on Guier, watching her walk out of the crack side by side with Si Zuxian, her arms tightly wrapped around his neck.

Si Zuxian and Gui'er finally came to a village far away from the palace. Facing an unfamiliar environment, Si Zuxian decided to use his power to obtain some ordinary clothes to avoid attracting unnecessary attention.Guier cleverly used her wisdom to pretend to be pregnant and successfully got food for the two of them.However, Si Zuxian has not eaten for many days, which makes Guier even more worried.

In the village, Si Zuxian and Gui'er overheard people talking about the king and the prince.They all praised Si Zuxian's kindness and generosity, thinking that he would become a greater king.These words gave Guier a deeper respect and affection for Si Zuxian.

On the other hand, Si Zuxian learned that Si Zulong had been secretly funding the assassin organization Wind Knife in an attempt to influence public opinion and form a secret army to seize the throne.This news deeply shocked and angered the prince, and he decided to take action to expose Si Zulong's conspiracy.At the same time, people in the capital began to riot, chanting slogans demanding that Si Zulong be the new king.

Si Zuxian and Xia Lang gradually realized Si Zulong's ambition and conspiracy, and they decided to take action to expose his true face.Si Zulong wrote to government ministers, trying to win their support to become the new king.

Si Zuxian didn't sleep a wink for a week because he was afraid that bad luck would take away his body again.However, he let Guier fall asleep leaning on his shoulder all night.The next morning, on the occasion of parting, Guier confessed the truth about her memory to the crown prince.She was afraid of losing her friendship and trust with the prince, so she chose to hide the secret.She asked Si Zuxian to convey her gratitude and blessings to Ergui, but Si Zuxian said that Ergui might not respond to her request because he had decided not to meet with Si Zuxian again.

At the same time, Si Zuxian held an emergency meeting with ministers to discuss how to protect the safety of the country and the people.They realize the seriousness of the situation and must take decisive measures to deal with the current crisis.

When Guier said goodbye to the woman who took them in for the night, she unexpectedly met an injured young man.He wore the tablet of Si Zulong's army, revealing his identity and also revealing that he was injured while fighting government troops.This man revealed a shocking news to Gui'er: Sizulong had sent assassins to hunt down Sizuxian Crown Prince in order to seize the throne for himself.

At the same time, Si Zuxian happened to encounter a father and daughter travelers on their journey, who were heading to the capital to participate in the uprising to ensure that Si Zulong would not become king.Si Zuxian notices a distinct scar on his daughter's face, and her father explains heartbrokenly that it was made when she tried to escape the palace because she was forced to become King Si Zusheng's maid.My father also mentioned that there were many such palace maids in the capital, and they all had similar scars on their faces.When Si Zuxian arrives in the capital, he will not be able to bear to see such scars everywhere, which also means that his father Si Zuxian should be responsible for all this.

Suddenly, a group of soldiers burst into the streets and began beating innocent people mercilessly, accusing them of participating in the riot.The crown prince's heart became heavy as he heard more and more people talking on the road, thinking that he would not be a good king and would even be as bad as his father.These voices kept echoing in his head, making him feel extremely stressed and confused.

Just when the prince fell into despair, two assassins tried to take the opportunity to kill him.However, Guier arrives in time and saves him.However, more soldiers surrounded them and the situation became increasingly critical.At this moment, Xia Lang and Zai Yi appeared in time. They told Shi Zi and Gui Er that Si Zulong had arrested countless people in the name of rebels and ordered their execution.

Faced with this series of chaos and crises, the prince felt at a loss what to do.He didn't want to go to the capital to confront Si Zulong because he felt he didn't have the ability.Gui'er was extremely disappointed with him, and she suggested letting Ergui take over the body because, in her opinion, the prince was too weak to cope with the current situation.Guier is determined to go to the palace to find a solution, but the prince stops her because he doesn't want her to be in danger.

In the palace, the coronation ceremony was going on nervously and orderly.Si Zulong confidently awaits the moment when he becomes king.However, at this critical moment, Si Zuxian appeared with conclusive evidence.This evidence proves that Si Zulong's mother used a long needle to kill the late king.They hope that Si Zulong can give up his ambition to seize the throne and let the past go with the wind.However, Si Zulong chose to send his mother to prison in exchange for his own political gains.

Despite facing tremendous pressure and difficulties, Crown Prince Sizu Xian still carried out the coronation ceremony firmly.He knows that this is his responsibility and obligation, and he must bravely face it even if the road ahead is full of thorns and challenges.